my week gets better and better my cold has turned out to be COVID is there anything I should do ?
positive covid test: my week gets better and better... - PMRGCAuk
positive covid test

Hard luck! Avoid others, rest and drink plenty of fluids. If you improve over the next week, no problem, If you find yourself getting worse, maybe call 111 for advice since I doubt a GP is likely to be much help these days!

Isolate and plenty of TLC… might be worth contacting NHS 111 and ask if you are eligible for antiviral - depends what dose you are on, but as you started on high doses you might be.
That’s a blow! I had Covid recently (am on 7mg) and I operated by the maxim ‘if it’s not essential, don’t do it’. So I just took meds (including paracetamol), ate as well as possible, drank loads of water and fruit cordial….and slept. Even showering took a back seat! Thankfully I was better within a fortnight 😊
That said, I now have flu and have found it much worse in my case 🥹Same maxim though….and I isolated both times too.
Good luck and I hope you feel better soon x
Hope you recover grandson 21, now caught what his flatmate was told who gave it to him...Influenza A....he is really quite ill, but stubbornly refuses to go to GP!.....fingers crossed....
What I do know is the best thing you can do which you might not already have thought of is marathon resting. My daughter says behave like a stone. Because SARS-CoV-2 is a vascular disease it can affect any part of the body, any organ, and resting as much as possible for a number of days is important to enable good healing.
All the best. 🌼
I hadn’t realised that Covid was a vascular disease! I have to say it did worsen my PMR symptoms, which so far, the flu hasn’t….interesting!
I agree that rest is absolutely essential, or has been for me x
Public Health and politicians have made sure most people have no idea about a lot of things about Covid-19. Possibly the people in charge have made it their business not to inform themselves. Like how simple it is to avoid infection: wear a proper respirator correctly and wherever there's a chance of exposure. A habit which would be easier and more reliable if more people followed it.
Try and nourish your body with good food especially protein and rest.
Hi, sorry to hear that you're unwell. I had COVID and GP referred me to the hospital where I had a Sotrovimab infusion. Symptoms were low level but PMR flared. Kept testing positive for 3 weeks. Apparently the drug helps prevent long COVID. Is worth asking if you can get treatment. Good luck.