Info on Covid vaccines: Just been seen by my... - PMRGCAuk


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Info on Covid vaccines

bakingD profile image
63 Replies

Just been seen by my brilliant Rheumy who thinks my PMR has taken longer to get better because of the 3 Covid vaccines

Yet another flare so am on 10 mg Pred for 2 weeks,then 10/5 alternate days 2 weeks then 5 for 3 months- I had got to 2.5 but it was v much a struggle with pain and stiffness

Just thought that info might help others- am not having any more vaccines

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bakingD profile image
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63 Replies
PMRpro profile image

I'd had PMR for 15 years before I had any Covid vaccines - I also had had it for well over 5 years before I got my first flu jab. Can't blame jabs for my Long PMR. It happens - whatever some rheumies might think. And I hate to think what Covid without a vaccine might do to PMR. Or you!

Seacat30 profile image

What does she base this theory on? Did she explain?

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Seacat30

It does seem a bit far fetched!

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to piglette

Just that the vaccines stimulate the immune system

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to Seacat30

Yes by the fact they stimulate the immune system which we’re trying to dampen down!

Seacat30 profile image
Seacat30 in reply to bakingD

So she would include all types of vaccine in this judgement?

Bcol profile image

Would love to see her evidence for that. I had PMR before Covid and now had 4 vaccinations, now of which have given me any unwanted or contrary side effects. I'm due No. 5 in August and will certainly be having it unless other data comes to light before them. It maybe that a too quick reduction/taper has given you the flares and subsequent longer time to get things under control.

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to Bcol

Not that vaccines cause unwanted side effects but by the way they stimulate the immune system - makes perfect sense to me

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to bakingD

I can't disagree with that, but so can many other things. If having a vaccine caused me to take a little longer to recover from PMR rather than become, possibly, extremely poorly, long covid or worse from Covid I know which option I would take.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to bakingD

Many many things have an effect on the immune system - that is how PMR and other autoimmune conditions are triggered in the firstplace. It is a deranged immune system, not necessarily a stimulated one that is the problem,

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to PMRpro

Thanks just wanted to share one thought by one consultant who has found several of his patients whose PMR he would have expected to settle haven’t and he believes it’s due to the vaccines

Roltuba profile image
Roltuba in reply to bakingD

What on earth does "would have expected to settle" mean?! The one thing we have all learned is that you can't expect PMR to do anything predictable! Certainly not the 2 years the old info suggests. PMR going on 8 years, now responding to a Rheumatoid arthritis drug, at least in the knees. PS, 5th Covid vacc 2 days ago (Moderna) & perfectly OK

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Roltuba

My thoughts exactly! I don't care how experienced a rheumy is - anyone who thinks they can predict what PMR is going to do in any given patient is deluded!!!!!

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Bcol

Hi BcolI had my 5th this week - not a problem - they sad ‘See you in 6months!’……

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to MrsNails

Good evening young lady, are you in France yet or is that still to come? Good news re 5th, hope mine goes as well. Numbers rising quite rapidly here in NW as well at the moment.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Bcol

Still in the U.K. - they are both poorly in France 😥 not Covid so hopefully they’ll be better to pick us up at the airport!Just been ordering my Duty Free - the are benefits to Brexit 😉plus an extra 10% if you order on line in advance!

The Munchkins are in Majorca & having a great time!

Keep Safe & Well

Angela 🥂

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to MrsNails

Hope the French contingent recover soon and you are able to get collected. Extra 10% sounds fab, never knew that. I have a GC I call "Munchkin" mind you she's now 14 so may have to start using her real name!! Glad they are having a great time. Have a good break and fab time when you get there. Take care and stay safe. Peter

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Bcol

Thanks Peter 🙂

Suffererc profile image
Suffererc in reply to Bcol

Not surprised Covid number are rising. Went for my jab today. All warned of precautions at entrance. Masks to be warn.Inside directed to socially distance chair to await jab.

Man sat next to me and started conversation. ‘ making us pin fusions he said’. I replied well good to know they are keeping us safe.

Man - my wife has Covid for 2nd time.

How he got to the soc distance chairs is beyond me plus he wasn’t wearing a mask. Thanks man, perhaps you now spreading it.

