There has been some recent discussions around the subject of returning to work and how compatible this might be with a diagnosis of PMRGCA.
I too am currently having this mental debate as I prepare for a 3rd and final attempt at returning to work in a primary school.
I'm not posting this particularly for any advice or anecdotes. I'm just really expressing some thoughts on the subject from my perspective as a person about to embark on this challenge.
For me, returning to work means purpose to my day....... normality....... returning to a job I love....being with friends & colleagues again....and most importantly, working with and supporting the children I love in the nursery class where I teach.
However, being at home means..... having time to focus on just me & my current to rest, relax and recharge.....and a safe space where I can feel secure and comfortable.
Over the past year, I've learnt to manage my condition much more effectively and with progressively more positive outcomes. Through having all this time at home I've been able to improve both my physical strength and mental & emotional well-being. I now take a daily hour long walk around the meadow and fields outside my own front door every morning and when I come home I know I have all the time I need to rest. After lunch I'm able to do some gentle yoga for bone devpt, muscle strength and balance and then again I know I have all the time I need to rest.
Although I've always eaten very healthily I've had time to research my diet and prepare healthy meals that support my condition and I've been able to pace myself with regard to housework....being able to choose when I do the ironing or vacuuming and adjust those times at the drop of a hat on days when I've felt more fragile.
This daily regime has reaped so many benefits..... improvement in my physical strength, improved sleep patterns, reduction in anxiety levels and huge improvement in mood. I'm probably feeling as well as I've ever felt since being diagnosed, but here is the dilemma! This positive and significant improvement in my health is probably ONLY due to the fact I've had all this time at home to invest in myself. I've literallly had all the time in the day to just do whatever has worked for me. As soon as I return to work (mornings only) something will have to give! After a morning at work with 26 under 5's I know I'll definitely need to rest when I get home and I definitely won't be capable of both going for a walk as well as yoga in the afternoon. In fact I may not be able to manage either. On top of that there will be all the normal household chores to fit in too! Time for 'me' will be significantly diminished!
So!....the big question is....Is my return to work going to be worth it?
On reflection, I've made so many health gains through being at home and ONLY because of being at home so it would be soul destroying if all that progress was undone as a result of going back to work.
I don't know the answer to that question yet...but I guess I'm going to find out! I do know though that I'm not prepared to see all the positive outcomes unravel in front of my eyes, so at the very first sign of any kind of 'issue' I'll be taking the necessary action.
Sometimes life isn't black & white. Returning to work often seems like the holy grail of proof you're 'well' and everything is normal again, when in fact, just being well itself is the holy grail! I'm still going to give it a go because selfishly...I want to!...but I'm definitely not going to compromise my health and if I can't sustain my current level of well-being then I'll make the necessary adjustments!
Fingers crossed π€