I am currently having a bad GCA relapse and have put my steroids up from 3.5 to 7.5 mg. What always surprises me is that if I have a hot bath, one where I am fully immersed, I miraculously get so much better straight away. - an effect which often lasts until the morning. Does anyone else get the same instant cure albeit short term? I wonder why.
GCA relapse: I am currently having a bad GCA... - PMRGCAuk
GCA relapse

Heat is helpful for inflammation. I have a hot water bottle for the same reason and the car seat heater on ( even though it is too warm). I don’t have a bath anymore, just a walk in shower. The hot water does help though. Glad something relieves the pain and stiffness.
Relaxing in a hot bath has always helped with my OA aches and pains, it is something a shower just doesn't do.
Hello. Even before my PMR was recognised I found a deep hot bath in the morning reduced the stiffness. The problem was getting in and out of the bath safely, I had to get on my hands and knees to get up and lean on a chair and the basin to climb out. Once I was on pred I split my dose so that I was more mobile in the mornings, that works well for me.

Warmth improves blood flow by dilating the blood vessels. In the 5 years I had PMR without pred, the only way I could get moving in the morning at home was a hot shower and doing stretches. I was lucky in that I worked freelance and could choose my own hours so I did an aquafit class in a warm pool every day Monday to Friday, the earlier they were in the day, the better the day I had.
Baths were never an option though - I can't get out on my own!!!!
I can only get out if I get on all fours first.
I can't kneel on a hard surface which rules that approach out! One knee was nailed together after a skiing accident but I think it is the scar rather than the nail! I don't know why the other is so painful, that was a torn ligament that healed beautifully with conservative treatment so no scar or metalwork, I need a few inches thickness of cushion to kneel and even that is uncomfortable! Makes getting up from the floor next to impossible on my own ...
what are your symptoms of relapse. I thought GCA was more head related (I since learnt from an ophthalmologist that GCA is systemic and attacks principally the large vessels of the head and shoulders). Problems elsewhere, eg arms are more likely PMR… I think.
Overlap between Cranial GCA / Extra- Cranial GCA [or LVV] and PMR …but my cranial GCA did cause issues upper arms early day…so doesn’t necessary conform to picture.
I bathe every morning for this very reason. I get too cold in the shower as our little building "shares" the water system (old pipes) and if two people turn the water onm we lose pressure and the shower becomes cold, which has the opposite effect. I also use the heated seats in the car (what a luxury).
I found a hot bath helped soon after my PMR symptoms started. However it was almost impossible to get out of my bath, so showers it was, without the hot soak all over of a bath. When diagnosed I realised I needed to find some assistance for getting out of my bath, and for that matter getting in safely. I found the “Molly Bather” bath lift, a belt lifter operated with rechargeable battery which provides over 20 baths before recharge required. It can handle weight up to 25 stone and is a breeze to use. Big benefit is that once in the bath you are literally sitting on the base of your bath or the few millimetre thick belt, so full benefit of a hot soak. Getting out is so easy and secure. The Molly Bather is a godsend for me as I love my hot baths and more so with this PMR.
May well be beyond some at around £1000, suitability is certainly a personal decision. I chose the Molly Bather and I am delighted with it.