I have large vessel vasculitis and have been treated with a combination of Methotrexate and Prednisone. The consultant is considering switching Methotrexate to Mycophenolate. Does anyone have any experience of this drug?
Many thanks
I have large vessel vasculitis and have been treated with a combination of Methotrexate and Prednisone. The consultant is considering switching Methotrexate to Mycophenolate. Does anyone have any experience of this drug?
Many thanks
Not sure there are many on this forum who are prescribed it … have you asked on the Vasculitis one ?
Can I ask why the change?
It isn't routinely used in PMR so I doubt there are many on the forum. Why the change?
What country are you in? I assume the USA?
I also have LVV and am 3 years down the line . I've had just about every drug available, but they've either not worked or I've had side effects. I've been on mycophenolate for just over a year now, and had to stop it for a little while when I had deranged liver enzymes ( not due to the Mycophenolate but to gallstones as it turns out) . I'm still taking prednisolone though, currently can't seem to get lower than 5mgms.
Why the change from Methotrexate?
Try Googling "Mycophenolate GCA." I found tons of info.