Hadn’t realised how negative my thinking has been especially over the past few months. I attended a BBQ at the weekend where even thought he weather wasn’t good , the drinks were flowing and everyone was laughing and happy - except me! I am not a drinker but I suddenly realised that it wasn’t the drink that kept everyone happy it was their positivity. Over this past 12 months , Coronavirus, lockdown, pain and inward thinking had taken their toll on me and resulted in a negative thinking grump. Having recognised my own problem and resolved to turn things around I feel like a great weight has suddenly shifted. I realise that many people much worse of than myself still look on the bright side and still enjoy life. Coronavirus, PMR and in my case Ulcerative Colitis are not going to rob me of my enjoyment of life. Life is for living 😃❤️
Staying positive: Hadn’t realised how negative my... - PMRGCAuk
Staying positive

Oh Well Done Jaycee 💐The last 16months have been especially hard with Covid, Lockdown & Shielding but a PMA (Positive Mental Attitude) does in fact work wonders.
Constant pain is wearing & in the long term a cause of depression both from the pain & the changes to our lives both from PMR & Covid which has been unprecedented in all our lives.
I feel the changes ahead of us on the 19th July will impact greatly upon us again but we must find a way through.
Good Luck 🍀
Kind Regards
Yes, we will find a way through. Reading this morning flippant comments made by members of the public with regard to 'ditching the mask' make me angry but it's within our own powers to do the right thing for ourselves. I wish everyone on this forum, especially those who are struggling and in pain, the ability to find that positivity and hang on to it.
Jaycee good morning
Your lovely revealing post , I’m convinced , will bring inspiration to many of our posters, who unfortunately find themselves feeling negative ….
This is a forum for warriors…we can lose the war sometimes, but in the long run , not the battle.
We are all blessed, by having the help of medications and doctors to assist us in this battle. ( also this great forum and advisers)
Looking at the half full glass and not the half empty glass is definitely part of the recuperation..positive thinking.
Keep smiling fellow posters and stay safe.
YuliK 😷
Hi jaycee444.Well done to you.
When you're in pain, or feel like your life is going out of control, and fear & uncertainty often seems to fill every moment...it's really hard to find anything positive to be cheerful about, but thinking the worst all the time will usually only deliver the worst.
We will all have times when things become much more challenging than others... but we do get through them and life improves again. The trick is being able to see beyond the 'bad day' and know that even the bleakest day only lasts 24hrs!
I try and look at my life's blessings.. many of which my illness can't 'spoil' or effect, like:-
- the love of my family & friends. That remains ever present, even when I couldn't see them during lockdown. That love just had to be delivered and received differently...and by that I mean that instead of face-to-face interactions with hugs and embraces..... it was expressed via zoom, telephone conversations, receiving letters or flowers, etc.
- my illness can't touch my love for nature and if I'm not able to go for a walk in the countryside I can still sit in my garden with the birds & squirrels, or failing that, sit by my French windows watching the birds.
- I have my hearing and can listen to my music and enjoy it's soothing, calming influence. I can hear the voices of the people I love..... the birds..... the rainfall and all of nature.
- I can still read all my favourite books and more besides.
- I may not always sleep well, but whilst I'm awake, I'm thankful for being able to lay in a comfy, warm, dry bed with a roof over my head....I'm not homeless on the street!
These are just some of the many examples I could think of when trying to find 'the positive. Other's will have a different list but the important thing is, that we'll all have one.
We all will get days when everything becomes a bit overwhelming and nothing seems to 'lift us'. That's ok and it's normal, and I would say just go along with it and ride it out. Tomorrow will be a new and better day. It's ok to have a bad day, just try not to allow it to drag into a bad two or three days if possible.
However despondent we get at times or however futile things feel, there are always good and positive things around us....and we don’t have to look very far to find them.....we just have to 'look'!
You are so right Kendrew but I had lost sight of all that is good going on around me. A real stress buster for me has always been to get out and take a walk - usually with my dog. I got up this morning and there he was - tail wagging and pleased to see me. Up with the lark and out with the dawn chorus all around us ..........wonderful!
I'm occasionally too lazy to get up and out especially when it's blowing a gale like this morning, but that first step into the outdoors is my reward. Immediately my spirits are lifted. I'm thinking now about those on the forum whose symptoms are raging and who are physically unable to walk even a few steps and I sincerely hope that things will improve for them. I'm sure they will have read Kendrew's lovely comments and will be inspired to open the window or open the door and just ...look, breath and enjoy.
Grey sodden morning here in South London, but your posts, Jaycee, Kendrew and others have made a great start to the day. Thank you! Mostly I am cheerful and positive, though yesterday's news on lifting restrictions did not lift my heart, but now and then a reminder of all the things we have to be grateful/happy about is a Good Thing!
Bussell good morning, lifting restrictions may be lifted in the UK , but we PMRers know that the restrictions are not lifted for us.
Take good care of yourselves and continue to take precautions as you did before.
I remember when I visited Japan many many years ago, that folks there were wearing face masks during the winter months. Taxi drivers wore masks all the time, together with white cotton gloves.
We just have to keep ourselves safe until this darn virus is completely eradicated.
Good luck. 🌹
A happy flash of insight that we all need. 🌈
I hear you! I almost backed out of a family gathering this weekend but decided to go because I felt obligated. Poor me! Instead I had one of the best weekends of my life. The last ten years have been so draining with ulcerative colitis, frozen shoulder (x2) breast cancer and now PMR and Covid. I forgot how important just having fun with people I enjoy is. It takes energy but it can give back so much.
I am beginning to think that the anxiety around this pandemic for some people triggers conditions. Constant being in the 'fight state'. I am one of these! I was a happy soul before March 2020.