I am currently on 4mg Pred for GCA having tapered down from 60mg. Seem to be doing OK on a very slow taper. Problem is I think I have injured my neck/shoulder 2 days ago- first of all I thought I had 'cricked' my neck but yesterday the pain became unbearable & as I can't take anti inflammatories, just wondering what I can do. I'm putting heat on it & have taken paracetamol, but it makes no difference. Couldn't even get in a position to sleep last night. If I move my neck in some positions it feels like I'm hitting a nerve. Impossible to get a doctors appointment but am wondering if I just go & sit in our local 'urgent care centre ' at my local hospital until i can see someone?. Question is - do I 'up' my Pred for a few days to get any inflammation down & if I did how quickly can I reduce again? I really am in agony & don't know what to do!
What can I take for this pain?: I am currently on... - PMRGCAuk
What can I take for this pain?

Can you associate any event to this pain 2 days ago or within a couple of days of the pain starting? You used the word “injured” so I’m wondering if you have something in mind. The cause can make a difference to the advice. How did you get on with the pain you had a month ago?
Yes, I think it was when I lifted a big box - didn't feel any pain at the time but it's since then that this has started. Just wondering whether to go to a Physio actually
Yes, I think it was when I lifted a big box..
Sounds about right… message to self [me as well as you] don’t lift big boxes! Not always easy to follow if you live alone.
Strange paracetamol doesn’t help though - but as you say, you make have tweaked something, and need an alternative view on things. Is your physio fully aware of your PMR? , If so might be worth a try.
I've managed to get an appointment later on today, but I was hoping that the Pred I've taken this morning would have helped a bit with the pain - if its inflammation.-, but so far it hasn't. (1.5 hrs since I took it) Paracetamol have also had no effect, nor the bags of ice or heat on my neck/shoulder. Just wondering what i should do.
Great though Pred is, it doesn’t help as much with injury pain. Also, I have found that if I’ve really tweaked something, Paracetamol doesn’t do a great deal either. Your neck is hurting and you are a great deal of pain so urgent care might be the place to go to be honest.
Not used this Physio before so he doesn't know any of my medical history until I go & see him.I've not been diagnosed with PMR but am beginning to wonder...

Well I would go to Urgent Care - rather than up the pred since if it is an injury the pred won't help much. And Urgent Care can probably give you different pain relief you can use (is cocodamol OK?)
I've just phoned 111 & they've got me an appointment at my Docs this p.m. - it's with a Nurse Practitioner, but at least I'm seeing someone who can examine me. Not sure about Co-codamol but they'll sort me out at the Docs hopefully. Think I'll cancel the Physio for now.
Hi Janeval! I'm still nursing a hip and back injury from almost 3 weeks ago - lifted heavy table out of the way so totally self-inflicted, but's only me and dog here and workmen needed access. The pain was excruciating! Am taking paracetamol and dihydrocodeine at same time x3 daily which takes the edge off it quite well, the combination suggested by a couple of nurses.
Thank you for that - not heard of that one, but I'll see what the nurse comes up with & then I'll maybe ask about that. I'm sat here with a bag of frozen peas wrapped around my neck ( yes, in this freezing weather!), just wondering what I'm going to do with myself. Can't get comfortable atall - hope the Nurse can help!
"and workmen needed access"
And could have helped move the table!!!!!
Just back from seeing the Nurse who was actually very thorough & seemed to be very good. She's given me Co-codamol up to 4 times a day & has also advised me to talk to my Rheumy who I am due to see soon anyway I think. I'll give him a call tomorrow. I won't be lifting or dragging any more heavy boxes if I can avoid it - I promise! Sometimes very difficult though when you're on your own🙁
I suffer with neck spasms that have increased after my finishing long term steroids over 2 years ago for gca.I’ve eventually seen a physio on Nhs after a year .They’ve assessed it as muscular skeletal which is what I’ve found is one of my main issues in various parts of the body. Ribs hips feet neck !! I also get more headaches. I’m aware I need to strengthen my body and work with it.I find heatslone helps I have wheat packs for microwave. I use a mini electric heat pack for my back and hot water bottles. There are also the stick on heat packs. I then use arnica cream or gel. Voltoral rub as I can’t use ibruprophen. I also find if I do work related things like over doing it in the garden. To have a hot shower and dress really warm afterwards helps prevent muscular ache. My physio told me that he’ll give me some massage and stretching exercises to do regularly. I have already been having regular massage and reflexology by well qualified therapist ( try different ones until you find one that works for you) I’ve had a lot of stress and anxiety in the last 3 years which has made things worse. For that I’ve been seeing a Bach vlflower therapist who is helping me on an emotional level to reduce my anxiety. That has helped me cope better with loss ! Hope that helps. My rheumatologist and the support were excellent when I needed advice. I rang up and they’d check my blood for inflammatory markers and readjust my treatment accordingly.
We seem to be on a very similar pathway - i too have had so much stress and emotional turmoil the last 2 years and it continues on..... This I am sure has affected my health and how my body reacts to things i used to do normally on a day to day basis. I don't think i realised when i was diagnosed with GCA in Jan 23 how much my life would change because of the physical and mental effects of the steroids and all the ensuing problems i seem to be having. Ive always kept myself fit, eaten a healthy diet and looked after my health, but GCA doesn't take any notice of that does it?!!
However, i'm down to 4 mg - on my slow taper down to 3.5 and I am hoping that i can be off them in another 6 months or so. Unfortunately i don't think my anxiety or stress levels will reduce until all the family problems - and personal problems - i am having, are resolved.
My body seems to react differently now to injury - however small (as in this neck problem) and i find it all incredibly frustrating when i cant even do my Yoga without pain. I am learning (albeit slowly) that i have to just go with the flow now and not push myself into doing things when my body is clearly saying 'no'!! My family have no understanding atall of any of this and never ask how i am or show any interest atall. GCA is a silent disease and the symptons we go through with the steroids and its ensuing effects don't seem to be understood by so many. I'm sure they just seem to think I'm a hypochondriac! I don't moan, i just get on with things, i'm on my own but some things I just cannot do now!