Weight Gain - A Gentle Warning!: I was diagnosed... - PMRGCAuk


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Weight Gain - A Gentle Warning!

Kendrew profile image
β€’91 Replies

I was diagnosed with PMR in May 2019 and from the very start I was aware that one of the many possible side effects of pred was weight gain. Determined to minimise this occurring, I immediately increased my efforts to consume what was already a reasonably healthy diet by reducing further (but not completely) sweet and sugary treats. I cut out all alcohol as that wasn't something I was too bothered about.....allowed myself a few pieces of dark chocolate (85%cocoa solids) each day and one cake-type treat a day. (this did not mean a massive piece of cake though!) I continued to eat lots of fresh fruit and veg, chicken and fish, limited wholegrains, seeds, nuts, pulses, drank lots of water....and for a long time this worked well and my weight remained reasonably stable....with just a fluctuating 3 to 4lb weight gain over 20mths. THEN!.... a global pandemic hit and like many others, I ended up with this years Christmas plans in disarray and the disappointment of not having my son and his beautiful girlfriend of 13yrs to stay. I determined to make the most of it though, but a momentary lapse of focus (and common sense!) led me to believe it would be ok to allow myself a few extra treats under the circumstances! After all...it WAS Christmas, and I HAD been good for so long, and I DESERVED some respite, surely? So, I ate everything I wouldn't normally touch.....pastry, crisps, chips, cakes, biscuits, chocolates....... basically....high fat and high sugar foods. I had wine or prosecco most nights and showed little if no regard for what I was putting in my mouth. I thought it would make little difference for such a short period of time! (3wks)........WRONG!!!! ....... Unbelievably, I gained almost a stone in weight!!! Yes!... one stone!!.... and four inches around my waist!! I was so shocked and disappointed in myself and couldn't understand what had gone so terribly wrong.

What I knew....but clearly hadn't understood.......was that unlike pre-diagnosis, when I could have a little binge on holiday or when celebrating something without too much of a problem.....pred effects the way you metabolise food, and makes it much easier for sugar to be layed down as fat. Everything from absorption to digestion of food changes on pred and the effects are rapid and brutal if you don't respect that. All my previous efforts and resolve....down the pan! The stupid thing is, that often after I'd eaten a so-called treat, I'd realise that I hadn't actually enjoyed it as much as I thought I would and frequently wished I hadn't eaten it at all!

So.....what to do??? No time for regrets and moping. I've been back to my healthy eating habits for two weeks now and restarted my walks and gentle exercise and have already lost almost 3lbs. I know with focus and determination, I'll lose most, if not all of the weight I gained, but I'll NEVER, EVER make that mistake again.

I felt relating this experience might prevent someone else from falling into the same trap. The consequences of having PMR/GCA and being overweight are too serious to ignore, so hopefully , if you're thinking of having a 'binge' as some kind of a treat......please learn from my mistake...and think again! πŸ™‚

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Kendrew profile image
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91 Replies
MrsNails profile image

That is so easy to do, especially if you’d bought in extras for Christmas - MrT kept asking about the Party Food in M&S but l said we didn’t need it πŸ˜‡ but l have to admit to the occasional mince pie! For sure Pred doubles, nay, quadruples the effect of Carbs! I have a couple of pounds to shed but know l can do it, the increased Pred doesn’t help but l can feel it around my middle so it’s gotta go!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to MrsNails

I think your post reassured me that I can succeed with just some serious tweaks to my diet rather than a complete dietary overhaul.....at least for now. I feel so stupid though for allowing it to happen. Your success definitely makes me feel positive and determined though, so thankyou for that.

Devoid profile image
Devoid in reply to MrsNails

Hi does pred continue to effect eating carbs regardless of how low a dose it is?

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Devoid

Pro would probably be able to answer this more fully as l’m not sure to be honest.....

Devoid profile image
Devoid in reply to MrsNails

Thanks I will wait for her opinion, I think my body is saying any amount and like a lot of things it may be quite individual.Definitely harder to keep motivated in this weather and the general gloom of the pandemic, I seem like I can worry for the world and that doesn’t help,Vaccines and spring are hopefully not too far away 😊

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Devoid

I’ll be glad to see January boxed off & we can look for the signs of Spring. And, the Vaccine!

