Torn Rotator cuff : Just discovered I have a... - PMRGCAuk


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Torn Rotator cuff

daisylazy profile image
25 Replies

Just discovered I have a chronic rotator cuff tear in my left shoulder plus both shoulders arthritic .Having physio but so hard to do the exercises with the pain .Physio suggested upping pred for a while .Guess what I'm asking is have any of you fellow sufferers encountered this problem and what was the outcome .A friend said the chances of surgery with arthritis is doubtful .This is a great problem now as I'm told rest my shoulders but can't do that as I look after my brother who needs hoisting..Any suggestions gratefully received ..

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daisylazy profile image
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25 Replies
DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

A friend said the chances of surgery with arthritis is doubtful


Not sure what dose of Pred you are on now -but I found lower doses did nothing for OA

So maybe be looking at other painkillers or topical gels for that and RC.

I have sn iffy RC (has a couple of stitches in it) so understand his difficult you must find it.

daisylazy profile image
daisylazy in reply to DorsetLady

Thanks DorsetLady on 6mg of pred at present .Going to see GP this week and maybe ask about shoulder injections and maybe referral to Ortho .So you think increasing pred would be a waste of time .

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to daisylazy

I agree with Dorset Lady that for non-PMR pain pred is likely not the best choice for painkiller. Also we must remember that pred can potentially cause some muscle weakness which probably wouldn't help this particular injury. Are you able to try ice or heat (whichever works for you, or alternating)? This might help before you do your prescribed exercises. Good luck. 🌼

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to daisylazy

I doubt it for the shoulder/RC as such… obviously if that is causing your PMR to flare then that is different.

It may be worth trying a localised injection, but to be honest I think having 3 in shoulder before GCA diagnosis because GP thought it was a frozen shoulder may have damaged my RC in the first place. As  Sallyaches suggests and you said try and get referred to orthopaedic surgeon for advice.

Sallyaches profile image

I have had a total rotator cuff tear which was so painful for the last 3 years. I had got to the stage where. I couldn’t put a coat, bra or jumper on unaided. Finally saw an orthopaedic surgeon privately who gave me the option of physio or a total shoulder replacement. I decided to try physio , he gave me a large steroid injection into the joint area which reduced the pain a lot. After 2 months of physio I am so much better. You do have to do the exercises at least twice a day to see the benefit but it is worth it. I see the physio privately and it is £50 for half an hour and worth it . I have been waiting 5 months for NHS physio. Best wishes

daisylazy profile image
daisylazy in reply to Sallyaches

Thanks Sallyaches Gaz227 Heron NS and Dorset Lady for all very helpful advice .Will ask GP for referral to ortho and go from there .


Gaz227 profile image

I’ve had surgery on both my rotor cuffs had both bicep tendons repaired and my left clavicle resurfaced , rehab was long and hard about 5 months on each but it was the best thing I’ve done all caused from arthritis . Back into my martial arts training with no pain in them . I asked myself the question years ago do I pack it all in or go under the knife , I made the right decision , now I have the same dilemma with my knees , 😩 , I will do what I have to to keep myself mobile and active . I think the result is all about working hard in rehab do exactly as the physios say .

S4ndy profile image

Hi, I've had a rotator cuff injury from looking after my late husband who needed a lot of help getting up etc. I also have arthritis in both shoulders at the Acromiun Clavicular joint.

For the ACJ arthritis I found steroid injections directly into the joint very helpful. Each time lasted about 4 to 6 months. As I no longer work or hump people and stuff about I haven't needed an injection for a long time.

I am on prednisolone 4mg for PMR. I also take paracetamol, tapentadol, Amitriptyline and occasional diclofenac for my various osteoarthritis (knees, shoulders and spine mainly). So this enables me to do everyday activities but nothing too physical.

As for the rotator cuff injury, I saw a physio and did the exercises I was given 3 times a day after taking painkillers. Gradually it improved and now only get occasional flare ups. No one suggested extra prednisolone for it though.

I think physio is the key but making sure you have adequate pain relief in board to enable you to do the exercises properly and effectively. I couldn't imagine doing the physio without pain relief when my rotator cuff first got injured.

Sounds to me like you could do with some help with your brother at least until the problem settles. Can your GP not offer you a care package to help out while you are recovering?

Hope you get well again soon.

daisylazy profile image
daisylazy in reply to S4ndy

Thank you S4ndy that is very encouraging.

AtopicGuy profile image
AtopicGuy in reply to daisylazy

I agree. The authorities must be made aware, as soon as possible, that you are no longer able to provide some types of care for your brother, due to injury/infirmity.

PMRpro profile image

I don't think I'd rely on the opinion of a friend - unless they are working in orthopaedics themselves! A main reason for a joint replacement is arthritis damage of one sort or another.

Insist on a referral to a specialist doctor/surgeon because the physio doesn't really sound that experienced in the field. More pred isn't a good idea for anything except PMR pain - it doesn't do a lot for tendons and muscles in the long term.

You do have a hoist at home I assume? You aren't physically hauling him around? Have you accessed all the care assistance you can? There is a limit to what untrained carers can manage anyway and as we age, that becomes less, I don't have dodgy shoulders and I am younger than you but I doubt I could cope with a hoist.

daisylazy profile image
daisylazy in reply to PMRpro

Thank you Pro yes I have a hoist .Luckily I didn't take the physios advice about increase in pred which from all the advice on here wouldn't have helped so like you all suggested I am going to the doctor on Thursday and will be asking for referral to Orthopaedic surgeon .

sidra1968 profile image

Is it a total tear or partial? I was just diagnosed by MRI last Friday with a partial rotator cuff tear (and arthritis) and had a cortisone injection yesterday morning - and am already 70% better, even though she said it takes 3 days for it to work (shows how everyone is different). I start physical therapy tomorrow. I had to stop working again, which is not good for our finances. I am hoping for a full recovery so I can work again.

