Have had a ‘good’ run from 30 to 7mg but been feeling rotten of late. It’s like my steroids, HRT snd Levothyroxine have all suddenly stopped working and my mood has plummeted. Suspect it might be adrenal glands but now have a PMR flare to deal with. I had a dose of cold couple of months ago and some extra stress. I stayed on 7mg an extra fortnight but perhaps should have left it longer.
At week 3 of tapering down to 6mg, I had nasty pain in the shoulders, neck and head which did not respond to paracetamol. It only lasted a few days so just assumed it was a steroid withdrawl reaction. Nocturnal pain in hips, mild fever and evening sholulder inflammation returned followed by swollen feet and by week 5, it became an effort to get out of bed etc.
I’ve therefore increased my dose to 7mg for the last ten days but it’s only partly worked and the stiffness is no better, I’m going to increase to 12mg for a week or two but not tried this method before. If it works, not sure what to do thereafter - is it back to 8mg for at least a month ?