I was "diagnosed" (guessed at really) as having developed PMR in April/May this year. Started on 15mg of Pred, which didn't touch the sides, then 25 for two weeks, then down to 20 and all was good. I have subsequently reduced to 18 and will continue to, slowly, reduce further but have noticed that my hands now tremble, albeit only slightly and not all the time. Could this be a side effect of the Pred, or not enough Pred, or merely part of the aging process? Anyone else had a similar experience?
Hands trembling : I was "diagnosed" (guessed at... - PMRGCAuk
Hands trembling

I've read back through your history Flivoless. You originally said they put you on 15mg and you noticed a marked improvement within 24 hrs but that it didn't last long. PMR pro then gave a very thorough summary and I guess you went back and got that increase. I automatically reject the aging process as a cause of aches, pains, numbness, nerves, motor neuron responses and memory functions. PMR seems perfectly capable of screwing these up all by itself and a lot of other disorders. Not had this one. Hopefully someone else can.
Yes, 15mg took the pain from excruciating to merely severe.
Obviously not enough but a good start. I started on 20 and after 2 days relapsed as it turned out I had GCA as well. Up to 40 and still there. Also suspect its only just enough so taking longer to get GCA under control. PMR well under control so pain free. Good luck with tapering and the tremors. Could it be a spasm effect. I have tingling and nerve issues and numbness in feet legs and DR thinks it's folate shortage. On a course of folic acid to help regeneration and response. Best to get your neuron responses checked out.
Hi Flivoless. Like Dad2Cue, at a higher dose, I also experience dithery hands and couldn't hold them out infront of me without seeing them tremble slightly. In my case this was just yet another side effect of the steroids. I also experienced what I refer to as 'jelly legs' ..... happens sometimes when at lower doses too but not constant.
I have shakes in my hands and especially fingers until about mid morning after taking pred very early am, then it subsides. Currently on 9mg reducing 1mg every 6 weeks. Seemed to start at 12.5 mg step.
Good morning Flivoless. I've been a non-caffeine drinker for many, many years. As soon as I began taking Pred (last October) my hand began shaking badly, something I absolutely hated. I notice now that if I do anything physical at all - like getting up from a chair, walking anywhere, my hands shake worse. I've put it down to the medication. Necessary evil
My daughter noticed my hands trembling when drinking glass of wine. Was on 15 mgs then. Now on 4mg and stopped. The trembling I mean, not the glass of wine🍷
Yes, but only one arm/hand & it’s very vigorous, not just slight trembling! I was referred to neurology in May, but my first appointment is in February...confirms the backlog they talk about! It’s thought to be unconnected to PMR, but I won’t know further until Feb!
I used to get the shakes in my hands but mine was down to drop in sugar and BP if I didn't stick to eating times....had pre-diabetic diagnosis, cured by diet and now okay.
I also had a tremor, mostly when holding cups and books, but it has disappeared as pred dose came down. I don't think I'm old enough for it to be age-related! Hope yours goes too.🙂
When I was put up to 30mg of pred to counter a bad flair my hands shook continually - in fact I was wobbly all over! Now down (again!) to 5mg it’s much better but still a bit shakey. I’m sure pred does this in some people.
Yes I have had this trembling and it did reduce when I got to lower doses.
Yes I have the shakes as well. People have commented on it. It varies from day to day though. I'm currently on 6.5mg pred.
Yes, about two years into my PMR on a low dose of pred I started to get pronounced tremor also very annoying twitching. I was waiting for my neurologist apt when I got a bad UTI and ended up in hospital with horrible shaking. and tremor. Couldn't do the finger to nose test. After an MRI the neurologist called it essential tremor. It’s improved now I am back on higher pred for a relapse and I have medication to take if it gets bad. Apparently it gets worse with age. Ho hum...
I've had Essential tremor since I was 13 and no, you never get used to it. People vary in how much worse it gets over time and sometimes it seems to improve (depending what else is going on in your life) It got worse when I was on higher dose of Pred but has certainly reduced as the Pred dose has come down. I hope that will be the same for you.
Sorry you have it too. Mine is worse when I am not well but I drop things all the time and trying to put toothpaste on the toothbrush....forget it 🤪🤪
You will be able to work out ways of doing things that will help you. If using two hands, try to make sure that one of them is fixed or supported in some way and this makes it easier for the other hand to work. I am right handed and when putting toothpaste on the brush I told toothpaste tube in left hand and fix that hand against side of wash hand basin so that hand is steady. Then I am able to put some toothpaste on the brush which I am holding in right hand. It is worth a try anyway but I have 67 years of experience!