I wonder if anyone with GCA experience could help. I am a 3 year sufferer of PMR and on 15mg prednisone. I have had a headache and neck ache for 3 days and feel in a permanent fog. The headache is across my eyes. I dont usually suffer with headaches. I have no fever and a covid test is negative. This morning earache has joined the headpain. I am just beginning to wonder how GCA manifests itself and if anyone has any advice. I live in Spain and am supposed to be flying back to UK tomorrow for my Mums 90th party which has taken much planning so I accept it could be stress.
PMR and GCA: I wonder if anyone with GCA experience... - PMRGCAuk

It COULD be symptoms of GCA - the headache is suspicious though usually people describe it as a headache like no other, but if it is early stages ... Ears can be involved in GCA,
Anything else? Is the PMR there despite the pred dose?
If it were an ear infection you shouldn't really fly - but you are going to catch that plane aren't you under the circumstances.
Yes PMR is very much there this week despite the dose. It doesn't feel like an ear infection more into the side of my head ear side.
The increase in PMR symptoms could also be a sign of increasing inflammation.
Where are you heading for? The UK I assume?
When I begin to flare with GCA I feel pain where you indicate, but it could be just stress. The ear is also significant . Do you have tinnitus and is it louder? anything in the neck like stiffness/cramping? also foggy feeling happens. Agree with PMR you need to check inflammatory markers. Can you get a blood test quickly? I assume you will travel and with pred keep this under some control. Maybe a temporary increase in dose just for the trip before and after. Others can advise there.

Does sound a bit suspicious -I think I would want it checked out certainly before flying anywhere.
Thank you all for your advice. I went to A & E at the private hospital here in Spain and they saw me within 10 mins. I had blood test and was put on an anti-inflammatory Enantyum and paracetamol drip with fluids. Also had a covid test. CRP result was 0.40mg/dl which was slightly raised but did not show GCA. They were really helpful and told me to look for more jaw pain on eating and stronger headpain as a sign if I was worried in future. They also told me to up steroids by 5mg for a few days to compensate for stress and travelling and my Mums party, so all in all a positive experience. I feel more relaxed now which will probably help the head ache. I really appreciate your help.
I'm so glad you got some answers. Enjoy your Mum's party it would have been a shame to miss it. All the best.
In my case, both headache and earache accompanied the diagnosis of GCA , following a biopsy in 2016.
My beginning symptom was distinct sore spots at each temple. When they didn’t go away after several days I googled it and was horrified to read about GCA! I ignored it and then the headaches began and over a couple of weeks increased in intensity until they were even waking me at night. When the jaw claudication began I called the doctor immediately & had a biopsy done a couple of days later which confirmed the diagnosis.
Hi there Pawscat11, my friend has GCA for 5 years now and gp has her on 5mg for good her pain goes up back o her head, she's bean told she can't fly to Australia to see her daughter and she's very low at the moment and she's 82 your only a young thing enjoy time with your Mum and its only a short flight. Have fun xx
Have a good flight and hope all goes well for mum party.enjoy.
do you have difficulty opening your jaw, pain in the temple area, or any vision dimming, if so your GCA may be progressing and getting to your doctor or ophthalmologist very soon for assessment is needed
Sounds similar to my situation. PMR since2016 that went late last year then in January pain behind the eyes progressing to horrendous headaches . Took over a month to convince the doctor it was giant cell.eventually a blood test sprang them into action . With scan at the hospital confirming GCA.
Hi Pawscat11, I'm just catching up on posts as have been out of the loop for a few days. Did you get to your Mum's party, and how are you feeling?I do hope it all went well.