Does our thinned skin ever thicken? Down to 2mg P... - PMRGCAuk


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Does our thinned skin ever thicken? Down to 2mg Pred and still bruise too easily. Or are we doomed to lifetime bruising?

jarn profile image
56 Replies

Just curious about those of you who have completed the Pred and down to 0.

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jarn profile image
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56 Replies
123-go profile image

I have been off Pred for seven months. Yesterday morning I tripped and broke my fall by grabbing the door frame and whacking the underside of my forearm which didn’t half hurt! I thought I would have a lovely bruise to show off but not so 😃.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to 123-go

That is certainly good to hear and very promising. I guess I have a long way to go yet but at least something to look forward to. Do appreciate your response

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to jarn

You’re welcome. Good luck ☘️.

agingfeminist profile image

skin also thins with age! But I found the really fragile papery skin has got better (after 5 years of tapering down to 2mg) and I am much less susceptible to bruising. But I have occasionally used nivea cream on hands and arms and that has helped.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to agingfeminist

Yes indeed about the aging factor; but now know that it isn't "bruising" as such, but Purpurae!! Still ugly but at least now know what it is. Appreciate the responses.

2013mayo profile image

hi, well I’ve been on a low dose for over a year 1-2 mg per day and I still get bruises, I also get those horrible blood spots that take forever to fade and then leave a nasty brown mark, my legs are looking terrible all the time. I hope it’s not the case with you

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to 2013mayo

Ditto.....perhsps we can hope

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to 2013mayo

Nailed it! Thought it was bruising, but after PMRPro's response, it is Purpurae!! Just was dog-sitting granddogs, and while sitting on my lap, the wee paws put a "dent" into my arm! Quickly purpurae Many thanks for responding. How we learn from each other.

Janet57 profile image

I’m at 3mg after 11 years. Skin is pretty thin and still bruises easily. Doomed I think for me 😬

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Janet57

Mine does still occasionally-even after being Pred free for 8 years. Age can account for it as well dvdn for those who have never been on Pred.

PMRpro profile image

I'm still on pred but down to 7mg from nearly 20mg 2 years ago. I am also on blood thinners so when I bruised, I really got an impressive one!! My shins were permanently black and blue. However, since I got under 10mg the bruising has steadily improved, it is no longer from ankle to half way up my right shin which was always worse for some reason! My arms developed lots of petechiae/purpurae. The skin on my arms feels much less delicate now and almost no petechiae. My shins are still a bit shiny - need more moisturising stuff now a cut has just about healed!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to PMRpro

Alrighty! Saw photos of the purpurae and THAT is exactly what I have called bruising. Soooo, many thanks for explaining. Not quite sure how moisturizing is a solution?? Just know that in general, my skin is dry and prbably do not moisturize enough. Happy to know that I have purpurae! 😉

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

Anything that rehydrates the skin and improves the water barrier will improve the overall health of the skin. Pred is one medication that thins it.

Plenty of inexpensive, over-the-counter products that are quite effective. CeraVe, has been mentioned -but in UK, DoubleBase is often recommended.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to DorsetLady

Okay. Good explanation. Have checked our Double Base but using up old lotions first. Hope Labour Day was calm in UK.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jarn

That's a US holiday - labour day here in that everyone went to work! Here it just threw it down with rain all day - wouldn't have been much of a holiday! In mainland Europe the workers day is May 1st - not sure if the UK thinks of the early May holiday as a celebration of workers rights!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to PMRpro

Haha. Too right. Thank UK has had a rather gruesome rainy summer so perhaps the Autumn will simmer down. Seems to me that you're part of Italy has not been extremely hot but at least I think it has been Pleasant from what I recall. Love your sense of humor and thanks for lightening the load.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jarn

I'm in Scotland at present!! Depends what you call pleasant I suppose - we have had 32C on a regular basis where I live in the mountains for the last 2 months but down in the low valleys it has been 35C+ and tropical nights (not under 20C). I came to Scotland to escape that heat - I just don't do well with it now. I hadn't expected it to be quite so disgusting in August even in Scotland!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to PMRpro

Just to be picky, in Canada it is l a b o u r day. In usa, it is l a b o r day. 🤗😊

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

Yes but you spell it correctly like we do!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jarn

I didn't know Canada celebrated it, whichever spelling.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

We don’t have Labour Day in UK in September - our is nearest equivalent first Monday in May, ..

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to DorsetLady

Silly me! If course. May Day as Russia does? Well then. Wishing you sunshine and perhaps Indian Summer as we have. Also happy harvest.....

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jarn

More like the Indian monsoon here today!!!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to PMRpro

Perhaps that means you will have a reasonable Autumn and winter. Weather patterns changing or perhaps just being normal but it is annoying when you would love some warm summer weather.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to jarn

I'll be back in Italy for the autumn/winter!

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to jarn

A reasonable and/or a very pleasant Autumn would be extremely nice after this year's Summer.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

Could do with it.., been blooming awful the last couple of days 🤦🏻‍♀️

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to DorsetLady

🏕️💫 Keep positive thoughts...or a big umbrella!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

Not quite -

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to DorsetLady

Good Research and thank you for that site, which I have now bookmarked. History made us and still we do not know enough of it. Thank you for this. Now, I will go sit outdoors and read a bit more. Chimo!

