Taking 9 mg at the moment and seems under control. Nurse practitioner wants me to go on statins although my bloods were ok. In 69. What do you think. Feel I’m taking enough pills at the moment and heard they can give you muscle aches.
Statins: Taking 9 mg at the moment and seems under... - PMRGCAuk

If your bloods were OK - why does she want to add another medication?
They can cause muscle problems but the general consensus is you have to keep trying until you find the one that works for you. as some cause side effects for some people but another doesn't.
I almost ended up in a wheelchair with atorvastatin and since then have refused to take one. My cardiologist was fine about it but the spare one I saw before xmas had the discussion for the first time for some years! I have agreed to try a different one at a low dose and see how I get on. It took some doing to take that first tablet and it is early days - we'll see!
my Oh got stomach cramps and his kidney function tests keep going up and down whilst on that statin. Being a diabetic , he was given it just in case as his cholesterol had been slightly higher than normal when he was first diagnosed.
I started doing my research and discovered many people with an uncontrolled autoimmune condition can have raised cholesterol when it is not under control or during an infection.
So , I suggested that my OH tried coming off the steroid and we used his diet and supplements for a few months before his next test. The test showed he was in normal range again , it had dropped lower than it had been on statins so he stopped taking them full time.
It can take longer to bring down the cholesterol without the statin , but having the opportunity to try it I think is worth doing if your health conditions allow you to.
He didn't have any other health issues that would mean he could benefit from taking them, of course.
I have had to give in and take statins as my levels had increased. I tried simvastatin and atorvastatin a couple of years ago but both caused problems. Doctor prescribed Pravastatin and I have been taking them for 3 weeks now and feel ok. Some sleep problems which may be down to the statins but otherwise fine. Pharmacist has telephone twice to check on me but all good.!,!!
I’d be wanting a discussion about your cholesterol levels together with family history, your diet etc. What was her rationale for saying that? No one should be put on drugs without knowing why and being able to weigh up pros& cons.Anyway, statins get a bad press as they are blamed for all sorts of aches & pains but there’s good evidence in their favour if you need them. I’ve been on them for years without any problem.
If your level is high, try this, advice from the stroke (I just mis-spelled and stork clinic, now I am laughing.......
Breakfast, a bowl of proper porridge and one whole orange, must be whole orange and not just the juice. It worked for my Cousin and she is now 93 and still at steady at just over 5.
If your bloods were ok and you haven't got any other heart or artery issues that might make statins a more important medication for you , I would ask to be allowed to use diet and exercise and have your cholesterol levels checked again in three months to see if it's still fine.
You can also decide to take them in the future if cholesterol becomes an issue.
Statins , for patients with non cardiac conditions can often be given as a "just in case" drug to stop an issue before it possibly happens . Sometimes because it is alot easier and quicker to prescribe and get you to take a pill than to give you advice and self care diet plans that would stop the need for the pill.
You need to think about it and when you have made your choice explain it to them in a friendly but direct way , hopefully they will be impressed with your proactive approach.
Eat healthy .Have overnight oats every day. Love walking do over 15000steps every day I’ve lost weight . Only vise is l like a drink at the weekends. On pills for blood pressure, gout , under active thyroid . A blood thinner because it was 2 thick and pmr drugs.
They may have chosen to suggest statins , despite what seems to be a really healthy lifestyle because you had a number of co morbidities , including the need for blood thinners and BP and the gout. it's probably worth checking whether it was being prescribed just for cholesterol and not because other results related to your blood thickness , BP or gout may have meant it could be a useful preventative drug to consider.
Even then , it is your choice when they give you a more detailed reason to take the statin.
What is your drink of choice ?
Just wondering , as sometimes different types of alcohol can affect your recovery or flares of gout.
And was told my bloods were normal
I would be very careful!I tried Statins and Zetia and I had severe muscle Pain and it made my liver results goway up.
Statins can cause serious muscle disease.
After using Zetia, it took me 2 weeks ,to not walk with a cane after stopping the medication after 2 weeks!
Now , I have Myositis which could have been caused by cholesterol medication.
I’m taking atorvastatin 30mg along with Prednisolone 5mg, no problems I’m aware of. Lipids were good prior to being picked up with cardio arterial blockage (which has now been stunted) but cardiologist wants me to continue with the statin. Ok with me.
I would not touch statins personally. My husband was put on statins after being treated at Harefield Hospital. The result being his muscles were affected and now he is barely able to walk. When my doctor wanted me to I was having none of it and told him.
This was asked just a few days ago…if you search you will find lots of info…I think the subject was atorvastatin, the trade name of one statin. But just put in statins in the search field, you will get lots of info. A lot of people responded & I think the info would be relevant to you. I take atorvastatin, have familial high cholesterol, & have had no side effects at all. But I don’t take them in connection with PMR!
I am absolutely convinced my PMR was brought on by statins and I have absolutely refused them ever since, the jury is out on whether they are that effective anyway.
Hi, there have been a lot of discussions here regarding Statins and you will find pretty much diametrically opposed views about them. I've been on Rosuvastatin for many years now and had no problems, my OH also takes Rosuvastatin with no problems. However, the first two I tried gave me bad joint pain.
I too have been taking Rosuvastatin since June of 2021 for very high cholesterol and two blocked arteries. My vascular surgeon says this statin is the good one. It took away the pain in my leg after walking a certain distance and the possibility of a stroke is much lowered. My pulse was higher at night and a BP med of 5 mgs has remedied that. No muscle pain, only relief from pain.
I think you are absolutely right to be cautious
Suggest you check out what British cardiologist Aseem Malhotra has to say about statins..
This address to the EU parliament (link above) is interesting on many levels and may prod you into further reearch
Which YouTube video is it? 2017 or 2021? The link isn't working for me
That was the url I pasted in, but it's not a live link. So ifyou copy and paste, itshould do the same for you. However if you google "Aseem Malhotra European Parliament", you will find it............."Profit over Poplulation Health.......at the European Parliament..."
Cholesterol was 4.5 so that seems good.
I tried 2 different statins some years ago and had adverse effects from both, so refuse to try any more
If you do agree to try one, monitor yourself very carefully
Thanks everyone.waiting for a phone call from doctor.