Goodness! Woke up about midnight and it was like I'd had a bed bath, literally! The sheets, duvet and pillow were saturated, yuck! I wouldn't mind but I have just changed the bed to take advantage of the lovely weather and dry the washing on the line. I know I've read it before, but is the sweating due to the inflammation or the pred? I had an uncomfortable weekend, probably overdone things, and second Covid vaccine on Tuesday. Just curious. Also waiting a doctors call re Dexascan results, I suspect he wants to discuss AA with me. I'll have to have a read up first so I know what he's talking about!
Sweating: Goodness! Woke up about midnight and it... - PMRGCAuk

The great drying weather is such a joy! No more shuffling around not quite dry clothes for a few days.Sweating being over doing it, Pred or vaccine? I’d say all three. Remember your immune system will be reacting for a couple of weeks to the vaccine as it is meant to. With Pred I found even a rise in temp tipped me over the edge into a sweaty mess. Over doing it can certainly cause it, and now you’ve got the vaccination cooking away on top.

Snazzy is right - could be any or all of the three, I had a flare with my second vaccine shot, just a sore arm with the first but the second reaction started on day 3 or 4 and the aches and fatigue lasted a while. I have never had bad sweats except at one point in the pre-pred days but they improved a lot once I started pred though I never had a soaked bed as you describe - most of my sweating is around my neck and decolletage ...
I bought a couple of the neck bands that you soak for 15 mins the gel spreads and last for 48 can make it last longer by putting in fridge - but never the freezer (something to do with the gel stuff. Got last years out two days ago - happy I remembered where I had put it.............................. round my neck now and it keeps me cool.
Thats interesting, as this really bad sweat is 3 days after vaccine. I have had sweats like menopausal ones but nothing like this. Still, it's just more of an inconvenience really as I feel OK in myself right now which is most important.
Until proven otherwise - I'd say it isn't unconnected with the jab!
I ended up sleeping on a bath towel during the hot spell in 2020. Kept another handy just in case.
Yes get them terribly I sleep with a towel now- used to be all over but now it’s my chest and neck but it’s like someone had tipped a bucket of water over me.
There is a real problem on here to do with sweating , very common ! In my case its not just the nights it was on and off all through the day and night ! dreadful ! I think it is the pred , as my dose comes down so does the sweating , i still get them but not as intense and not as often through the 24 hour period ! Good luck it truly is an awful side affect !
Hi VivI’m tapering down at six weekly intervals and today I begin with 7mg but I am really suffering with the heat so much so that as the day gets hotter my face feels like it’s on fire and I’m sweating profusely.
It’s probably one of the worst side effects 🥺
Hi Viv54, I experience head, neck and chest sweats mainly late afternoon and into the evening. Very different from the whole body sweats associated with menopause or Tamoxifen. I had to stop taking the Tamoxifen though as I just couldn't cope with the whole body sweats and the pred / PMR sweats. The latter do however seem to reduce in frequency as the dose reduces. Went out to dinner last night with friends and had a red face and sweaty hairline for most of the evening. Ugh!
For me it's the prednisone and worse today due to increased humidity. I get frequent fungal rashes on my skin from all the sweating. My clothing feels like I stood in the rain!!
KarenWelsh put a question on about sweating yesterday with lots of replies, perhaps it would be helpful to look at it? Sorry time short so can’t repeat my answer now must learn to find, copy and paste! S x
Here is a link to Karen's post
Hi I've had hot flushes and night sweats for some time as was on tamoxifen for 10 years and also menopause age. But annoyingly I thought they were getting better as stopped taking tamoxifen last year and then thought maybe I was finally through the menopause. But now I'm on pred they are worse and more intense! Though can't make mind up if it's a combo of pred and menopause - such fun. And I've got my second vaccine on Monday so wondering how I'm going to be as had a temperature of 38.3 after last one but that started as being absolutely freezing 🤣
After GCA diagnosis, and first 2wks on Pred., also experienced extreme sweating in bed. As I have never "enjoyed" this caper, it was perplexing. GP felt it was reaction to the Pred as was on 60mg at the time. After a couple of weeks, it tapered off. Hope you pin down which it is.