Hi all
I had a TIA in September, temporarily lost vision in one eye.
It has taken going private to get some answers. Twice I was put off from having an MRI with the NHS.
I had an MRI/MRA of the head and neck with contrast 10 days ago.
A letter arrived from the neurologist this morning, all vessels and arteries clear, but white matter areas indicating hardening of the arteries .
Im going to now request some heart tests as nobody else will.
The neurologist recommends optimising vascular risk ( blood pressure, cholesterol,anti platelets therapy, lipid lowering, antihypertensive therapy).
I’m taking Aspirin and Famatodine , hoping to try another statin that doesn’t cause side effects.
We really do have to advocate for our own health and question everything.
The Neurologist has offered to see me again , I will have to do that as my only “vice” , has been stress , I have to understand everything.
My blood pressure is always high from white coat syndrome, but because of the anxiety of everything it goes up at home too .
The only thing I can improve is stress management, exercise ( hellish while trying to taper) blood pressure meds.
I seem to have a problem with anything vascular related even though they’re completely different issues .