I have been offered this today via a text message. I was wondering if others have had this and what side effects you had after the booster. Thank you. I am in the UK.
Spring covid booster: I have been offered this... - PMRGCAuk
Spring covid booster

I had mine on Friday. I had a sore arm that evening and on Saturday I was fatigued and achey. This cleared up by the evening.
I had the Pfizer BioNTech.
thank you for your reply. I wasn’t expecting to be called for the jab but it does say to take evidence of being immunosuppressant and medication
Take a copy of your prescription [if you have one] or current box of medication... or screen shot of your online details if you can.
Some have been turned away, unless you qualify on age grounds, and I can see you don't.... I do, and had mine this morning but as no longer immunosuppressed can't compare notes.
Had mine a week or so ago. Slightly sore arm for a couple of days but fine otherwise.
Had my seventh vaccination on 27th April. This time it was the Sanofi Pasteur. All the others were either Moderna or Pfizer.
No real problem other than that, for the first time, I didn’t feel too good the following day. Otherwise all good.
I had mine yesterday and woke in the night with a sore throat which has continued today with fatigue. I don’t know whether this is connected As I haven’t heard of anyone else with a sore throat!
I got my text calling me for the latest vaccination but having spoken to my GP he's advised me to leave it for around a month as I've recently had major surgery and, of course, the steroids do delay recovery. This will be my 5th (6th? I've lost count!) and although I've felt very tired I haven't had a major reaction (touch wood!)
I had mine last week, it was the Pfizer, and was absolutely fine, it seems to be the new strain if Vaccine which is giving trouble , judging by what friends have said ,
Hi - This is in reply to you and also an update to my post a few days ago, asking about adverse reactions to Pfizer booster.
I had Pfizer booster last Thursday and felt a recurrence of original PMR symptoms (aches and tiredness) within 24 hours. This was followed by what I thought was a 24 hour S and D bug! Though no close contacts were ill and husband and I had eaten the same things. I was convinced it was the covid booster that caused the S and D.
I discussed with nurse practitioner at surgery today she didn’t dismiss this - even though I thought she would! She suggested that because of the effects of PMR and steroids the immune system is already wonky and the covid booster may be then be the ‘last straw’ and cause various ills - all of which should pass within a few days. I do feel better already.
I’ve had boosters before and never had any problems.
Hi, I just took the text message itself, and they were not really interested in checking. But if you're on METHOTREXATE do read elsewhere on this site, where there's discussion of a recent article (in BMJ I think) with clear finding, if over 60 to avoid taking Methotrexate for 2 weeks after the jab. I didn't see this till too late.
I am on 4mg daily, 80yr old, Moderna, no problems at all.
I had the Pfizer Biotech and I had a sore arm next day and felt achey with no energy (but also due to other condition). My partner had the Sanofi in the afternoon at the same site and had a sore arm. He didn’t have other reactions, but never seems to anyway.
I had my booster last Sunday and other than an achy arm for a couple of days no other problems.
If you take methotrexate please do read my previous post as there does seem to be conflicting advice as to whether to pause for 2 weeks.
Do hope it goes well for you.
I had the Sanofi (not the banana desert!) last week. Sore arm for a few days and one night sweats ( two friends same). Ok now.
I received an NHS text asking me to book my booster. However, the nurse at my GP surgery decided I wasn’t eligible as my maximum dose had only ever been 15mg and I didn’t qualify on age grounds. She said I would have to wait until the Autumn.
I'm in the US, but the omicon booster has reportedly been a success. My wife and I have gotten it without untoward sequelae.
thank you for all your replies
I had my 7th Jan last Friday and apart from a very sore arm I've had no aftereffects I'm over ,80 and still on steroids, now down to 71/2 it's very slow going and I'm told to go down much faster but I know what my body feels and what I can cope with and finally my GP understands and let's me do it. After all neither she nor any other doctor can feel my pain.
Sorry for this rant but I can't feel anyone's pain, just mine.
