Hi Everyone...are UTIs another pred problem?it has been nearly a year and thought I had got away with it...only slight discomfort sensation in very low abdomen, no burning, but just going to urinate more often...so drinking lots of water...Worth contacting GP or not...hoping to go away for a couple of nights on weds...am I being over cautious? any views welcome. thank you.
UTI ? : Hi Everyone...are UTIs another pred... - PMRGCAuk

Try this:
1 teaspoonful of Bi-carb in as little water as possible. Drink, repeat after 2 hours.
I have used this 'old wives tale' for many years , never let me down - fingers crossed.
You might like to find out how useful bi-carb is - even a teaspoonful in your bath - who knew,
....and gets rid of white tongue which I've had since being on prednisolone.

Yes for many and lots of previous posts on subject -look at related posts or type UTI into search
Thanks...it does appear to be fairly common.
Unfortunately yes, have to say not for me luckily… oral thrush early days…but that was about it.
I haven't had that...yet. trying jinasc's remedy to see how that develops. Always an extra 'thing' seems to occur if you have a long awaited visit or day out..just to keep us on our toes...😉
I used to have UTI symptoms in the beginning while I was taking Adcal-D3. Apparently, calcium carbonate is a known irritant. When I switched to calcium citrate the problems disappeared. Given the immunosuppression with Pred, one would assume that propensity to any type of infection is higher, but I didn't find this to be the case. Until I had Covid earlier this summer I have not even had a cold ever since I got PMR, three years ago.
I now do those over the counter uti tests—pretty accurate for me. I have a bad one now—getting them with pred.

D-mannose capsules or powder works well for me. I also gave up calcium supplements because grit formed and irritated the bladder an urethra. You often don't get the burning ensation because of the pred.
Get some Mannose -D ( over the counter) it usually works for me.
Agree on the D mannose powder. I take a little each night to prevent UTIs starting. 💐
Although my labs say no, I'm up all night, every night. I start to TRY and go to sleep at 11:30 and by 3:30 I've been up no less than 12 times trying to pee, sitting there forever.
Cranberry juice also helps but you really need antibiotics from the doctor. If not treated it can get into your kidneys and damage them.
I had the same. Now I make up lollies of cranberry juice, with no added sugar, and have 3 a day. No problems now. Recommended by my GP.
I drink Cranberry Juice nearly every day to help keep UTI's at bay......it seems to work. Find the real thing, not sweet manufactured stuff. Even some of my doctors are recommending it these days........wonders will never cease !
Thank you everyone. Mannose D and cranberry juice on the list...but also managed to get an appt with GP this morning!!
I am on my fourth course of antibiotics now since mid-July for a UTI plus blood in urine that refuses to clear. I am now waiting to get referred to a urologist. I get them “normally???” About 3 times a year🥲
I was nearly sent to hospital as my temperature was nearly 39 after a month of antibiotics for an ongoing UTI. In the end they had to change the meds to get rid of it. The importance of taking your temperature every day when feeling like you do is very important and getting a urine sample to your GP asap. I never had burning just an ache in lower abdomen. And sometimes a pain there.
Invest in a modern thermometer that you put in your ear. If consistent over 37 it might be an infection. Get to know what your normal temp is.
I am having an ultra sound scan of bladder and kidneys next week.
Would have been more point to have done a urine culture at the start to get the right antibiotic!!!
Hi Temoral, I have an irritable bladder, which has similar symptoms as uti, but no infection, just uncomfortable urinating, no burning, but unpleasant and painful This is the second time I've had it, I went to a urologist zbout 5 years ago, she put me on to D Manose tablets, and it cleared up but this time I've had it since April and it just won't clear, I've been taking the D Manose but it's persisted. I'm going back to the urologist in three weeks, have had to wait so long! Like everyone in these times. I'm really sick of it, I have toilets lined up in town(we live about 20 mins away in the country) when I go shopping. I'm up about 3 times a night and sometimes I have to go again about 5 minutes later. I also have discomfort low in the stomach, groin area. I would go and see about it if I were you, it's very unpleasant to have to put up with it if you don't have to. I will let you know how I get on. Janis
Do you take calcium supplements?
No never have, just pred, but ghe first boutique of ghis I had was a couple of years before pmr and pred.
Be nice if it was a boutique!!!!! Especially the hotel variety!
Calcium was one cause of my problems - the other was a narrow urethra. It was identified originally after my daughter was born in Germany - it was stretched and the repeated UTIs improved dramatically. It has been repeated 3 more time, about every 9 or 10 years and it gives it a rest for almost that long.
Apparently, according to my GP for the irritable bladder they fill it with water and stretch it. Ug, sounds disgusting! But the cause of the irritable bladder is the lining becomes hard and then gets inflamed. We'll see!
Hehe - the urethral stretch is, um, INTERESTING!!! They insert increasing diameter objects (can't think of a word) - decidely nippy. In the UK they offer a GA, in Germany and here they just get on with it! In the U it was so funny - the urologist said he agreed with me, it needed doing again but we'd have to hang on a bit until the anasethetist arrived. What for I asked, didn't have a GA last time. He was fine about it - the poor nurses didn't know what to do with themselves! It doesn't last long each time, like a needle going in really, and infinitely less awful than period pain of the sort I had. I was comforting them The third one I had done here the Italian urologist didn't even tell me he was starting! He looked a bit surprised when I squeaked. Last time the guy was brilliant - barely noticed it and I was surprised when he said it was done.
Sounds like you've been through the mill!
That has always been quite "easy" - you can put up with a lot when it works!!!! Now PMR ...
Will do 👍