Hi,can anyone tell me if it is ok to take cold and flu tablets while on pred.thank you.
Tablets.: Hi,can anyone tell me if it is ok to take... - PMRGCAuk

You probably need to run it past pharmacist or GP, or NHS online but if it just contains paracetamol it should be okay. But best to check.
You should be fine using whatever you took before unless you're taking other drugs for high blood pressure, diabetes or other ailments. I'd go to the pharmacy where you medications are on file, and ask the pharmacist for advice. They're going to give you better info than the doctor on drug interactions and side effects.
Famous New York remedy for colds and flu: chicken soup.

Depends what is in them. Those with paracetamol are OK, any with NSAIDs (ibuprofen or aspirin) are not, Be careful not to overdose on paracetamol - add up the doses and don't exceed 3000mg per day. And no alcohol ...
Dear Flosys,
A word 'From China', as it were.... Be Foo King Careful! Seriously I honestly Doubt it, I certainly CAN'T 'Take', a great deal' of these Medications.
Can I make a suggestion? Talk to your local Pharmacist, they are a VERY 'Overlooked' Professional Resource, every Pharmacist is Highly Qualified, often less busy and generally more 'accessible' than your- enormously 'Overstretched' GP. Pop in, to your nearest 'Chemist', and just ask- if they say 'Come Back After Lunch' then do so.... maybe don't go in at lunch time- next time!
There Are 'Old Fashioned Cures' that Do still work, many of which you CAN have- Honey & Lemon, for example. (If you have Honey & Lemon and a couple of Paracetamol Tablets- you should be OK occasionally- then you are having, very similar to 'Lem Sip' at a fraction of the price!)
Please DO ask Flosys, your exact 'Circumstances' are Different to mine anyway. Whatever you, have a
Happy New Year 2021
Your Pharmacist is your ‘Best Friend’ they are always pleased to be consulted, try to keep to the same Pharmacy as if you ever have any issues with your Meds they are always happy to assist you.
Paracetamol are usually fine it’s just if you take ‘Cold Remedies’ that contain Paracetamol also you can run into problems.
It’s not necessary to see the Pharmacist face to face a phone call will be fine & arrange a review of all your Meds in the New Year. Mine was always happy to do this especially when l was wanting to add supplements, l left the info with him & had an appointment with him the following day, very beneficial.
Hope you feel better soon.
MrsN 🌺
Hi.thank you very much.