Keep Safe & Well 🌺

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Devoid

I'm not the expert here but others more knowledgeable will correct me if I'm wrong. My understanding is that as you taper down to lower doses, the effects will probably diminish, but duration of pred meds is also a factor and at whatever dose, it's wise to be mindful of what you're eating because you're always at some increased risk of developing diabetes whilst on any dose of pred if you're abusing your diet.

Devoid profile image
Devoid in reply to Kendrew

Hi I am down to 2mg and weekly tocilizumab injections, lost 22 lbs since having the wake up call of pre diabetes. I gave myself a day off on Christmas Day and Boxing Day and had a few treats, certainly didn’t go mad and even that made a difference, I did have horrendous side effects from high dose pred so I feel I will probably need to carry on with low carbs indefinitely, which at least I’ve got used to, but will probably be more difficult when we are let out!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Devoid

I've found that my palette actually changed over time, and the fewer sugary things I ate the less I craved sugar......the minute I 'let go' though, the craving comes back!It was proven perfectly when after staying off processed sugars for several months I had a piece of Cadbury Dairy milk chocolate, and literally all I could taste was sugar....which is of course what it's predominantly made up of. I didn't enjoy it one bit as I couldn't taste any chocolate! Interesting.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Devoid

My blood sugar got a bit high and I cut out all "white" carbs, ate more protein. This helped a bit, but my blood sugar did not go back completely to normal until my pred was well below 5 mg. (Started at 15) What I'd like to know is if I can eat carbs with abandon now because I need to gain weight. Never had a diabetes diagnosis.

Koalajane profile image

Hi, we have all done it. I am on 4.25mg and we had a holiday in Scotland and ate out quite a few times. After eating fish and chips a few times and potatoes (a small amount) in two weeks I put on half a stone. I would also say on my return home it took a very short time to lose it again after returning to my LCHF diet. I am now trying to think of ways to put a bit of weight back on. I am also in remission from type 2 diabetes which I control by diet and walking. Perhaps I shall have to cut my steps down!

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to Koalajane

Well done controlling your weight so well and diabetes. Just wish I could get my head round LFHC.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Hollyseden

Not LFHC - wrong way round ;)

Hollyseden profile image
Hollyseden in reply to PMRpro

Like I said, I can't get my head round it πŸ˜†πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

Bcol profile image

Very wise words and many thanks for posting this. It is something, similarly to you, that I have rather ignored for the Christmas period as well and are having to make a bigger effort to get back to where I was. It never ceases to amaze me how easy it is for us to self justify doing something we know isn't really right. I guess it is one of the "joys" of being a human being. Take care and don't over exercise in your quest.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Bcol

πŸ˜„Haha! I wont. Stay safe.

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Kendrew

Tiz good and I will try to, but have emergency dental appt this morning, so not really a very happy bunny. πŸ˜•

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Bcol

Let's hope they're super vigilant with the safety guidance then! Good luck. 😬

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Bcol

Good Luck at the Dentist πŸ€

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to MrsNails

Thank you, I will report back on the joyousness ( not sure that's a word but it sounds good!!) or not of my visit.

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to MrsNails

Made it there and back safely and no disastrous work needed.

MrsNails profile image
MrsNails in reply to Bcol

Great! πŸ˜€

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to MrsNails


Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Bcol


Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Kendrew


PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Bcol

Not the work that's disastrous - it's the bill at the end!!!!

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to PMRpro

Indeed, did OK though and got to back in a month for a full check. Happy bunny now.

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to Bcol

I went to the dentist yesterday. I was given bright blue plastic shoe covers to wear. It wasn't till I got back to the car that I realised I was still wearing them! πŸ˜„

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to 123-go

Luv that, feeling unloved now as I wasn't offered shoe covering!!!!!!! πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Bcol

Do you think they have them in pink??πŸ™„πŸ™„

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to Kendrew

I wouldn't be surprised, but that would have clashed with my socks!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Bcol

Haven't seen any shoe coverings in our hospital - never mind the dentist!!!

And no - the darn things come in blue, blue or blue ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to PMRpro

No pink then!!!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Kendrew

You can have blue for a change??????