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to jarn

Only a few miles from where I live….

Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to PMRpro

Am on 7mgs too, at the moment… and my lovely purple blotches still very much in evidence on arms, regular bruising on legs… dropped handbag strap on lower arm a few months ago and it peeled off a whole slice of skin. Lovely. It healed eventually, and is now a pale white L shape.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to Frewen1

A.d we never lose the white area, either. Immune to tanning

Bridge31 profile image
Bridge31 in reply to Frewen1

I did the same. I try to be careful then something unexpected happens. More damage. 😀🤗

Wizards profile image

Been off prednisone over 1.5 yrs. My skin is thinner. As for bruising I believe it's getting better. I've also started using CeraV cream which is meant for older skin and it's amazing. Very expensive except at Costco.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to Wizards

A few have commented on using a "cream"............please explain what a cream truly does? In my mind, it is a moisturizer, but doesn't prevent the bruising/tearing. However, will give it a try. I do use common lotions but skin still dries out. Appreciate all the input! Happy Labour Day.

Wizards profile image
Wizards in reply to jarn

Hi there, it was developed by dermatologist for older skin.

CeraVe Moisturizing Cream is formulated with a number of skin-supporting ingredients, such as our three essential ceramides, hyaluronic acid, petrolatum, and dimethicone.

I use yo lotion daily if not more. I can go days. It really hydrates. My sister-in-law is from Florida and was here for the summer and complaining of dry skin. I gave her a container and she loves it.

As I said it can be 3x the price in Walmart and drug stores. If a Costco member it's 1/2 the price for 2

Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to Wizards

My daughter in law is a Nigerian scientist and has allergic skin problems - she uses this product CeraVe

Bridge31 profile image
Bridge31 in reply to jarn

This CeraVe cream seems to be widely available in the UK. It seems to be £17 for a large tub. Boots have it at 3 for 2 and Sainsbury’s at £13 something with a Nectar card.

I will give it a try and report back.

Wizards profile image
Wizards in reply to Bridge31

In Canada at Walmart, I saw for close to $60 a tub. Costco 2 tubs for just under $30. Great for eczema but for us older gals and guys. Husband loved it for his scars after stitches were removed.

Hirwaen profile image

I’m on 3mgs and I can’t offer any hope of improvements in skin condition. I still tear at the slightest knock and my arms are constantly bruised. 😵‍💫

HeronNS profile image

Used to get red marks and once or twice torn skin on my arms and haven't for a long time. With me it was worst at low doses rather than higher so did wonder what would happen, but no pred/no red bruises. Been off pred seven months.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to HeronNS

Yep. Purpurae are the larger marks, which is what I have. Thank you for the info site

RivieraWelter profile image

I am down to 5 and still bruise easily - legs, arms, hips (anything that touches a corner or hard surface!) However, I decided to take the lemons and make some lemonade: went out and got some beautiful (thin for summer) long sleeved tops and flowy linen pants. The problem is not solved but it is covered up!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to RivieraWelter

Brilliant. Love your attitude which totaly makes sense

AtopicGuy profile image

I've been off prednisolone for a year. I've noticed a small improvement in the back of my hands, where the skin is quite papery. Even the brown iron stains have faded a bit. Avoiding UV exposure is important.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to AtopicGuy

Good to hear, keen to learn that it isn't "bruising" but PURPURAE Always something to learn on this beautiful site.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to jarn

Just read up on this and one of the *cures* is treatment with corticosteroids!

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to HeronNS

Do appreciate this wonderful site and the people that participate; many thanks and now I know it is Purpurae! No worries

AtopicGuy profile image
AtopicGuy in reply to HeronNS

Ah! Be careful! Purpura of steroid-damaged or sun-damaged skin cannot be cured with corticosteroids; they would only make them worse. However, certain forms of autoimmune vasculitis can spread to blood vessels in the skin and cause purpura (see example in the photo). Corticosteroids are used to control the autoimmune vasculitis and this suppresses the outbreaks of purpura. Ironically, patients treated for vasculitis can then suffer thinned skin and the risks that come with it.

Image of purpura in undamaged skin caused by autoimmune vasculitis.
HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to AtopicGuy

Omg, Never realized it could look like that. Yikes. Obviously I have no idea what some people have to contend with.

AtopicGuy profile image
AtopicGuy in reply to jarn

The main difference between bruises and purpurae is how close the blood leak is to the surface of the skin. My purpurae start bright red and disappear completely (they fade from the edge inwards) in a week or two without changing colour. Presumably that means the blood remains oxygenated the whole time! It is repeated leaks in the same area produces the brown stain.

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to AtopicGuy

Ahaaa! Questions answered yet again. Love it

jarn profile image
jarn in reply to AtopicGuy

Exactly. Good description.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to AtopicGuy

That explains something I always wondered about. Once or twice my skin was lifted, just a thin layer, like being peeled, and it bled.

Meriadoc profile image

Down to 2mg and most symptoms controlled. Glad its not just me with the bruising - I just have to remember to put on some extra protection when gardening!

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