Hi All I’ve had a lot of pain my knees elbow s wrist hip bones all hurt rang doctor last week booked me for a full blood test Tuesday and doctor rang to today asked me a few questions as in did my pain get better as the day went on no I replied then asked if I had a headache no I don’t but my knees are painful and as the day goes on my legs swell and burn right he said don’t think it’s arthritis let’s try some steroids for four weeks I ring u back 11 December he only said bloods came back showing inflammation so I don’t really know why he’s giving me steroids for inflammation I got the feeling he didn’t know what’s wrong just dishing out meds without seeing me as our doctors only give phone appointment with the virus about ok for the nurses to see us but not them
Unsure why doctors put me on theses: Hi All I’ve... - PMRGCAuk
Unsure why doctors put me on theses
Steroids are pretty specific and effective for inflammation. Did she/he not mention PMR or GCA?. Prednisalone remains the only reliable, effective treatment for these diseases. Most patients experience remarkable relief from symptoms within days or even hours. So it can be used as a diagnostic tool at around 15 mgs.
Hi thanks for reply unsure what you mean by PRM or GCA he just said blood show inflammation I’ve a few health issues already but my bones are so painful doctor who arranged blood test asked if it was my FM pains I said no theses are new pains tramadol don’t help and I also get a lot of muscle spasms I hoping theses meds will help the pain just have to wait and see
Hi Sheila. There will be others along to reply to your post later who know far more than me. It maybe that the doctor thinks you may have Polymyalgia Rheumatica (PMR). The only treatment for PMR is steroids in the form of Prednisolone. Unlike your FM, Pain killers like Tramadol and Co-Codamol don't work or have any effect with PMR. As SJ says your doctor may be using this as a diagnostic tool. If the pain pretty much disappears with the steroids then it may well be PMR. Taking the Pred for a few days will have no detrimental effect on you but will make/help with the diagnosis. You have come to right place and as I said other highly knowledgeable and helpful people will be along later with more information and support.
Your doctor appears to be on the ball and to have a good knowledge of PMR/GCA. Some of us here dragged on for months before being diagnosed with inflammation building up until we were wrecks and we all wish we had been given Prednisolone at an early stage to assist in diagnosis. Take the steroids without fear as how your body reacts will give a clear indication of whether or not you have one or both of these conditions.
How many milligrams did he prescribe?
Hi 5mg three times aday
Didn’t get much sleep at all last night my lower legs where painful and my stomach was gagling all night took second pill with breakfast knees feel like they are on fire
Not that good a knowledge of PMR. In PMR the pred dose is to be taken all at once first thing in the morning - that is the only way to get a level in the tissues that is high enough to combat the inflammation.

Hi ,
Your doctor may think you have either if these illnesses an is checking - have a read if this -
See if it sounds familiar

Steroids are the most effective medication for certain types of inflammation.
The symptoms you describe and the blood results possibly suggest to the doctor you have polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR) - that is what we discuss here on this forum - and that can be associated with giant cell arteritis (GCA) which can cause headaches and affect your vision if left. The treatment of both is the same - steroids - but at different starting doses. Tramadol doesn't help the pain so that is another suggestion it could be PMR. A good response to a moderate dose of steroid is also typical.
I haven't heard of anyone on this forum having their starting dose of steroids split into 3 times a day. Perhaps someone else could chip in here.
Sorry that you're in so much pain. Now you're on the doctor's radar there's hope that a solution will soon be forthcoming.
Thanks for all the replies I took a look on line after your advice seems I should be taking them in a morning so they don’t keep me awake all night third day my knees are still painfully and I am getting cramps in my lower legs that maybe my FM tho unsure I keep taking them see what happens any problems I will be back on the phone any ideas when the steroids will kick in ? Thank you everyone
Once you are taking the dose all at once it could be anything from a few hours to a few days if the dose is enough - some people need 20mg. I had a great improvement in under 6 hours to 15mg - but others aren't as lucky.
Have you tried some magnesium for the cramps? Supplements or foot baths with Epsom salts works too.

Don’t forget, if you ever decide not to take Steroids you must not stop suddenly if you have been taking them for more than three weeks. This is because your adrenal glands may have stopped working and they need to start to work slowly as you reduce the steroid dose slowly.
Hi All
Well thought the meds had helpedwith my knee pains but I’ve had terrible pain in my calf’s and they are irritated my bladder so I ring the doctor not the same one that put me on them but she said if I am have trouble with them stop taking them she will refer my to a rheumatology but could only offer me morphine for pain relief but sadly that causes problems with bladder for some reason it stops working and have to dash hospital to get it working again bloody body any one got a good one to swap
If I don’t laugh I cry thanks for
The advise
And yes the doctor who put me
On them thought I had
Polymyalgia Rheumatica tho I don’t have shoulder pain it’s my knees elbows wrist and hips well keep taking my other meds plus paracetamol s every four hours fingers crossed I don’t have to wait long with this virus
I didn't have shoulder pain - ever. I couldn't life my arms above should height, but they didn't hurt as such. It is a case of either/or or both - everyone is different.
Oh right may be I do have it then went see what happens can’t keep taking theses prednisolone killing my calf’s and my bladder afraid if I carry on my legs will stop working full stop had to go hospital about four years ago couldn’t get out of bed without gas and air they thought I had blood clots but my muscles had gone into spams they ultra scanned them but sent me home in a wheel chair after a few days it went god knows I have one hell off a body