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to 123-go

HAHAHA! Lol. πŸ˜„

SheffieldJane profile image

Don’t beat yourself up so much Kendrew, you are not alone, there is a whole army of us, trust me. Being stubborn, I didn’t eat a lot at Christmas, I don’t like to feast to order and I don’t like traditional Christmas foods like turkey, Christmas cakes or puddings. I have been eating things I don’t normally, like bread though, by way of compensation I expect, now that the season is over. So I am taking myself in hand too. The exercise is an issue though, the dark, damp days are not appealing. I think people discovered my long, leafy road on the last lockdown - it seems popular with runners and walkers in a way it didn’t used to be. It is impossible to go out without constantly swerving , puffing, panting, people. We have had some lovely sparkly days though, the birds give me a singing, heads up and I disappear into the depths of the neighbourhood.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to SheffieldJane

Thankuou. Well it's good to know I'm not the only one who's succumbed to temptation. There's definitely a big difference between knowing what you SHOULD do and what you ACTUALLY do!πŸ™‚

Bcol profile image
Bcol in reply to SheffieldJane

Hi SJ, that last part is one of the reasons I enjoy going out in the dark and very early morning, very few if any people around. However, I do have two very loyal bowwows with me.

Longtimer profile image
Longtimer in reply to SheffieldJane

I am on same type of road...numerous runners, all ages......all times of day....looking at their watches to see if they are running fast enough!...I don't get it...(yes I'm envious!).. but why pound pavements when you can run round the several parks we have nearby......

Rache profile image

Certainly identify with how easy it is to gain weight on Pred. I used to be cynical when I heard overweight people say things like β€˜I only have to look at food to put on weight’. Of course it’s not quite as bad as that but feels like it sometimes! It’s the distribution of fat that I find most depressing. My tummy is growing at almost the same pace as my pregnant daughter’s. Hearing me complaining about discomfort from my waistbands, she suggested I should try maternity leggings. I was a bit affronted but guess what, reader, they are perfect! 😒

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to Rache

Comfort and no labour pains! Perfect.

suzy1959 profile image

As a life long dieter, now reformed, please don't ever be hard on yourself! When we diet- going into deficit calories- our body wants to react by making us crave the very foods we are trying to control, so that we don't lose weight.. This is why, despite our best efforts, when we "let go" we eat the "wrong' things. We are going against our biology.I don't post much about weight gain, diabetes and dieting, because I have struggled all my life with this and being put on steroids just made it all much worse! I am not in control of my eating just now, but I do know that if I was to diet, the weight lost would all go back on and then some, as it always has.

I can see that some people on this forum have never had a weight problem until being on steroids and I think these issues are different for them, so I will never judge anyone for what they choose to do with their eating and their diet.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to suzy1959

What a heartfelt and honest response. I really admire you for saying that. Thankyou.

123-go profile image

Wise advice, Kendrew. I was reminded of times pre-Covid, when lunching with friends. On one occasion a friend suggested a Pub/restaurant that rang alarm bells for me as soon as we walked in; the smell of deep-fat frying was overwhelming! I was still struggling with the menu when others had already ordered. I tried to explain yet again that I was carefully watching what I ate and listened with a certain amount of despair to 'helpful' comments in the vein of "Oh, it'll be ok just this once" and "It won't hurt to spoil yourself for a change". Everything came with chips or deep-fried greasy onion rings-no nice fresh veg or salad -and I eventually ordered mushroom pie. I left all the pastry but the filling was ugh! Invitations to afternoon tea made my stomach lurch. I could either join in for the laughter and conversation and have a nibble and lots of tea or stay at home. I used to LOVE afternoon teas. 😩 One day!?

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to 123-go

It's such a dilemma at times, which is why I allow myself a daily treat....and most of the time thats enough to avoid excesses. Going out is the tough one as you say. People don't understand....even my sister bought me chocolates as a treat for Christmas...and a good friend bought me SIX walnut whips because she'd remembered I loved them! I do, but wished she'd remembered what I'd told her about steroids and weight gain more!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 123-go

I HATE traditional pub menus!!! But they will usually come up with a load of veggies and double up salads if you ask nicely. I just play the gluten-free card ;)

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to PMRpro

I don't think this particular pub knows what a vegetable is. There was nothing on the menu and not a hint of green on other diners' plates. A useful tip for the future though. Most places we've been to are really obliging. I think they have to be in this day and age where a lot of people have allergies/food intolerances. Grandson's fiancΓ©e is vegetarian/coeliac. I've got used to catering for her after initial slight panic. πŸ™†

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to 123-go

What - not even peas? ;)

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to PMRpro

No peas on the menu. If there were I could have asked for a plate of peas πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚.

