Hi All,
Been a while since I posted about my PMR/Prednisolone journey so here is an update for anyone who finds it useful and a few questions.....
Quick reminder on who I am.....I'm Paul, 49, and I woke up last November with pain and stiffness in my shoulders which got progressively worse over a couple of weeks. This then spread to my hips and I also got pain in my right and then both hands in the fingers.
I saw a private Rheumatologist who diagnosed PMR and put me on 30mg of Prednisolone tapering to zero after 12 weeks.
I then, rather luckily, was given an NHS Rheumatologist appointment and the above regimen was cancelled and I was put on a slower, but still fast taper, 30-15-12.5-10mg over a 1 month period and so here I am on my 3rd week at 10mg....
The situation has been really good.....I mean I have actually been at my best at 10mg.....I struggled for a few days but for the past two weeks all my symptoms of PMR had gone bar painful shoulders performing certain activities.....I mean ALL hip pain and hand pain completely gone.....like DISAPPEARED.....it was great.
What hadn't gone were the constantly leg twitches and pulsing/small shaking of the leg when sitting with my legs crossed.....also when spreading my fingers a noticeable shake was still there. I also still feel a bit juddery on moving which is strange. I have booked to see my GP in relation to these symptoms.....I'm hoping they are med or PMR related but, whilst only an annoyance, they definitely aren't normal for me.
In addition to the above, the last couple of days.....the symptoms seem to be back 🤦
Nowhere near as bad, but they are there again....the right hip pain and pain in hands and fingers.....
So......my question today is.....is this normal? I still struggle with my diagnosis and as some will know, I am quite anxious about other potential culprits so is this possible??
I mean, my medication hasn't changed and I've been feeling good for the past two weeks. Admittedly I did a full week at work this week (teaching) which has been stressful and I have done a lot of walking and I have been waking up after only 5 hours sleep......other that that, not much has changed so why would this suddenly appear to be resurfacing again?
Any way, hope you are all well and still fighting the good fight.
Paul x