Told nurse giving jab and they weren’t too pleased

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Suffererc

Some people just never seem to learn or understand.

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to MrsNails

Do you think the next one will be in six months Mrs N? I had assumed we'd get another (the sixth) when we have the flu jab in late September or early October. Ah well, wait and see, I guess.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Knip

Still an unknown I suspect - Moderna has a new vaccine in trials that they say is more like an annual flu jab that provides protection for a year unless there is a massive change in the structure of a variant.

Knip profile image
Knip in reply to PMRpro

Yes, I read about that in the news a few days ago. It's all very encouraging.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Knip

Hi Knip - l think it’s highly probable - l’ve been fine after my 5th the only one that bothered me was my 3rd (My 1st Pfizer) just made me very tired…..I’ve had 2 AZ; 2Pfizer & latest one was Moderna.

I keep my eye on the Info from Gov.UK so will let you know on the Forum.

Take Care


Knip profile image
Knip in reply to MrsNails

Thanks, Mrs N. I've been fine after all of mine and had the same as you, with the fifth being Moderna. Take care, the sometimes invisible beast is still out there! Kx

HeronNS profile image

My experience has been completely different. Three Pfizers were pretty much non-events. Second booster I was able to choose Moderna and after about 24 hours of total exhaustion I recovered and in the subsequent few weeks I have, touch wood, felt better, in fact often much better, than I have for years. I told my doctor this the other day and he laughed and said usually people are telling him they've had a bad experience. I suppose people who do well don't have a need to share.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to HeronNS

My Moderna (last Monday) totally uneventful! 🙏🏼

Swdai profile image
Swdai in reply to HeronNS

After two Astra Zenicas : two Pfizer’s with absolutely no problems at all , my fifth was Moderna & put me in bed for two days . Absolutely exhausted , joints swollen & could not move the injected arm but saying that I have come out the other side - only bonus is I have had more sleep in the past 48 hrs I normally have in a fortnight & feel so much better in myself- mentally . Did up pred from 10mgs to 12mgs so that may also have helped . I certainly will try and avoid having Moderna again .

Cannot praise NHS enough for the covid programme for immune surpressed .they are really on the ball in our area

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Swdai

I'd previously had Shingrix immunization, and having observed hubby's reaction a few years ago was prepared for a day of exhaustion and sleep. I didn't know this might be Moderna effect, and having not seen much difference in my condition from Pfizer, other than a slightly sore arm, I wasn't ready. Had trouble getting food and water ready for the cat overnight, for example, could hardly move! But then I slept and slept, including through most of a zoom program. Then after about 24 hours I began to feel better and this was quite quick. Something I couldn't dream of doing became perfectly possible half an hour later, for example. I had a little discussion about this one day with a young man who also had Moderna and he said my description was just what he'd experienced. I don't know if his was a primary vaccine or a booster.

SusyTe profile image

Weirdly, I have felt great after each of my 5 Covid vaccinations - I assumed it was because my immune system was busy fighting the perceived Covid rather than attacking me. 😊 However, since having actual Covid in March I have struggled to get my PMR back under control. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Buttonshutton profile image
Buttonshutton in reply to SusyTe

It is interesting how the PMR gets left alone when something more pressing comes along to occupy the immune system. I mentioned on here a few weeks ago how when I broke my ankle It was as if I didn’t have PMR at all for a few weeks. Having twinges again now though three months on. If only they could grab wherever that process is we could be free ?!?

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to Buttonshutton

My PMR was in competition when I had my hip replacements!

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to piglette

I think a hip replacement is not an infection though, but a stressful situation? My knee injuries had no effect on my PMR, the flare occurred so long after the incidents (about six months) I don't think they directly caused it. Enforced lifestyle changes might have been implicated.

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to HeronNS

I was commenting on Buttonshutton comment on her broken ankle, which also is not an infection, which made her forget the PMR. In my case the hip operation did not make me forget the PMR.

