DietDoctor keto: Is the full DietDoctor Keto plan... - PMRGCAuk


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Tayzee profile image
20 Replies

Is the full DietDoctor Keto plan suitable for weight loss when on prednisolone as it is high fat plz? I’m desperate to lose weight ...

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Tayzee profile image
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20 Replies
Koalajane profile image

I lost weight by cutting carbs. I have not gone keto as I feel it is too extreme. I do the low carb high fat protein and my cholesterol is still good. I eat cheese, have full fat yoghurt and semi skimmed milk. I do eat butter.

DevonshireDumpling1 profile image
DevonshireDumpling1 in reply to Koalajane

This was exactly the way I avoided putting on weight when I started Prednisolone. I lost a few pounds initially and, as I couldn't afford to lose any more, added as much fruit as I wanted. Worked for me but everyone is so different.

PMRpro profile image

It depends on how you look at it really. You need a lower level of carbs for weight loss - whether everyone NEEDS to go as low as a keto diet is another matter.

However - when you are on pred it is almost impossible to get the body into the ketotic state because that depends on the almost total lack of increases in blood sugar - and that is almost impossible when on pred. Pred makes the liver release random spikes of glucose from the body's stores of glycogen in the muscles - there is nothing you can do to precent that. When glucose is present in the blood stream, the body comes out of its ketotic state anyway. It doesn't matter WHERE it comes from, that is what happens.

The best you can do is limit the contribution that carbs make to blood sugar levels. That may mean that you have to go very low on carbs - Snazzy and I both do to lose weight, maintaining it is simpler. So basically, cutting carbs and being honest about it, may mean you do fine without going down to the 20g carbs or less for keto which really isn't a lot. The primary mistake people make is snacking on fruit - lots of carbs there even if they are healthy, a single medium banana is well over 20g! If you choose a low-ish level to start at, say 50g carbs a day and you don't lose then you can cut it further until you find a level at which you DO lose weight.

The other thing you can do to speed up weight loss is to use the Fast800 approach for a couple of months if you do it every day or ongoing if you use the 5:2 approach with it where you eat 800 calories on 2, non-consecutive days a week.

Marijo1951 profile image

Hi Tayzee. I've read both your posts and I have some sympathy with you because when I started on pred I just gave in to the ravenous hunger and gained a lot of weight. I don't know if you saw my post yesterday, but if you read it (link below) you'll see that the low carb approach didn't really work for me as, although I did lose some weight, it made me feel ill and nauseous. I ended up switching to a vegan whole food plant-based diet. As a result I feel much better in myself and I've continued to lose weight slowly and my blood sugar levels are fine, even though my intake of complex carbs is now much higher. I haven't actually checked my carb levels, but since I eat a lot of grains, pulses and root vegetables, they must be pretty high. I'm not specifically recommending this to you or anybody else. I just want to point out that we're all different and sometimes, as in my case, the standard advice doesn't apply.

However, whatever you eventually decide, I must add my voice to the people who responded to your other post advising you to eliminate all junk foods. I'd include all simple carbs like white bread, white pasta and white rice, but if you just give up everything with sugar, you'll be doing yourself a huge favour. After a while you'll find your taste buds change and you won't be able to bear the taste of anything very sweet. I don't drink alcohol, simply because I don't like the taste or the after effects, so I never had to give it up, but booze does have a lot of empty calories, so if you could do without it, that would contribute towards your weight loss.


HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Marijo1951

And Tayzee Very much my approach. Giving up the "white" carbs and things with added sugar really seems the key. I didn't give up root veggies, and did eat a small amount of brown rice, for example, but I needed the calories. I never cut healthy fats and always eat a lot of vegetables, also try to get plenty of protein, not too easy for a vegetarian who has discovered she can't eat pulses any more.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to Marijo1951

That's very interesting, I tried to go vegan recently but because I eat low carbs I didn't want to eat start eating bread, pasta, rice, potatoes so I found I was eating more processed food ie meat substitutes like Linda McCartney Hoisin 'not duck' and quorn nuggets as just veg on its own is boring. I only lasted about a week, although I am still eating lots of veg, just with a bit of meat some days, so basically I've gone back to low carb. I've been wondering whether to give it another go and have a few more 'good' carbs, like maybe some rye bread and brown rice occasionally, but after years of eating low carb I'm now scared of going back to them in case I put on weight. Also I find if I raise my blood sugar level with carbs I get hungrier. I don't generally eat 'white carbs' like sugar, white bread, pasta, white rice or potatoes or drink alcohol, only on very rare occasions. I've read various articles about eating alkali foods to reduce inflammation which fits with being vegan, and I do believe dairy, or milk anyway, is inflammatory. I think I'd have to have the odd bit of cheese as vegan cheese is just cack!

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to tangocharlie

I don't like vegan so-called cheese either, but I'd become unable to eat real cheese anyway after a lifetime of loving it. It just became disgusting to me, as did eggs and other types of animal protein. I've given up any attempt to be low carb, except for the bad carbs, but I've still continued to lose weight slowly and my blood sugar level is well within the normal range.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to Marijo1951

Wow that has spurred me on. I've become increasingly uneasy about eating meat, but I was worried about eating more carbs and putting on weight . I don't eat eggs they disagree with me.Fantastic news that your blood sugar levels are OK. Mine border on pre-diabetes which is the main reason I do low-carb. I think it's worth me trying again with a plant-based diet and just the occasional bit of 'good carbs', as things like rye bread and brown rice are good for gut health too, which research also says is the root to controlling inflammation. I'll see how it goes by monitoring my weight - thanks for the info

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to tangocharlie

See how it goes for you. I've had weight problems for a while but never any concern about my blood sugar levels. If I had, maybe I would have thought about it for longer and researched more. It should be said that claims are made that a vegan diet can reduce the risk of Type 2 diabetes quite significantly. See

I definitely adopted this way of eating in my own interests, but once you're in the vegan world the ethical and environmental reasons start to make a lot of sense.

piglette profile image

I use MyNetDiary where I plan what I am going to eat. It also gives info on various nutrients. The basic version is free, but you can upgrade with more nutrients if you want, you do not have to upgrade. I find if you have already decided what you plan to eat you tend not to eat other things as well. It has a load of other ideas too which I have not tried.

