After a wonderful trip , feeling really good, I gradually felt tired and “strange “ over the next 2 days . I took my blood pressure and found it was much higher than usual so phoned 111. When the Dr phoned me it was even higher and he said I should go to A&E and was admitted. I’ve had lots of tests and monitoring also an MRI (waiting for result). My question is …I think I have read on here that there could be a connection between flying, picking up a a virus, PMR and high BP? Drs seem puzzled as I haven’t any chest pains etc. Any ideas??
After the Wedding trip to USA I am now in hospital! - PMRGCAuk
After the Wedding trip to USA I am now in hospital!

What dose of Pred were/are you on? You couldn’t have forgotten to take it or mixed a dose up?
I put it up to 3mg before holiday (from nearly down to 1 on DSNS) but consultant here put it up to 10 on Wednesday…I came in Tuesday evening. He said I could just stay at 10 for a few days then go to 5. NoI didn’t miss a dose …I tried to adjust because of the 6 he difference. Thanks for any ideas.
I’m pleased they’ve put your Pred up in the meantime…..A couple of weeks ago l was on 9mg but l was ‘losing’ the taper so l decided to go back to 10mg & l took two tablets which l thought were 2x5mg but in hindsight l think they were 2x1mg - l went down hill rapidly…..
That’s what made me ask about dosage. Let us know when you get your results.

Can't say I have ever heard of such a link. Hope they find something to account for it (in the nicest possible way) because not knowing probably isn't helping you! And get well soon.
Blood clots can be associated with sudden high BP but I'm sure they will have thought of that, And they are definitely associated with flying, especially long haul
Thanks I’m still waiting for results of MRI but nurse said BP has come down but heart rate a bit low. One Dr did mention possible virus because I have tiny red marks on my cheeks. They seemed puzzled as I have no chest pains etc.