Buttonshutton profile image
Buttonshutton in reply to piglette


HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Buttonshutton

The clue that I hadn't had pred for a couple of days when a family member generously shared a stomach bug with me was that I got a headache. I had none of the usual PMR pain. This was about eight months after starting pred. Yet how often does a person forget pred and sometime within the next few hours starts to feel the PMR niggles? Certainly our immune systems are very complicated. I had a similar experience after my two Shingrix vaccines received six or seven months apart. First the fatigue, then a fairly rapid recover, and feeling better and more able to taper. The Shingrix actually seems to have been the nudge I needed to shake off a really bad flare, although it certainly has not been a cure. I'm hoping the Moderna effect helps me get back at least to my previous lowest best dose.

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to SusyTe

That’s such a shame really sorry to hear thatI just wanted to share one consultant view as all knowledge can be useful

Hope your PMR settles soon

Orangecakes profile image

Good morning bakingD, thank you for sharing your information. Enjoy your day.

SMH4CRNA profile image

All I will say is I started having PMR symptoms after my 2nd jab. Symptoms resided a bit, than returned full force after my 3rd. There is case studies with patients being diagnoses following either Covid (virus) or the vaccine. Although, there are few. I spoke two separate Rheumatologist in regards to this. They politically stated it is to "early" to determine if there is a correlation.

I'm still in the unknown camp, but I definitely will not close the door that Covid triggers perhaps an already susceptible PMR candidate. Its just to early to know. In the end, I do believe Covid is lethal, and I don't regret getting vaccinated. But, did it trigger my PMR, hmmmmm.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SMH4CRNA

But the vast majority of us here have PMR without having got it after the vaccine, or any vaccine. There is no one apparent trigger that all of us have experienced - even stress which is frequently mentioned isn't the same for all. It may have been the vaccine that was the straw that broke the camel's back - but if it hadn't been the Covid vaccine it would probably have been the next illness or an accident or other form of trauma.

SMH4CRNA profile image
SMH4CRNA in reply to PMRpro

Concur, we really don't know. Could have been the straw to break the camel's back. My past two years involved being the lead Covid response champion for the US Navy in the southwest region. I became very intimate with everything all related Covid. This past two years withoudoubt caused great stress in my life, thus could have been the culprit. The fact is we don't know.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to SMH4CRNA

No - and actually there isn't a lot of point devoting energy to trying to work out what or why, far better places to make use of it!

That's been an INTERESTING experience I imagine ;)

SMH4CRNA profile image
SMH4CRNA in reply to PMRpro

Most difficult assignment I ever did. Led two medical teams in the care of 350 sailors following a covid outbreak at sea. Followed this with leading a vaccination team to vaccinate over 22,000 individuals. Trained thousands on the benefits of the vaccine. Despite being an advocate, I know enough to say I don't know. What I do know this time in my life was very stressful. I don't do stress well, so most likely the culprit versus the vaccine or Covid, but who knows.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to SMH4CRNA

I have to say that the main reason I continue to be very careful with masking, keeping my social life practically nil, etc, is because I've been through the untreated PMR phase and I don't want to risk a disease which could well cause a similar chronic condition to develop. PMR with me was definitely not connected to any vaccine as at the time I wasn't even getting annual flu shot, just my decennial one. In our local family only one daughter-in-law received A-Z for her first, everyone else has had Pfizer and/or Moderna. She is the only one who has complained of lingering after effects, but she does have some sort of immune problem as yet undiagnosed, which has been developing over the past few years. And my husband and said d-i-l's parents, the three oldest in our "bubble" despite all vaccines are the only ones to have caught covid. And probably because of vaccines, all have recovered without need for hospitalisation, etc. All four of us oldsters over 75, including me as of a couple of weeks ago.

pegpowell profile image

Looks as though you are reducing pred too fast.

Gettingthere123 profile image

There is a FB support group totally devoted to people who believe they got PMR from their Covid vaccine and boosters.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Gettingthere123

Now why doesn't that surprise me!!! Not saying they didn't = but any vaccine could have done it ...

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer in reply to Gettingthere123

sounds about right🙄

Seacat30 profile image
Seacat30 in reply to Gettingthere123

What is it called?

Gettingthere123 profile image

Polymyalgia Rheumatica Support Sister Group. It is an offshoot of a group called Polymyalgia Rheumatica Support. But it’s not just for women, that’s not what the sister means.