TheMoaningViolet profile image

Thank you for sharing; I love reading your posts, they are always so eloquent and relatable. I could recommend 100% dark from Montezuma, I have a couple of small squares in my turmeric drink every day (about to make one) with pepper, cinnamon, tea bag. 7 drops of liquid stevia and a splash of oat milk - feels like a treat, but super-healthy. Vx

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Thankyou for your kind comment. That drink sounds really delicious. Would there be any chance you could send me a full list of ingredients, how much of each and method please?πŸ˜€

TheMoaningViolet profile image
TheMoaningViolet in reply to Kendrew

Yes. I will PM you. You can order different turmeric mixes, but I will let you know which one I use. Anti-inflammatory, soothing and delicious.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to TheMoaningViolet

Thankyou so much. Really appreciate that.

tangocharlie profile image

Low carb has to be a way of life when you are on Pred. I have/had been stable for so long, blood sugars perfect, and then like you, just by letting things slip for a few weeks put on 10lbs. I'm trying to get back on track now, but that has meant being ruthless and giving away the remains of the Christmas cake.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to tangocharlie

I'll never do that again....certainly not to that extent! I like to think I'm an educated person who understood the risks and yet I still thought a few weeks of indulgence would make little difference. It's genuinely good to know that you've all experienced similar at some time.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to tangocharlie

I can't believe how fast the weight...and inches.....increased!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Kendrew

Some of it may well be fluid retention - carbs do it too and it is very likely that the things you ate had more salt than you had been used to.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to PMRpro

Yes definitely. I also know I didn't drink anywhere near as much plain water as I normally do. Just small changes, but they've had a big impact!

tangocharlie profile image
tangocharlie in reply to Kendrew

Same here!

jinasc profile image

Not just to Kendrew

The old saying "Your eyes are bigger than your belly" is true.

One of the simplest ways to keep control over your weight and diet is to change the size of your plates.

Dump the dinner plate for a ham size plate. Make sure you have the smallest tea plate available.

Then when you put your portion sizes on the plate, they are smaller.

When you feel full your eyes cannot then over rule that feeling as there is nothing left to see.

This simple tip came from a Lead Dietician in the Diabetic Research Dept.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to jinasc

I've heard that said several times and will probably use that to help me gauge what I eat. Thankyou.

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to jinasc

Mind over matter πŸ™‚

GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to jinasc

Also, don't put serving dishes on the table or the sideboard. Plate your food and cover it with a pot lid or an inverted bowl to keep it hot while you put away any leftovers. What's on the plate is what you're getting for that meal. If you're sharing your meal with others and this isn't practical, then plate your own and leave the additional servings in the kitchen for them. Resolve that once you sit down to eat, you're not getting up again until the leftovers are cold and unappetizing, but ready to store in the fridge. Bring something to read if everyone else usually wants to be excused. If possible, have them put away the leftovers.

Cold sparking water with a splash of lemon or lime, or a few frozen berries or other fruit, makes a great appetizer and cuts your appetite. Keep the bottle in an ice bucket on the table for sipping with the meal and conversation. If you drink still water, keep it in a pitcher in the fridge and put it on the table. A splash - and I do mean a splash - of wine won't hurt. It's the way the Roman's drank wine. Same with any spirits. Lots of ice and water.

I eat small cubes of low-cal, low salt, low fat cheese and grapes when making a meal that takes a lot of time. Keeps me from nibbling my way through the cupboards while I cook. I also use a baby spoon for tasting so I don't eat half of my meal standing over the stove while I cook.

Pre-pandemic, we had a rule that there were no sweets or junk foods in the house. If we wanted them, we had to walk to and from the store, and could only buy one serving per person. Now, I'll bake a cake or a pie and freeze pre-cut serving sizes that defrost while we're cleaning up after dinner. I bake from scratch and make complicated recipes for this, so I have to be really motivated. It also takes a lot of work, so it burns off some calories before it's over.

PMRpro profile image

As tangocharlie says - it has to be a way of life.

One of the sad truths about losing weight is that once you find the way that works for you, it must be a permanent lifestyle change, You can never go back to life as it was before - because that was the reason you got oveweight in the first place. There must be changes and with pred - the effect is that much bigger. Plus your body thinks it needs to stock up for the next famine ...