Take care and keep plodding on you'll get there at the right time for you
I had a new one called vidPrevtin Beta. I felt unwell for six days after. But now am fine. There was no choice.
Had mine a week ago, and as usual had hot 3 x 2 red patch which was very itchey, a bag of frozen peas calmed it down, lasted six days, no Ill effects otherwise.
Had mine last Saturday. It was the new unpronounceable one vidprevtyn beta. I had a sore arm where needle went in for a couple of days but that’s all. Hubby however felt a bit nauseous later in day.
I received a text message from the NHS saying I qualify based on being immunocompromised. I phoned and booked an appointment for the 10th May. Im on 1mg approx, but have had two nasty respiratory infections this year requiring antibiotics. I suffer from bronchiectasis and have a letter from a consultant saying I need antibiotics if I get a chest infection. I won’t be vertical happy if I turn up and get turned away after a long drive for the 08:20 appointment.
had mine 17April. Notified via text, I arranged convenient time. Was only asked my age!! stated I was on pred. Vaccine Sanofi Pasteur, no problem or sore arm thank goodness
I had mine about a month ago. A slightly sore arm for a day, then no further problems. Better safe than sorry.
I had my seventh (Sanofi) a week ago. No adverse effects. I'm down to 7mg Pred and am weak and wobbly but otherwise OK. I have come to terms with living a very quiet life.
Best of luck to you
I am 70 and was called about a month ago : I went along with my husband - I was given Pfizer due to being immunosuppressed ; husband ( 80 ) was give Sanofi, No side effects other than a sore arm for a couple of days.
I am 79. I had mine 3 weeks ago. I'm on meds for cancer, heart problems asthma and PMR 8mg. No reactions.
I had the spring booster last week with no side effects apart from a sore injection site. Better to have it as on steroids we are vunerable
Had mine on Saturday had a text from NHS inviting me .
Similar age to you Elizabeth . Just gave my name and showed the Text with the reference number on . Dr asked a few questions , I just a had a very sore injection site . Took a couple of paracetamols when I got home .
Hope this helps .
Thank you
I have also had the txt but I’m to scared to have it! I don’t know but I’m inclined to think I have PMR because of the vaccines. Does anyone have a similar theory?
PMR can be triggered by many things but they are all the final straw on top of many years of other insults to the immune system and not the real cause of the PMR developing, It can happen with the flu and shingles vaccines as well as well as the illnesses they are to reduce the risks of. Other contributors include infections, other illnesses, accidents, stress of all sorts including emotional and mental stress, and chemicals including medications. So yes, the Covid jab might have been the final straw for you - but many aspects of Long Covid are very similar to autoimmune disorders including PMR and the vast majority of us here developed PMR long before Covid even existed and many of us had never had a vaccine to trigger it.
Oh thank you! That’s very interesting. I spoke to my Dr about the vaccine and he agreed it could have caused it. I had covid very badly in 2020 and after suffering at home for 11 days I was taken into hospital and in critical care for 20 days where (u known to me at the time) they told my family to prepare for the worst! I then had the vaccine as I worked in mental health inpatient ward at the time. I’ve had 4 in total but have been stuck as to should I have the boosters or not 😬
The danger of Covid isn't gone - and a new variant could appear any time when the infection figures rise again.
This makes sobering reading I think
Still over 500 deaths per week with Covid on the certificate in April, 3,500 patients in hospital - they are certain figures, but the testing and cases figures are only a small part of the picture I suspect.
dear hollycow in answer to your question yes I agree I'm not having my 7th.
I had the Pfizer bivalent (#6 for me) last week. No issues at all with it. I'm 79.
Hi.i had mine last week,Monday evening.on Tuesday woke up a sore arm and very achy,but Wednesday back to normal.
I had it last week, felt a bit ‘off’ next day, but after that fine.
I had the new Safoni vaccination a week ago - slightly sore arm for a day, otherwise absolutely fine. I did take paracetamol, just a couple of doses, tho no idea if that helped or not.