I have been on 5 mg for ages. I got down to 3.5 in November 2022, had a flare and have not gone below 5 mg since then - too scared!! However, I have been despondent recently as despite sticking to 5 mg, I felt like the symptoms were returning. Not just in shoulders and arms where I had first had them, but also hips and legs. I was having to drag myself out of bed in the morning and feeling pretty miserable. Yesterday, I had an injection of steroid and Ostenil in my right foot because of a worn out and very painful joint (unrelated to PMR, caused by overuse due to an earlier accident). I rested all day as instructed and will do so today too. I was waiting for the anaesthetic to wear off and expecting pain but . . . . nothing! Not only do I have no pain in my foot (the intended outcome) but the PMR symptoms are massively reduced! Hardly anything!!! Is this possible? Is it possible the steroid injected into my foot has snuck out and given the rest of my body a boost??
Am I dreaming?!: I have been on 5 mg for ages. I... - PMRGCAuk
Am I dreaming?!

It is possible yes - not the entire amount leaches out over time but some does and most of it is at the start, I was just discussing it with the Pain Clinic doctor here on Tuesday! I had an injection in my sacroiliac joint a couple of weeks ago - blessed peace from that pain, just got a different, muscular one now. It isn't unheard of for someone to have an injection like yours and end up with a PMR diagnosis as they realise that all those niggly aches and pains have gone - just like you!
It does sound as if 5mg is marginally too low and over time inflammation has built up to a level you notice. Or that foot has been feeding the PMR - that does happen too. Now it is better, maybe that component is gone and 5mg will be enough again. Time will tell.
I certainly intend to make the most of it! Amazing how much it lifts your mood being pain free. I feel like a new woman!
I’ve had 8 steroid injections in past 2-3 years. Initially they have given me a boost, seeming to help PMR, but sadly, for me, that wears off more quickly than the effect on my hip, thumbs, whatever part injected! It may be, for me, that straight after an injection I feel so good I tackle sorting out the spare room, doing the garden…overdo it completely & mess it all up!! Sorry if this sounds negative, not meant to be, & lovely to have a PMR holiday! Hope it lasts!
I'm actually still walking around quite tentatively, can't quite believe the pain in my foot has gone! I'm interested you had 8. I thought I read somewhere that you could have up to 3 but I may have mis-remembered that . . .. how long does the effect on the foot or whatever last?
Yes, 8 over 2 - 3 years, as I said. I think the normal limit is 3 - 4 per year. So that’s, perhaps, a little over, but I have 11 different medical conditions. I had 4 in one year for osteoarthritis in thumbs..those usually lasted about 4-5 months, a guided steroid injection inhospital into my hip about 5 years ago, but it only helped for 72hrs, so no repeat of that. I had one last year for trochanteric bursitis, that last about 3 months, but the injection for bursitis this year not lasted one month. When I had my foot injected for repeated plantar fasciitis it lasted a few months, &, together with very regular exercises, meant I got over that bout of it. I did have one injection into a ‘space’ to see if it would help with general inflammation as my Dr thinks I have inflammatory arthritis…& it did! Everything was glorious…fir about two months. It was the first time I’d been out if 24/7 pain in 15 years, so a glorious two months. It’s a shame they can’t just be done more, but I understand there’s a limit, & only have one done now if there’s a huge problem, as, basically, I have a lot of places I’d like injected!! A matter of putting up with some ailments and helping others…picking the priority!!
Three per YEAR and usually for a particular joint.
Ah 3 per year sounds good. I thought it was 3 in total and then I thought, what would I do then? It would just be like a little reprieve then back to square one! They mentioned that if you have too many it can adversely affect the soft tissue. They didn't use the word "dissolve" but that is how I pictured it from what they said!