I’m 85, normally active and fit for my age and a good weight. I had GCA in 2015 and started on 60mg prednisolone. The usual side effects but quite extreme - including a degree of paranoia! I weaned off preds in 2 years. Had a GCA relapse (biopsy confirmed) in 2019 but only prescribed 30mg given my history. Pred free within 2 years. I didn’t contribute much to the forum then but followed it - and I still get updates and lurk! You’re a great community.
For the last 7 weeks I’ve had all the symptoms of PMR but the relevant bloods (CRP, blood plasma) are in normal range. The Gloucester RH lab have introduced a new system whereby the GP practice nurses fill the long thin ESR tubes to save time at the lab. Unfortunately, the nurses have not been trained with them, 4 different nurses have failed to fill the tubes properly over 6 weeks and the samples have not been useable.. Not creating the vacuum apparantly.
The GP agrees that “almost certainly” l have PMR but “it may possibly be something else” and he’s ordered additional bloods as well as ESR.
I’m prepared to hang in there and not start preds yet ‘just in case’. Meanwhile my symptoms worsen and although I can cope I don’t feel at all well now. (Proximal stiffness not easing at all and crushing fatigue). Will this 2 month delay mean that I’ll need more preds to reduce the worsening symptoms or doesn’t it make any difference?
If treatment for (probably) PMR is delayed much longer, will I be at greater risk of GCA again as well? I would be so grateful for any advice..
p.s. I await the new tests next Friday..