The ends of my thumbs are numb, and sometimes it is more than usual, has any one experienced this? Also my upper arms are numb. I thought that accupuncure was helping, but, I still have the numbness.....any suggestions?
Trying to cope😊: The ends of my thumbs are numb... - PMRGCAuk
Trying to cope😊

See you asked a similar question 5 months ago… has anything changed since then?
Steroid dose increase/decrease?
More/less acupuncture?
Think you probably need to discuss with your doctor, but maybe give us a bit more information about your illness initially so we can advise.
There are two issues that I am concerned about. Please share any info you have. It has been a year since I was put on prednisone for PMR. I have tapered from 30 mg to 10. I am holding at 10 mg. I am considerably better, but I have no energy, and I must work. It takes all I have to go to work. Also my thumbs, are either numb, or slightly tingling all the time, I drop stuff. Oh!! And depressed. I work on the depression, talk positive, try and live positive......what else can I do? I am a US army veteran. My primary care is at no cost..... but the VA. Is way behind in care, there was a lot of trying this and that, before, I saw a rheumatologist, and tried to put me on methotrexate, which made me more tired, and sick at the stomach. I really don't know what else to do.
Hi again,
PMR does affect the hands, despite what many doctors think…..and it has been discussed on here, but not extensively.
But that, combined with the numbness in the arms might suggest you are not on a high enough dose of steroids for your illness, or something else altogether.
Not a lot of help you might say, but I think you need to address if it’s PMR firstly…. and the only way is to increase your dose. Maybe try 15mg for a week and see if there is a significant difference. If there is, then that’s your answer, if not then you need to seek advice for other problems.
Have you considered carpal tunnel syndrome - see this link -
Working with PMR is difficult, and not sure what situation is in US, but in UK it is recognised under the Disability at Work act, and employers have to make certain provisions to make working life a bit easier. Do you have someone within the organisation or in a union you can discuss this - assuming you are an employee rather than self-employed.
Your fatigue can be caused by your underlying illness, and the meds themselves, and the only way around that is learning to pace yourself….easier said than done I know, but this post may help -
Through your VA organisation can you get any help for your depression? ….or is that limited to PTSD following military service?
My late hubby was in UK Forces, and I worked for MoD for a long time, so I know what’s available in UK but not in US.
Take care….and hope you soon feel better, please keep us informed.