After a bit of advice from you knowledgable people. I am on 7mgs of Pred for PMR. Diagnosed in April 2020 and started on 40mins. Been at 7mgs for 3weeks. Today I feel strange. My eyes feel ‘tight’. I have a pain in my neck (LH) and had stabbing pains in my head above my ear (RH) and just feel wobbly. Wondered if it’s a sign of anything or am I being dramatic? Thanks in anticipation, Sandra
Query: After a bit of advice from you knowledgable... - PMRGCAuk

Hello, have you had any developments since you posted? Any chance you have Covid? I know a few people personally for whom the symptoms were mostly eyes and head related and very much needing to lie down. I would certainly be trying to get a medical opinion sooner rather than later in case it’s GCA. Habe you tried 111?
Thank you, I did a Covid test yesterday (for work). 111 sounds like a good idea - brain fog didn’t let that pop in. Thanks again SnazzyD
One clear Covid test does not a negative make; these days it’s worth doing a string of them over a few days. It is common for it to take a few days to show up if at all. Any new symptoms or changes?
Just said somewhere else - my daughter had had symptoms for 3 or 4 days before getting a positive - and did two at the same time using different kits where one was positive and one negative! Hers were NHS supplied as she is a nurse.
LFTs are very unreliable for Omicon...
A few weeks ago I did a LFT before going to see my GP in person for the first time this year. We call them RATs here (Rapid Antigen Test )and it took me some time to figure out what LFT stood for. 😜 He stopped me at the door and kitted out in full protective gear to take a nasal swab for a PCR test saying "a negative RAT only gets us to 80% and that's not good enough given you are reporting fatigue. " Yeah, but I often have fatigue -- goes with the PMR territory. The rest of the consult was by phone. Negative PCR test so all was well for that day. I would have felt terrible if I had Covid and gave it to my GP.
I was negative again today - think it may be the antibiotics I started on Monday. Only take them once a week and a double dose the first week. Never been great with any tablets. Thanks for your input everyone
I was a bit taken aback when my daughter started talking about RATs originally … but it’s typically the New Zealand way -says what it is! 😊
My daughter works in the ED - has regularly seen Covid patients up close and personal all through - and she doesn't get full PPE - just an FFP3 mask and a pinny (not sure what use they are!). She didn't get Covid from work - she got it when her husband went to a stag do, he tested, someone else didn't and they had symptoms next morning. My GP has also seen patients F2F since the start of the pandemic. Just masks and gloves. She too didn't get it from work but the second time her youngest son got it from school.