TheMoaningViolet profile image

Hi Tayzee, I am trying a Keto approach with TRE (time restricted eating) at the moment. Very low carb, but not counting calories and having only 2 meals per day. After 1 week I managed to lose 1.4kg (about 3 pounds) and my cravings are under control. I have been eating a healthy Mediterranean-style diet previously, with no sugar, dairy or gluten, but was addicted to oat milk and could not resist fruit, so it was not as low carb as it should have been. I am not sure what my exit strategy is (I don't think I can face having so much meat and dairy long term), but the plan is to persevere for a few weeks and assess the situation. I think I will stick with a version of Keto (i.e. I may add some berries in a week's time, for example) for at least 6 weeks to give it a proper chance to work. I hope you find the approach that works for you. Vx

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to TheMoaningViolet

You can do keto and be vegetarian, I read it in a book on keto by Dr Josh Axe which unfortunately I have lent to someone so can't check, but I think it meant you had to eat more protein like lentils and get fats from olive oil, nuts etc rather than dairy. The only fruit I eat are occasional apples pears and berries.

TheMoaningViolet profile image
TheMoaningViolet in reply to tangocharlie

I think lentils will not fit into my current restrictions, but I will have to relax it eventually. I think I need to persevere until I am where I want to be, then I can look at formulating a long term eating strategy. I've had a variety of protein in the last 8 days, salmon, eggs, burger, sausages, turkey, so it's not too daunting. And, after over a year of not eating dairy, I am rather loving having a bit of cheese. I'll look up the book and see what I think, thank you for your suggestion. x

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Just Googled this which is really useful: Lentils don't seem to agree with me, I think they might be high histamine, or maybe my system just needs to adjust slowly to them rather than going full-on in week one of trying to be vegan! M&S tarka dahl was yummy though. Do I remember right you also have histamine issues?

TheMoaningViolet profile image
TheMoaningViolet in reply to tangocharlie

No, I can eat most things and the only food that really disagrees with me is wheat. I avoid all gluten which is not that difficult when you are trying to eat keto.

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Let me know how you get on, I need some inspiration to stay on track, whichever track I choose in the end

Pixix profile image

I went on the keto diet after two months of pmr while on 15mg steroids. I was diagnosed prediabetic and was already overweight due to steroids 4 years ago. I lost a stone in 7 weeks but as soon as I stopped it it went back on then another stone on top. Currently on 5:2 diet and lost three quarters of a stone in 8 weeks but easier on the mind and can eat a lot of the same things as husband! Your choice of course! Keto was harder due to no carbs at all whereas with 5:2 I am eating some carbs on 5 days a week and choosing to be very low carb as well as low calorie on 2 days a week. Good luck!

Pr0jection profile image

Hi Tayzee, this is my typical daily eating plan and I don't feel hungry and haven't put on any weight. It includes full fats even though I already have high cholesterol. Keto doesn't work for me. I have a banana and a couple of teaspoons of yoghurt before I take my prednisolone around 8.30 a.m. Small piece of brown bread toast with either cheddar cheese or scrambled eggs for breakfast + two prunes. Decaf cappuccino mid-morning. Lunch usually comprises a wrap filled with salad and slice of ham + some olives. Evening meal is usually chicken, small baked potato, and some fresh veg. or spaghetti bolonaise, or chilli con carne or homemade chinese food. I may have another small banana and some yoghurt after dinner plus a couple of squares of 85% dark chocolate. I will probably be shouted at due to the carbs, but so far so good and I no longer eat anything sugary. I have no pain and I'm down to 7.5mg from 15mg last August. I hope to get to 5mg by the end of the summer by adopting a slow slow taper. This may not be right for everyone but it suits my metabolism. Oh, and I also drink goat's kefir which has been successful in preventing stomach issues due to taking pred. Wish you all the best....

tangocharlie profile image

I try keto from time to time but it is very difficult on high steroids. I am trying again this week in the hope it will get inflammation down so I can reduce the steroids. If you can't get into full keto and stay there as others have said, just doing low carb helps with blood sugar levels and weight. I managed to lose about 2 stone a few years ago when I first tried low carbs and have kept it off, though I have to be vigilant, no banana bread in lockdown for me. I also try and increase good fats like olive oil and nuts. I'm in a few support groups for keto on Facebook and people say it helps with weight loss and ll sorts of things even if you're on steroids, but it is much slower progress than for those not on Pred. Go for it, let's egg each other on!

Mgt1234 profile image

Hi Tayzee

I’m currently on 13mg Prednisolone, my usual dose is 10mg and sadly I have struggled with my weight for many years (on steroids for over 10 years). I’ve now lost just over 4 stone it’s taken a while but the macro diet is working for me. It’s based on measuring carbs, cals, fat and protein. It’s really easy thanks to lots of food already having the details on their packaging. There are sites which can work out what your macros should be for weight loss, weight gain or even to maintain. There is no one diet to suit everyone but this works for me. Never give up, good luck ❤️

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