I iced and rested it for 10 days and it really didn't get any better. As for your question, I wish I could help., but I haven't read anything during my research about not being able to repair that due to arthritis..though I suppose it's possible.

In my opinion, you need to ask for the injection. They do it (for pain relief in general) but also so you can do the exercises without the massive pain. I was getting jolts of 10/10 pain with certain movements (all different and out of the blue - the worst one was from simply flushing the toilet) ..that's what brought me to the doctor the next day. No way could I have done most exercises without this injection.

Hoping you get this sorted out soon.

daisylazy profile image
daisylazy in reply to sidra1968

Thank you sidra1968 sorry to hear of your struggles with the same problem .I am going to take on board all the advice I've got on this wonderful forum and hopefully I will have better news to share .As for you I hope you can get back to work to improve your finances .Thankfully I am retired and haven't that problem .

YummyBear profile image

I tore my rotator cuff last August and was in awful pain, plus it was totally restricting. I was referred to an NHS Physio which took 6 months on waiting list. She gave me exercises which I found too painful. By pure chance I decided to use Boots muscle rub and Vicks vapour rub. It was miraculous, in that the pain lessened day by day. It is 10 months now and although I have to be careful not to over-stretch or carry heavy bags, I have improved greatly. I haven't been back to the Physio. A friend told me it would take 2 years to fully recover. I still use the muscle rub a few days a week.

daisylazy profile image

Thanks Yummy bear I have a Boots near me so will try that .

Mfaepink1973 profile image

You really need to get carers in to help with your brother. Every time you use the hoist you are causing more damage to your rotator cuff. I work in a care home and hoisting is a two person job so you shouldn’t be doing it on your own. I’m sure if you. speak to your GP or Adult Social Care they would provide a care package.

I do sympathise as I had carers 3 times a day for my late husband but there were times when I hoisted him on my own and remember how difficult it was especially on carpet. I was fit and healthy at the time so dread to think how painful it must be for you with your injury.

WilfDog profile image

Hi Daisy lazy

I have many tears in both shoulders and severe damage in both withthe left being the worst. I have put off a replacement shoulder for over 10 years with exercise to keep the muscle strong. I was offered the op to just have the tears repaired but was told they would just ce back dure to the arthritis and damage.

I was at a stage where I couldn't use my arm so had intense hydrotherapy to build up the muscles as an alternative to surgery. It helped massively. I worked through the pain, which was really difficult but worth it. 10 years on they have both deteriorated, my left to an extent that the movement is very limited. I'm now on the list for a reversal shoulder replacement. I'm not looking forward to it due to the sling being around my neck as I have severe neck and spinal problems. I've asked for a consultation to see if there is another way to keep the shoulder stable post surgery other than using a sling around my neck.

So in answer to your question, surgery is an option depending on the deterioration. If I was you I'd ask your physio for intense hydrotherapy. It is much better doing it in the water. I'm sure it would serve you well and hold off surgery for a while. Shoulders don't last as long as hips, which I've had many of, but I don't fancy having to have two or yvree shoulders. I'm 56 now.

Let us know how you get on. I would definitely go down the physio route first.. Good luck x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to WilfDog

There are shoulder braces and supports that go over the shoulder rather than around the neck like a traditional sling.

Sorry that is in Italian - it is for illustration of what can be got. Is this the same?

Not that that second image is very accurate for positioning - the elbow should be far further forward!!!!!!

WilfDog profile image
WilfDog in reply to PMRpro

Thank you..that looks more manageable. I'll suggest this to my surgeon. Appreciate that X

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to WilfDog

You may have to buy your own, depends on what the NHS version is like! But the US one isn't too horrendous - does it ship to the UK? Only tells me it ships to Italy - but if I could get it, you should be able to as well.

WilfDog profile image

I'll speak to my surgeon and see whether they have an alternative. If not tell I'll show him this photo. If you are in the UK then I should be able to order it. Thanks

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to WilfDog

PMRpro isn’t in UK, she lives in Italy.

If you are talking about one on Amazon -I’ve just looked UK site -and there’s isn’t an issue with delivery.

WilfDog profile image
WilfDog in reply to DorsetLady

Thank you. I got mixed up who was where! Fab. I'll show this to my surgeon. Thanks both PMRpro and DorsetLady x

Tiggy70 profile image

Hi, I tripped and tore my right shoulder rotator cuff in November 2021. This was then aggravated by an over zealous masseur who managed to tear two more tendons in the shoulder. I had an MRI that revealed that the tendons were fully torn. My consultant said they would never reattach or heal by themselves. I was on 8.5 mg Prednisolone at that time (still am due to flaring). I had extensive rotator cuff surgery in September 2022 repairing three tendons and shaving my clavicle due to bone spurs. Unfortunately I got an infection 2 weeks after the surgery and had to have follow up surgery 2 months later (debridement and washout). After everything healed my shoulder was 80% back to normal but over the next 12 months the pain returned and another MRI revealed that the tendons had torn again. I don’t want to go down the operating route again (recovery is very painful) so I have in the past two months had an ultrasound guided steroid injection which has helped tremendously. It’s a difficult decision to go down the surgery route. My surgeon didn’t recommend a replacement shoulder but I’m wondering whether that would have given me a better outcome. Good luck with your decision🌸

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