Hi, I was first diagnosed with PMR on February 2022, I started on 15mg Pred but had to increase to 20mg, I have gradually reduced to 3.5mg but can’t seem to get lower than that dose without having a flare, I have terrible fatigue, I sit down and just fall asleep any time of day, my worry is that I got in a Jury Citation for April, I don’t know if I would be able to carry this out,I don’t know if having PMR would allow me to be excused, just wondering if anyone else has been in this position
Jury Citation: Hi, I was first diagnosed with PMR... - PMRGCAuk
Jury Citation

There are a few related posts.
This is what you need to look at, and you’ll probably require a note from GP/Rheumy explaining the difficulties with PMR.
So maybe try ringing number in attached and get advice -

There have been similar cases in the past who were excused. Pred affects your capacity to make judgements and the low dose combined with adrenal insufficiency secondary to longterm corticosteroids means you are unable to concentrate for long periods. That should be enough ...
The letter will have a contact number does it?
Thanks very much, I’ll try that as I really don’t think I would be up to it
Sophiestree managed to get excused from jury service fairly recently. I’m sure she’ll be happy to help you.
I got excused (in the US though). What's funny about it is that I, being a big true crime fan, would have loved to have been on a jury. I sat around all morning waiting to be called, but could no longer stand the not very comfortable seats they had out. I finally had to turn in my excuse before lunch. They didn't seem to have any problems with it.
I never even showed up. Submitted my reasons for not being a suitable juror in writing ahead of time. I guess I was supposed to show up anyway, but got a letter later confirming that I'd been excused. In earlier times would have been quite excited to be able to serve on a jury so missed my chance!
I am also a big true crime fan. And the seats are exactly why I will be worried if I am summoned. Even an hour of sitting in a different chair can really mess me up, and possibly set a flare off for me. Did you get doc's note?
I have trouble at our dinner table. If it's not my big comfy armchair, or a couch, or bed, I don't last long.
there is no way I could do jury duty when the deathly fatigue took over!!
I got called up just after I'd started pred. All I needed was a doctor's note backing up my statement that my pred dose would make me unable to perform properly, nor have the stamina to be reliably awake for the proceedings - I forget how we worded it. I was excused, and have since learned that if you're excused once for health reasons you'll never be called on again. (Nova Scotia)
I am in the UK and I can’t remember if I did an email or online form but I was excused with no problems. I described the symptoms of PMR, fatigue, inability to sit for long periods, intermittent pain etc. stating it was an autoimmune disease. I had a letter from my GP but I didn’t need it. They replied that I was permanently excused and wished me well!
I was once picked for jury duty before pmr.I sent a letter stating I would be too nervous to make a proper judgment.I didn't have to go.
Hello Tillian,
I was due to do jury service on Jan 2 this year, but I emailed them back in December to say I did not think I was well enough to sit for a long period in the court. I did not feel I would be able to concentrate on the proceedings, and as I was suffering from fatigue and not sleeping well it would not be fair on anyone. I was excused without a problem.
I don’t think they want anyone who might be a problem in any way.
I have been excused twice now , I just submitted a letter from my GP . I think I did it online using there form .
I was cited last April for the High Court in Scotland. At that time, I’d been off prednisolone for 5 months but still taking methotrexate. I had no PMR symptoms but I was still suffering from tiredness and doubted very much that I could concentrate and give due attention in a court setting for hours on end. My GP provided me with a medical excusal on request.
As Highlandtiger says, I was excused Jury service. I filled in the form explaining that I would have been more than happy to attend but due to my diagnosis and medication I would need regular rest periods and would not be able to travel via public transport. I also offered to get a letter from my GP or Consultant but didn't need that.
I filled it in online and received notification I was excused by letter.
Having worked in the legal profession and sat through many Court hearings in my youth it is my opinion that, in my current state of health, I would make a terrible Juror. Sophiestree's advice to write and explain your health limitations is definitely the way to go. I would be dozing off, mishearing things, forgetting things, fidgeting, coughing, running to the loo and losing focus. Nobody would want to be judged by a Juror like me😂
Tillian,so funny just got my citation in this morning and as IAM over 71 I can get out of going, I know how you feel about falling asleep IAM just the same.
I had the same thing happen last year and you can write/email the court and explain your circumstances with PMR…. they were ok with it and I was relieved of duty but they said if my medical circumstances change to let them know immediately….they obviously don’t know much about PMR!😁
Write back and tell them of your ailment, medication, and fear that you might fall asleep and therefore jeopardise the trial. Give them the contact details for your GP and say you are happy for them to be contacted to corroborate what you have said. That should save the hassle of getting a doctor's note in advance. It worked for me.
I received an exemption due to PMR & back issues, I am in the U.S