I haven’t posted on here for quite a long time, however I read the posts every day. I was diagnosed with PMR and RA in April 2023. I have just been allocated an NHS rheumatologist and have my first appointment on Wednesday. I have had a couple of appointments with a private rheumatologist who has given me a methyl predisilone injection on both ocassions, the last one he said take 2.5mg of predisilone everyday for 3 months. Well the 2.5 mg wasn’t enough so I took 5mg. The 3 months is now up the injection has worn off and the 5mg isn’t enough.
Yet another dilemma the new rheumatologist works in the same practice as my private one but I can’t see the private one on the NHS.
Do I tell the new one or just let him start afresh I had the bloods done 2 weeks ago in readiness for the appointment.
Obviously I will have to tell him I’m taking 5mg of Predisolone. I also know my results from the patients know next ESR and CRP levels are now at 5 but I still have stiffness in my legs on waking.
So sorry for the essay, I just feel so confused and I’m not myself. My mental is not as it should be and everything is a bit of a struggle these days.