I'm struggling to walk with severe sciatica I'm down to 4 mg on my steriods . Should I up my steriods and see if this helps the pain killers I've been given gabapentin are not working. I have suffered with sciatica for a few years on and off but its been awhile since its been this bad . Really don't know what to do with myself . So grateful for any advice
Help severe Sciatica 😢: I'm struggling to walk... - PMRGCAuk
Help severe Sciatica 😢

I can quite imagine your desperation! Do you know for certain where the sciatic pain is coming from? Is it definitely from the spine or could it be from the piriformis muscle in the buttock that can pinch the sciatic nerve?

You can try but it often doesn't help much on its own - but insist on some physio if gabapentin isn't working. Sometimes the PMR results in tight back muscles if the pred is a bit low and that pinches the sciatic nerve. Has the GP expressed any opinion as to what is causing the sciatica? Any investigations?
Yes I've had scans and they have said the bottom of my spine is squeezing together with little fluid going around has suggested injection which my help but said it was complicated as there was very little space between discs?
I was hoping the pain killers would save me going onto further risky treatment
Gabapentin doesn't work for everyone - worth discussing it with the doctor if you could try pregabalin
Hi I’ve just experienced the worst bout of sciatica I’ve ever had. I was fortunate that I could walk but I literally couldn’t sit down and lack of sleep was awful. The GP gave me pregabalin that at least helped me sleep , but did nothing for the pain if I tried to sit. In desperation I booked a session with the osteopath who worked miracles with her technique and also acupuncture,After one session the improvement was remarkable and another session seemed to settle it to a level I can cope with, I’ve got some discomfort in my leg and stiffness but I could have that anyway at this time of year. I realise it doesn’t work for everyone but I certainly think it’s worth a try
I have found that painkillers just don’t seem to work on sciatica. People seem to say that some exercises can help, but the ones I was told about meant you had to become a contortionist and I was not up to it. I did find that a TENS machine helped a little. If you do find something let me know!
Same symptoms but mostly in the buttock. I find the only thing that helps is heat- I've spent most of the day sitting on my heated shawl and can now walk around the house.
I sympathise with you. I too have sciatica. The only thing I find that helps is exercises and walking on it, so by about lunchtime is is a lot better.
I am having a similar problem. I get this off and on also, but this time it’s bad. The only relief for me is heat and Ibuprofen. I know you’re not supposed to take ibuprofen when you’re on prednisone but since my prednisone is at 3.5 mg I feel like the risk of side effects is hopefully lower. I am going to try acupuncture and medical massage with CBD oil in the next two weeks. My mattress is really old so I am replacing that because it is not supporting my hips very well. Other things I will probably have a go at; swimming and a chiropractor adjustment. If nothing works then it’s a waiting game because it will eventually heal but I just hate not being able to walk as much as I want to 😞.
Awful isn't it I can manage about 5 steps at the moment started using a tens machine yesterday which is different it just feels like your swopping one sensation for another 🙄 but will keep with it also just ordered a support lower back belt as I can't stand straight. A trip to the doctors will mean a wheelchair. I miss my walking so much but very grateful when I can do some
was using a tens machine a few weeks ago for it but the machine broke. I’m not really sure it was helpful.
Yes it all feels quite desperate
Before PMR, I had sciatica several times and the last time so bad I couldn't walk. What saved me were epidurals in (actually near) my spine. The last ones I had were maybe five or six years ago and I haven't had it since.
I had sciatica in October last year and it nearly drove me nuts. I hadnt got any painkillers that worked, In the end I saw an acupuncturist for it and by the third treatment it had gone. I do however have back related pain issues that I have had an MRI for and await the results.
I always find that the heated patches you stick on your bum help a lot. You can get ones that you stick on underwear & some can be stuck directly on your skin. You can often get them cheap in Poundland etc!
Such bad pain - do you walk and do some basic Pilates? Also I find ice pack on base of spine helps.
