I have been on prednisone since April when first told I have PMR. Started at 30 and reduced 2.5 mg every 2-3 weeks. My Rheumatologist told me it is RA a few weeks ago and to get off prednisone asap. Have reduced from 20 mg to 17.5 mg after 1 week and then to 15 mg again after 1 week. He wants me to keep doing this. I did start on SSZ 8 days ago. I feel fine and actually thing better some days recently. Does this make it seem more likely that my Rheumatologist is correct and I don't have PMR.
Dr says RA not PMR: I have been on prednisone since... - PMRGCAuk
Dr says RA not PMR

DIfficult to say at this point - if you do do well on SSZ without pred, that will provide more evidence. Did he have evidence it was more likely an inflammatory arthritis?
Just by a physical exam feeling my joints and that it started in my hands. Also crp < 5 and erp 10. I guess I'll just trust his judgment at thus point and see what happens as I keep lowering my prednisone. Wish me luck.
My first Rheumy said I had RA by only looking at my two pointer fingers. I finally went to Mayo in Wisconsin to have PMR confirmed. Did you have PMR symptoms and did they go away when you started Prednisone?
That is always a possibility that you do not have PMR since it is always hard to diagnosis, however 15 mg is till a high dose wait till you get down to 2.5 and see how you feel. As we have been told there are always some lucky people that only experience PMR for a short period of time so that is also a possibility. Good luck hope that you continue to do well!!
I started with PMR and on 50mg and weaned off after nearly 3 years. Then within 6 months was told I had seronegative RA. Like you, dx was done through physical exam of hands and wrists, Doppler scan as well. CRP and ESR were also within normal range. It’s possible to have both, but as PMRPro says, see how you go on your new meds. You may have to bounce around to find one that works though. I started on methotrexate, then added Plaquenil, After a period of time I stopped the MTX, waited to see how that went, then increased the pred.
Hi Seal49,
Although I’ve had PMR for 4 years now I don’t feel qualified to advise anyone! I’m fortunately down to 2mg daily hoping to go to 1mg in about 3 weeks.
I’ve questioned myself and both my GP and Rhuematoligist is it PMR or something else. But it seems in the lack of an alternative definitive diagnosis plus the inflammation shown by a blood test and my personal symptoms it seems PMR is what I have!
I can only wish you the best in your prognosis and research .