Buttonshutton profile image
Buttonshutton in reply to Gettingthere123

I’m in that group. I do believe mine was triggered by the AZ. My rheumatologist also thinks so. That said she’s not on the same page as me with anything else. I’ll never know And if it was waiting to be triggered probably would have got it at some point anyway

Symptoms of PMR occurred shortly after having 1st and 2nd Pfizer vaccine in July/August 2021. started on 20mg prednisolone in September 2021, now in June 2022 on 1.5mg. So far so good without any original symptoms of PMR.

Suffererc profile image

I have had PMR and Pred for 4.5 years. Just had my 5th Covid jab with no sides effects from any of them.My flares I attribute to my GP rushing me to get off Pred.

Pmrhiker profile image

My PMR was triggered by the initial Covid vaccine - no more for me. Autoimmune disorders were a significant side effect of the vaccines (Pfizer) during trials.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Pmrhiker

On the other hand - Long Covid is probably nothing more than an autoimmune disorder triggered by Covid and there are a lot more cases of that than problems with the vaccine.


discusses it - and considers developing PMR in response to the vaccine as rare and points out it happens in reponse to other vaccines too. But as I keep saying - only the final straw, if it hadn't been that, it would have happened in response to another trigger further down the line.

I have had 4 vaccinations - I had a minor reaction that lasted a few weeks after the second. Nothing with the others.

Fact checks say there is no evidence your claim is true -

piglette profile image
piglette in reply to PMRpro

I suspect it is some sort of autoimmune disorder too. Currently the powers that be are looking at ME as being similar.

Seacat30 profile image
Seacat30 in reply to Pmrhiker

How long is it since your vaccination and is the PMR going off steadily now you have stopped being vaccinated?

bakingD profile image
bakingD in reply to Seacat30

Hi Thanks everyone for your replies

About 4 months since vaccination

Think my flares are really due to having reduced too low am much getter having had 2 weeks of 10 mg Pred!!

piglette profile image

An awful lot of people died of Covid before the vaccination was available, so I think we can assume that Covid can cause deaths and some pretty nasty symptoms if you survive. I have had the vaccine and as far as I know I have not had Covid. Doctors were going spare as the majority of Covid patients in intensive care beds were unvaccinated people and this caused a lot of problems to the NHS and also those requiring elective surgery who could not have it as the hospitals had to look after the Covid patients.

PMRpro profile image

I have had all 4 of the jabs I have been entitled to, I have been living a relatively normal life since March 2020 - no shielding here so if we wanted to eat, I had to go out. I was terrified at first, had I brought Covid home, my husband would have died if he had caught it. I haven't caught Covid.

The fully vaccinated in ICU pretty much all have underlying health problems which would have almost certainly resulted in their death without vaccination but they often recover. Some in ICU with Covid were admitted for other things - after accidents, surgery for cancer etc - and were found to have Covid at admission when tested. They may have died due to the other reason they were in ICU. Some fully vaccinated haven't built the best of protection because they are so immunosuppressed but were willing to risk going out despite the removal of all the non-pharmaceutical measures - or didn't know that they were still at risk.

But quite how you can say "not a lot of people in hospital died of covid," is entirely a mystery to me. Now you may have been reading the wrong MSM - I've seen quite a bit of reporting of problems. But I have also seen a LOT or absolute junk disemminated by the anti-vaxxers which the naive believe.

piglette profile image

Why do you think we all suffered two years of lockdown, social distancing and also people on this board were afraid to leave their homes, if very few people died of Covid or were the press and governments of the world lying to us all?

PMRpro profile image

The vaccine doesn't stop you getting the disease, it stops you getting as sick. No vaccines stop 100% of the people getting the illness.

The recovery rate from Covid is NOT 99.3% - that was misinformation

and now, since the vaccine is available, it makes it much milder for many people. It also reduces the rate of Long Covid - which pre-vaccine was almost 50% .

The death figures in the UK were probably inaccurate as they only included patients who died within a certain time - but many people became so ill in ICU that they died up to months later.

The benefits of the vaccines greatly outweigh the risks - multiple fold.

Fran_Benson profile image

I'm turning off comments to this thread as it is becoming increasingly anti-vax and that goes against our guidelines.Some comments have been removed.

The ability to reply to this post has been turned off.

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