I had had no intention of making mince pies this year - but on xmas eve OH said he wanted some. The last couple of years he has eaten 1, maybe 2 and so that left the rest for me. However, I made the standard 8 small muffin size pies. He ate 2 over the whole period - I restrained myself to 1/2 at a time and a bit of icecream and brandy butter. I do restricted eating most of the time together with low carb - which theoretically means them being sandwiched in that 8 hours minimises the evil. Not getting on the scales. My jeans still fit ...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to PMRpro

Prior to my diagnosis, I'd been very pro-active at keeping healthy and fit and eating really nutritiously. Obviously, at my age, I was mindful of any weight changes, and at Christmas I would always put on a few pounds after allowing myself extra treats and alcohol. It was nothing that wouldn't easily come off with a few weeks of extra focus, but this time, as you say.....pred makes it a whole different ball game! Lesson learnt!!πŸ™„

Rache profile image
Rache in reply to PMRpro

Envy you re jeans! Mine (even stretch ones) are packed away for some hopeful future day. Even going up a size does not help due to my increasing 🍏 shape πŸ₯Ί

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Rache

I never couldn't find jeans that I could wear - but they were expensive being here in Italy. Still have them in a cupboard ...

Kendrew profile image

I hear and understand what you're saying. Thankyou.

fmkkm profile image

Hey Kendrew,Exactly the same story, Christmas +New Year +Pandemic then throw in 3x Birthday cake!!! I gained 15 pounds, about a stone. I am happy to say that I am living a reformed life and have lost 3 pounds also. Excess weight is not good for Covid or GCA inflammation so I am motivated now that I woke up from my food coma πŸ™„.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to fmkkm

Haha! Into battle together!!πŸ˜„

Kendrew profile image

Thankyou....yes, I'm working on the sleep. Trying out some different things. Oil diffuser....weighted blanket, plus all the usual suggestions.

123-go profile image
123-go in reply to Kendrew

I gave my daughter-in-law a weighted sleep mask for Christmas. She said it is the best present ever and the first night she used it she slept better than she’d done for several years. ...’Serenity’ made with eco friendly fabric.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to 123-go

Oooo....not heard of a weighted sleep mask. Will research that too. Thankyou.

jimcarlow75 profile image

Hi Kendrew, lol it's so easy to slip up isn't it. You've got it under control tho it seems.I'm 75 now and this is a second bout of PMR in 20 years. I seem to have reached a point in my weight gain which is higher than I would like but steady and only moves up and down a few pounds, say 2 or 3 and then settles down again. which proves I suppose that a little more effort and I could get the pounds off slowly. As you get older tho you are not so bothered by your shape and buy your clothes accordingly. If you have any tips for me I would be more than interested to hear them ...Regards Jim...

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to jimcarlow75

Hi Jim. I definitely think you're right in that the older you get, the less important our appearance becomes, but I think for me that maybe means something a bit different. I'm no longer bothered about what others think of how I dress, or what I look like. I dress to please 'me' and if people are critical or judgemental of that, then that's their issue and not mine!

However, I still wish to feel attractive, and for me this means being able to maintain a healthy weight in order to stave off other conditions that may well emerge, such as diabetes and high blood pressure, and to allow me to continue to wear the clothes I have in my wardrobe without any necessity to buy too many new ones in steadily increasing larger sizes! πŸ˜„ This again means remaining at a weight where I feel comfortable and can look presentable.

Being overweight permanently isn't an option for me.

Everyone is an individual and if you feel comfortable in your own skin..... whatever your weight.....then that's what's exactly right for you.......unless, you're suffering from ill health as a direct result of your weight. Then it's probably best to address that to improve the quality of your life.

It's easy to slip into bad habits and become complacent about our weight, but no one can make you do anything you don't want to do. You seem to be reasonably happy with your weight management, even if you do feel you could probably manage to lose a few more pounds. Only you know what's right for you and if you want to change something .....then do it! If you're happy, well and comfortable.....then maybe you don't need to anyway.

