Has anyone had surgery to correct Carpal Tunnel Syndrome and what was the result and experience?
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Has anyone had surgery to... - PMRGCAuk
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

In the meantime - there might be something in the Related Posts, there are several about CT
I had both done three years ago, watched the surgeon do both and it absolutely amazed me that by just releasing the sheath around the nerve it solved the problem.I could actually hear the slight noise that it made springing back.One simple cut about 25mm in length and about five stitches.(obviously each one done six weeks apart,)I haven't had a problem since.
Yes.. I was on 5mg of prednisone at the time and Hydrochloroquine twice a day. I recuperated wonderfully without issue. No problems glad I did it. The surgeon had no problems with my 5 mg of prednisone. Immediately felt better. Two years later still no issue.
I had both wrists done many years ago and it really helped. about four years ago I had them both done again(a couple of weeks apart), but when they opened me up, they didn't really think it was the right decision. I still have symptoms but not all the time. Like yorkieme, I watched all ops, the hospital were so accommodating the first time, rigging up mirrors so I could lie down and watch - so interesting, seeing the insides in action😊
I had the op on my right hand about ten years ago (pre PMR) and inexplicably it also cured my left hand. The surgeon said this does happen sometimes. No problems since.
They thought I had carpal tunnel but it was the start of PMR...then it went to shoulders...onwards...hips. So I never had the surgery but I did get new ergonomic keyboards which helped anyway.
Hi, I had this op many years ago, pre GCA, because I was so used to holding my arms up in the air and shaking them I continued to do it after the op, it took a while for my brain to realise I didn’t need to do it anymore.
Have the op and don’t worry.