My husband tested positive for Covid Christmas Day evening after feeling ill for a couple of days. I tested negative and felt ok. We avoided each other and masked up. Today, after a couple of disturbed nights and drained days I’ve tested positive. I am on 4mg pred. Do I need to contact the doctor re anti virals or am I on too low a dose of pred to qualify? So p***** off. There goes our long awaited NYE celebration with friends. 2024 has to be better….surely?
Christmas Covid present…: My husband tested... - PMRGCAuk
Christmas Covid present…

Grrr... and yes as you are in single figures doubt you'll get antivirals... but always worth asking..if you have the patience to wait in the queue.
I suspected that but I’m in the 111 queue. It’s very busy. I can access online if I want…Thanks for a quick response DL

You have 4 days to test negative ... My daughter managed it and would probably have tested -ve sooner but didn't try,
I am feeling pretty rubbish at the moment. It’s worsened as the day has gone on, bunged up, slight cough, cold-like but also very weak. Managed to rustle up a meal but that’ll be it for today. Early night again and hopefully better sleep. Husband is better than he was on Christmas Day but still coughing.
What do you mean about 4days to test negative? I have tested poitive now for thirteen days. I've had all the jabs too.
I've had all the jabs too.
Having any vaccine doesn’t stop you getting the virus - just means you aren’t as likely to suffer as severely from it…
She had 4 days to recover before New Year - and that is a very usual recovery time to test negative and be able to go out again for most people so she could hope. Someone with a poor immune system might test longer but it is accepted that it is unlikely you are infectious. But since most people don't test now - a lot of people who are still postive are out and about!
That is how I think I caught it but of course cannot prove it. Our local group of PMRGCA got together for meal and the lady next to me gaily told me she'd had a cold. I sat beside her for about 2hours! I have not been anywhere else. Yesterday after thirteen days when my son tested me I was still positive. It has been very hard on him trying to work and look after me, especially over Christmas.
I suspect that at present, most people with a cold in the UK probably actually have Covid. But that was the desire, that having Covid was akin to a cold.
I started off by not feeling right, going down to the kitchen,turning round and crashing to the floor. That was where my son found me.
It is ‘cold-like’ but very debilitating and like a cold worse in the night/morning. I am naively hoping the antibody infusion will send rocket boosters up me and aid a quick recovery. My husband is still spluttering and coughing. It’s been another hell of a year on the health front with the TIA/Afib experience in the summer on top of GCA. I’m mightily sick of it all at the moment. Sick of pacing, overly planning so I don’t crash then more illness to boot. It feels like an onslaught.
If you look, there are 3 posts about Covid today. It’s increasing because everybody is socialising, parties, meals out, all indoors, no windows open. People have colds but aren’t testing or thinking they have Covid. Nobody (except my family) is in a mask if we have an appointment to go to, even in the hospitals here. I have other issues as well as PMR & we are having to shield through the winter, a few months. We have had no newyears eve celebration for five years. Just the two of us at Christmas, no Christmas shopping, all online. We have to live like this because others go out when they are sick, when they still test positive, etc. I can’t afford to catch a cold, let alone Covid, & nobody stays in for a cold. I’m not saying they should do, though. Just to give you another perspective on life, as I am not alone. Thousands of people still don’t live a normal life after Covid!! Re your NYE party…there will be others there with colds,flu & Covid! A party is wonderful for airborne viruses…dancing, shouting, singing…just what they need to spread easily!!
Absolutely. Our friends are actually very cautious and they won’t want us there if poorly anyway. It was a get together meal with eleven of us. I think it’ll be just the nine with our absence. I’m just feeling pretty fed up and having a moan…
Me, too. I’m in too much pain, so much I can’t do, trying to do my tablets boxes & my tremor is too bad to be able to do them. Wondering which tablets I wont bother to do (better than considering to take too many!!) I was just trying to help you realise there are so many in your position right now, with Covid rising, & many with flu, too! Nine is a good number, too, not as good as 11! Arrange a midwinter dinner with them all mid January, maybe? Hope you feel better soon, I wasn’t intending to lecture, I think I just see things from the outside, & if people still followed the Covid protocols they wouldn’t be sick now…so sad when it’s avoidable, imho!!!!!
Not easy to all get together. Sadly we live at different ends of the country - one on a Scottish island - and it’s a particular celebration. I know I’m probably sounding self indulgent and others are worse off but I’m sick of being resilient if that makes sense. I know there’s no option. This too will pass. I just have a momentary thought which I know I should banish…another year older, it could get worse!
I understand, I’m beyond being resilient. I appreciate what you are saying about your get together, & guess,sadly, there are others that won’t happen where people are travelling huge distances, like australia to England! If it wasn’t Covid, it could be flu! Would be much safer to get together in the summer,but Christmas & New Year’s Eve are always the chosen dates! I know it’s no help, really, but how about joining them by Skype, whatsapp or zoom for a while, so at least they can see you in the screen & vice versa. Just a thought! I’m no longer resilient, I used to be very much so. But, in the past 4 years I’ve been diagnosed with polymyalgia, trochanteric bursitis, essential tremor, Raynauds syndrome, osteoarthritis, spinal tumour, benign, orthostatic hypotension, dry macular degeneration, plantar fasciitis..& I already had fibromyalgia, high blood pressure & cholesterol. It took me hours this morning just to box up the next months pills! I have a neurology appointment next week (if it’s not cancelled yet again) that I’ve waited 4 years to get. Take care, & get well soon, S x