Can PMR affect your jaw? I have PMR and am currently on 5mg of prednisolone. For the past 4 weeks I have had a pain in my lower jaw. Initially I thought it was related to an on ear infection but this has now cleared up after 3 lots of antibiotics. However I still have a very stiff and painful lower jaw. Could this be PMR related? I don't have any pain in my temple or any other symptoms so not GCA)
Jaw Pain: Can PMR affect your jaw? I have PMR and... - PMRGCAuk
Jaw Pain

It could be GCA. My Rheumatologist was almost most interested in any jaw symptoms. I have never had the typical temporal Arteritis symptoms ( headache, jaw claudication, sore tongue, eyesight issues, but my diagnosis is GCA/Large Vessel Vasculitis. This needs proper investigation as a matter of priority. If you are under GP care only you need an urgent referral to a Rheumatologist who knows about these diseases. There are other causes of jaw pain but you do need to eliminate GCA. We may be able to recommend a good Rheumatologist if you tell us where in the country you are.

Actually jaw claudication is a common symptom of GCA -so don’t assume it’s not that - and needs to be checked…although it could be TMD/TMJ -
Thank you - will get my GP to check me out
Definitely get your jaw checked out. I faffed about for a week or so with jaw pain as I thought it might be a flare of oral lichen Planus. Dentist thought it could be TMJ. It was GCA. I did have other GCA symptoms and very high inflammatory markers. Best to get checked out.
Does sound as though you could have GCA. If so you need to be on at least 40mg of Prednisone, or certainly a lot higher than 5mg. Happened to me three months after diagnosis for PMR. I've recently had a jaw ache when I reached 5mg increased to 10mg for a few days and it went......on initial diagnosis of GCA it was jaw claudication, so painful to open my mouth wide. Left side of my head was tender to touch too. You need to speak with your GP or your Rhuematlogist, if you have one. Good luck and let us know.

Thank you - will get checked out

Is the stiffness and pain related to eating or is it there all the time?
The way you describe it, it sounds as if TMJ is equally a possibility so more info would help.
Stiff and uncomfortable all the time, but pain gets worse when open mouth wide, or move jaw from side to side. Is not related specifically to eating, although that can also be painful.
That does sound more like TMJ dysfunction. Try to get a GP appointment to assess it - though maybe a dentist can diagnose it too. Although appointments with them are like hens teeth too ...
If it is any comfort I have experienced jaw pain throughout the seven years I have had PMR and it is worse in cold weather. Looking back at diary notes I kept at the start I see I often recorded jaw pain but it has never developed. I was told that the pred would prevent GCA but I know that’s yet another falsehood. Its definitely worth having it checked. Rod Hughes at Chertsey is my recommendation for a rheumatologist.
I had jaw pain when chewing a few weeks after my diagnosis. GP put me up to 30 mg. All was fine . But worth mentioning 😊
I woke from a mid day nap with a very sore jaw on left side one day is your soreness just infront of your ear channel? There is a large gland called the parotid gland which supplies saliva to the cheek areas or our mouths one can develop a stone or stones which block the tiny delivery tube the last time mine plugged up it was very obvious the gland was swollen rather large but that’s not always the case take a bite of lemon or something sour if your pain increases there is a good chance that’s your problem warm moist heat and biting a lemon occasionally is the prescription
I also was unaware of the gland until it messed up…wet wash rag and heating pad and massaging the area really helps best of luck
Pain in jaw was how my Giant Cell Arteritis was picked up and verified with a biopsy. You should get this checked out as it can lead to blindness