I have been on 4.5 mgs for a month. As I was getting some stiffness, I asked my GP for CRP test. Some of the stiffnesss may be due to musculoskeletal issues and doing reformer Pilates to address the fact that I am quad dominant and need to strengthen my glutes. I am also dealing the with the death of a close friend and the imminent death of a friend so my stress levels are high. My CRP has gone from 8.1 to 13.6. Mg/L. When I was first diagnosed in March 2021 it was 87.7 Mg/L. Since then, as I have slowly reduced from 15mg of pred, my CRP has been under 10 Mg/L. Is the increase significant and do I need to do anything?
I have increased to 5mg of pred for two days but would appreciate some advice on whether to stay on this dose for a bit or even increase further for a few days to take out any inflammation as for a flare . I am now on holiday for a fortnight but will have to deal with the funeral of one of the friends so it will not be entirely stress free.
My GP practice is wonderful in helping me manage the condition. I cannot speak more highly of them. It’s a great blessing.