I am really disliking this cold I've had for three weeks! Grrr...
It seems like Sinusitis as my nose is forever blocked and when I blow my nose bleeds at times.
I have Asthma and have had no symptoms of that which is a blessing.
I wake up in the middle of the night with a dry mouth and throat then I am blowing for ages. It really is awful and I'm knackered all the time.
I am using Olbas Oil on my chest (for breathing in) Vicks Nasal spray, Paracetamol, Lemsip (not together with Paracetomol) and an antiseptic cream for my nostrils BUT it's not gone :/
I saw my GP two weeks ago and (bless him) he didn't push me into upping Pred as I'm at 5mg now.
With so many awful things floating around I am not wanting to go out and spread this (even if I could go out)
Any advice would be well received