Got doc appointment today as I've been getting headaches on top of head and losing my hearing in left ear I'm on prenisalone 10mg and really scared fir gsa she's referred Me to ent with a 14 month waiting list and doesn't seem bothered about headaches she had me doing all coordination things like a stroke told her I'm having constant pulsing noise all the time she said my cpr marker is down and stay at 10mg I'm worried about gsa
Pmr headaches on top of head: Got doc appointment... - PMRGCAuk
Pmr headaches on top of head

Sorry to hear this - and even though CRP may be down [but as we know even if she doesn’t seem to blood markers often lag behind symptoms], she should be concerned about any new headache. Plus the ear issues could be GCA, so you do need impress both issues do need further investigation, and now - not 14 months time.
Please do let us know how you get on..

It is difficult when a GP just won't listen. How many GPs are there to choose from? What did the ear clinic say?
All we can suggest really is that, should you have any worsening of the problems, that you go to the ED (A&E) at a largish hospital and say you asked advice at the charity support.
Hi there. I had g a and my indicator had been a left sided head ache and a change in my vision. Lateral double vision(on top of my pre-existing horizontal double vision ). I’ve since got some hearing loss.We do seem to have to wait alot but if you are under a rheumatologist do you not have an emergency number for advice from the specialist nurses? I hound our hospital dept were great and they’d check blood for changes. With the ears pulsing could that be linked to blood pressure? My sister has fibro and gets whooshing in her ears. . As a back up I see you’ve been to an ear clinic. Is it worth you just going for a free hearing test to an audiologist at Specsavers as they can pick up some things from their testing? For my top of head headaches I found wearing a hat or using a microwaveable hest pack helped. I went through a period when suffered a lot and also massaged my scalp where it hurt in little circular movements. I often had like tight lumps under the skin surface. It would often hurt a lot after doing it but then relieved it in time Also could the headaches come from tension in your neck and shoulders. I learn to do things like shrugging shoulders and some neck and shoulder exercises. Physios can help with that. Hope that helps. Headaches are very debilitating. Just had a book out of the library on migraine. I found some interesting facts that helped my sister. One being if your headache is bad the pain killer can be in the stomach but due to the nausea the painkiller can’t move on the the intestine where it gets absorbed.So like our mum who was a nurse said don’t wait for pain to get bad use it when you get twinges (like if you get bad period pains )if you know it’s getting worse act quickly. I also find being hydrated and adding minerals from effervescent tablets that I keep in can help. Sometimes we don’t eat and drink right when in pain. We often need carbohydrates to help deal with pain and fluid to wash away toxins. So our bodies sometimes need help