Weight only really becomes a problem when it starts to cause other health issues or leads to negative thoughts about yourself. If you're feeling contented and well.......HAPPY DAYS!πŸ˜€

Maisiek profile image

Can I join the club! My weight rocketed when I started on Pred.: I took myself in hand after putting on 3/4 stone and have been trying to keep carbs and sugar down . Doing this I can just about stay the same 😒 when I crave something sweet I have a bit of cheese which I find less β€œmoreish β€œ ( I can’t eat just one chocolate). Stay safe x

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Maisiek

Consider yourself a member!πŸ˜„ I've always managed my weight fairly well over the years, and the older I've got, the more it's fluctuated and the harder it's been to lose the weight each time I've gained some. That is the natural progression of things though. Gaining weight in the way I've just experienced is really scary and not in any way familiar to me!....it was so rapid! I've had lots of reassurance and advice from friends here and I now know what I need to do so it's all good. πŸ™‚πŸ™‚

Frewen1 profile image

Really helpful, thank you - so depressing to have put on a stone since starting pred in August, now about to try a low carb diet but I find it difficult because, although I eat really healthily anyway, it’s only the carb bit that fills one up! However I’m determined to summon that elusive willpower, strengthened now by your post. Good luck with your project too x

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Frewen1

Then you aren't eating enough fat and protein to provide calories! Bulk should come from salad and non-root veggies. Once you get established on low carb you avoid the swings in blood sugar levels that are what cause the hunger pangs

Frewen1 profile image
Frewen1 in reply to PMRpro

Right. I’ll persevere!

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Frewen1

Good luck....we can do this!🀨

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Frewen1

Oh, and I forgot to say that often when we think we aren't full up we need fluids - a large glass of water first before eating something just might be the difference. Or walk away from the food and find something distracting to do.

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Frewen1

What PMRPro said is correct....I usually have a large salad (put together by myself...NOT a packet of salad) and include spinach, kale, radishes, cucumber, peppers, etc and lots of cauliflower, broccoli, green beans sprouts, etc. Even though I have to watch my saturated fat intake (I have very high cholesterol.......take statins) I eat some dairy and healthy fats...nuts, seeds, etc. I truly never feel hungry. Eating at regular intervals really helps too!

Pollyanna16 profile image

Hi Kendrew, I can really identify with your post at the moment. Seriously trying to drop the Christmas pounds. Have signed up with Michael Moseley’s Fast 800 as, unlike you, I seem to need the extra support to keep me on the straight & narrow. Basically The Mediterranean diet with exercise. Pred since 2011 has really taken its toll on my fitness & body shape ! Well done with your focus & resolve x

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Pollyanna16

Hi Pollyanna16,Well done to you too. I've read a lot about Michael Moseley's Fast 800, and it seems to afford some very successful results. Making the decision to be pro-active is a step forward and a positive move. It doesn't matter how we achieve our goals....if you feel you need some support, that's perfectly ok. Let me know how you're getting on and good luck.πŸ™‚

Pollyanna16 profile image
Pollyanna16 in reply to Kendrew

Thanks Kendrew! Just doing something positive feels good. I took part in his webinar we had a couple of months ago & signed up for emails etc. The diet proper starts next week, but I am easing myself in this week. Will keep you posted. Take care. I am a Yorkshire lass living in Cornwall by the way πŸ‘

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Pollyanna16

I'm a Yorkshire lass too...living in Essex. Which part of Yorkshire??

Pollyanna16 profile image
Pollyanna16 in reply to Kendrew

Driffield, Capital of the Wolds πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰

Kendrew profile image
Kendrew in reply to Pollyanna16

Aww! Happy days! I'm actually from Leeds...Skipton side....but back in the day, I was at (what was then called)Hull College of Higher Education, doing my teaching degree. My final teaching practise was at Kingsmill special school in Driffield. It was all of the term running up to Christmas and at the end of the day, I'd get a lift home on the school coach. I remember going through all the pretty villages en route back to Hull, and as it was dark by 4pm, all the Christmas lights in the shops and streets looked so pretty and vibrant. Will never forget it. I applied for a job there but completely fluffed the interview!πŸ˜‚

Pollyanna16 profile image
Pollyanna16 in reply to Kendrew

Oh what a shame I believe it is a rather special place.

Kendrew profile image

It certainly was in 1984 when I applied for the job!! A lifetime ago! Xxx

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Weight gain

I had an appointment for follow-up with UK Biobank (Google it - it's interesting) and had all...

weight gain!

Morning all My first post on here , what a great group it is too , I’ve gathered so much...

Weight gain and tapering

I am currently slow tapering at 6mg Pred after starting at 15 in July 2019. I also take 5 mg...

Weight gain.

I know that many people have posted here about their weight gain, usually due to the Prednisone....

weight gain

I have been on preds since early July and despite my best efforts have put on a few pounds….not...