Hi everyone. Have been reading this forum for a few years, diagnosed with PMR in 2019. Started on 10 mg prednisone at that time and have slowly, with fits and starts, flares, etc. reduced to 1.5 mg. However, am very uncomfortable now and going to up the dose to 2 mg to feel better, then try to reduce again once the pain is under control.
My rheumatologist has been wanting me to go on hydroxychloroquine (Plaquenil) to see if that will help me get off the Prednisone. She says that there is no safe dose of Prednisone. I am in the U.S., so not sure if this is something doctors over here are trying.
I have put off starting the hydroxychloroquine because the side effects look very bad - rheumatologist says side effects are less than the pred, but I just have an aversion to taking any new drugs, especially when I don't know that it will help, and neither does the doctor. Afraid she is going to cut me off of the prednisone at some point, although she has never said that.
Does anyone have experience with hydroxychloroquine, as far as PMR symptoms and using it to come off of prednisone? I really haven't found much information about it, though have searched.
Thanks to you all for being there!