'Morning all. Back on the bed after my 2-day mini vacay last week. I have overdone it and now experiencing what I think is DOMS along with the previously still spasmed muscles of the last 5 weeks. Pushing my rollator almost a mile to and from the wharf for the whale watching cruise (which I could not get down the ladders, ramps and ropes and did not take the cruise) sad, because it's something I so wanted to do with g-kids), pushed walker along dirt and rough hewn wharf wood, back to car. About 1/2 kilometer. So A kilometer or so to and from. Don't know how I did it. Managed to get in the pool and floated on 2 noodles. Felt good til I got cold. Enjoyed our trip but paying for it this week. Going into ER this morning as back and hips pretty much useless. Shaking Granddaughter is here helping out again. My friend says to put my foot down and make them find out what's wrong with my muscles. I have also developed a shakey weakness and can barely get food to mouth by times. The muscles in my back are pulling on my diaphragm, making it tight at top of my stomach. Very painful. I get hungry but can eat very little. I have all this wrinkled skin, mostly on arms but can't see the rest. Lol. It hangs. Not sure if muscle wasting or thin skin or both. Ibiprofen started burning stomach evenly though I take 2 ppi's. Hopefully they will replace it with - I don't know what. Can't take this pain much longer. Scheduled to return to work August 21st. Mostly sitting which I was able to do....trying but don't want to overdo. I know the muscles have to heal. Apologies for this epistle.
FOLLOW-UP TO BEDRIDDEN 4 WEEKS: 'Morning all. Back... - PMRGCAuk

It sounds marvellous and probably worth it. I hope you get some joy with the doctors! X
Let us know how u get on in ER. Good luck.
I hope you got some answers this morning and can come off the ibuprofen.
Well, found out I have two spinal compression fractures. Rheumy had not read the report issued July 10. Had I not gone to ER, I would never have known. So now on a stronger pain med, which works but is addictive. Not like taking any kind of new pills. These will give me a much needed break from constant pain....but
Is it an opioid? Experts say that if you are taking them for severe pain the risk of addiction is much lower - they are used up on the pain
Yes Pro. Dilaudid. Stronger than morphine. I sleep very well so no need for nighttime. Mornings are worst.
Did it work? Spinal fracture pain is awful.
Getting the pred down shouldn't be too difficult now - down to about 10mg you can go fairly quickly as you aren't looking for a particular dose, just getting off it.
Seems to work Pro. Enough to actually let me sit in a chair and have a good 20 minute chat with my granddaughter. Today will be the test. You are able to take acetaminophen with them if necessary. If I run out, I have no one but the elusive rheumy to refill the Rx so that should be interesting. One day at a time. Yes I'm at 22.5 pred. Going to try 20 on Monday. Also have blood taken Monday. Who knows when or if I'll get those results. We have to pay to get our reports. If there is a way that we don't have to pay for our on-line test results, HeronNS might know.