Yes I do enjoy walking but that has been greatly reduced with PMR looking at YouTube for suggested gentle exercise. But at the moment with sciatica I can only get from one room to another on crutches
Some Pilates exercises here - if you scroll down there are floor ones - but that's always assuming to can get down and up again -😲
My husband got cortizone injections in the joint...helped for quite a while...ended up that the Docs even with MRI falsely diagnosed Sciatica..when infact it came frim the knees..now after 2 knee replacements with excellent results he is pain free...worth checking again with orthopedic specialist again
Mine got far worse on Saturday, when the temperatures plummeted here! I find heat helps a bit…heat pads, dress in layers, electric blanket. But I’m on Tramadol & pain patches, & they aren’t touching the pain this weekend. Very sad, as the new pain patches have stopped other pains. I tried gabapentin but side effects too bad to tolerate it. Walking is better, though, than standing still. Sitting in some ways helps, but then, on getting up, the pain is lousy. I’ve had it, on & off, for 3 years. Always worse in the cold, but it’s been mild weather & I thought the new pain patches were working! My doctor has made a great attempt to help me with all my problems, including bursitis, but hesitates when I mention the sciatica & says it’s more complicated to treat (he’d given me a steroid injection for the bursitis on the other side!) I have a hospital appointment tomorrow for plantar fasciitis, too!! Ah, soaking in bath, that helps me actually get mobile-ish. The exercises, gentle stretching do help if I really do them religiously & don’t miss a ‘session’. I use crutches to walk. Around the house I just do a bit, stop a lot, do a bit etc. I’m going to research heat patches you can stick on your bum! I can’t take ibuprofen due to stomach issues, but I think they help some people! Sorry, I’m not just joining in the moaning, I want you to know you’re not alone, & when this strikes, it’s *********! Oh, just re read your post. I actually upped my steroids for adrenal problems at same time as had a bad bout. It didn’t help the sciatica one little bit, sorry to say. I have a tripod seat, too, for walks. If you find anything, please let me know! I haven’t tried acupuncture, yet!
I also suffer from sciatica I am now down to 2mgs. I have been prescribed Amytriptiline 10-20mg every night - its proven to be a very effective treatment for sciatica. also maybe a trip regularly to the chiropractor or osteopath should help treat it.
I'm fortunate to have only mild sciatic issues. A physiotherapist started me on a gentle stretching routine about a year ago that have made an amazing difference, including issue with lumbar compression, which also troubles me from time to time.,
This is a sight I go to often for a lot of issues. You may find the information helpful.
A chiropractor will help with that.
I had sciatica for many years and nothing helped until I had surgery. Since then I can control it with trips to chiropractor, maybe once every two years or so. Good luck. There's nothing worse than sciatic pain! I don't suffer from it at all now at age 74. Then of course, everything else has gone haywire.🤨
Had a call from doc today first thing was said was what's your weight? I told her I'm a stone overweight. " what you doing about it? "I'm trying but it's not on my mind at the moment. Pain is all on my mind .
I see my own doc on Thursday will see what he's says . My life is always on hold when this happens everything stops
I feel for you Rachelbell, and have just read back through your post because what started as lower back pain has now turned into sciatica in my right buttock and all the way down my leg. It’s crippling isn’t it, I am only out of pain lying down.
I’m interested to read that increasing pred or taking other pain relief doesn’t help. Heated bags and hot water bottle are comforting, as is a hot bath, but being immobilised like this is not in my nature. I’m seven years into this PMR journey and not enjoying these occasional curved balls. Hope you are getting somewhere with your pain, xx
Thank you I think I'm now turning a corner it's hard as it's easier just to collapse in a chair or bed but i have walked a few steps and done some sciatica exercises. Was told by doc yesterday can take up to 8 weeks to ease !!! Basically it's doing the exercises even little stretches and pain killers plus heat (hot water bottle) the exercises I found was on YouTube a couple showing 20 mins of sciatica exercises very good much the same as what my chiropractor did. I feel your pain !!
Good luck