Was taking 8mg pred in morning, but daytime fatigue was getting me down. Decided to split dose to see if it would help and it did. Take 5mg between 2am and 4am, then 3mg at 10.30am. But this past 7-10days I am finding sleep difficult again often not being able to get to sleep, still awake at 1am. I seem to have that wired, but tired feeling which is difficult to describe. Any thoughts or advice?
Split dose and Insomnia: Was taking 8mg pred in... - PMRGCAuk
Split dose and Insomnia

Maybe try 6mg/2mg split - corresponds with the usual advice of 1/3rds am: 1/3rd pm..
Might work, might not -but worth a try

You have taken the pred early enough that it should be out of your system by bedtime. Have you changed anything else? Did you go to bed later? I have realised that when I stay up much later than 10pm, my usual bedtime for years thanks to PMR, the later I go to bed, the harder it is to get to sleep. I know as soon as I lie down - the same wired sensation and washingmachine brain! And it lasts until 1 or 2am - infuriating!
I have been more active due to increased energy and I have missed a few days of my usual afternoon rest/meditation. Could be I have overdone it 🤷♀️. So excited about fatigue lessening forgot the pacing and balance possibly. Better night last night. Thank you.
Remember what our mothers said when we were small - past tired!!!
I've tried split doses too and often very helpful but I found that if I was too 'fixed' on the scheme I couldn't sleep well... whereas now, if I wake at a suitable time in the night and am in enough pain to stop me going to sleep again easily I do take it, otherwise I give myself permission to sleep! and make sure that doing it doesnt affect my sleep as much