Crying for no reason and change my user name - PMRGCAuk


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Crying for no reason and change my user name

Bro- profile image
18 Replies

I know prednisone can mess with your mind I don’t feel depressed I just wake up crying for no reason and then I get better during the day is anyone else experiencing this? Also/ Does anyone know how I can change my user name I have no idea why I put in Bro-

Lol. I must have been out of it at the time and was using my kids initials I’m a 54 year old female not a rapper

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Bro- profile image
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18 Replies

Oh poor you...suspect we all have days like that...Bro!

click on your personal round symbol top right. a drop down menu appears and think you select settings...should show you there and if you get stuck try admin

think the tears and depression are all part of the course hopefully gets better with the right meds.


Bro- profile image
Bro- in reply to

Thank you!

jinasc profile image

With just coming to terms with GCA, there is nothing wrong with a good howl each morning, then when you get further in to it and more will cry less - well I did and I am a 'tough cookie'.

Don't over think it either - just accept the tears, they wash your eyes.

PMRpro profile image

Remember you can change your name only once - after that you will have to rejoin. You wouldn't be alone in that by the way - just as you aren't alone with the tears and given the state of the world at present, who can blame you

Hello ?Bro! Please be easy on yourself and kind to yourself! Coming to terms with any chronic illness is like an emotional rollercoaster, as I and many others if not all on here are bound to have experienced in one way or another. For me, it is early days and I’m coming around to adjusting my daily routine so as to manage my symptoms and keep my mood up in the process and have been helped by the experts on here to see the woods for the trees and explain what is going on with the illness. Your feelings are normal and you can validate them without feeling guilty for it! I do hope your head aches ease up soon. Take care and good luck with your new user name!! 💐💐

SnazzyD profile image

Well, you have two reasons to have a good howl - 1. You’ve been thrown into a new world that you don’t like and it’s a very scary. It will settle, but this is the worst bit getting to work everything out. 2. You are taking high doses of steroid that really messes with the emotions. This is why some people need medicinal help until the dose reduces. Lots of self care needed.

Devoid profile image

Oh how I feel for you! The first few months following diagnosis and on high dose steroids I was crying, laughing then crying again with no rhyme or reason. It then just reverted to my normal emotional state , but it was very odd and my husband found it particularly difficult, especially as it often happened with no notice. Please just be kind to yourself and I’m sure it will pass .

Viv54 profile image

Hi, i get this , i was on 40mgs of pred for 5 weeks and in that time would cry at the drop of a hat !! Just overwhelmed ! But as the pred drops so do your tears , i still get teary , but no where near as much. In a way it does you good, not to keep everything bottled up ! Good Luck keep smiling , it gets better ! Best wishes Viv x

Cyclegirl54 profile image

I was like this too- crying so much I could have filled a bucket! It does pass and the emotions do settle. Plenty of self care and kindnesses to yourself🌸

Yep. me too....the tears come out of the blue. Never ever been depressed but certainly feel like it now. I'm always Huffing and Puffing. Sadly, I maybe told today by rheumy that I have to go up higher than 2 mg that I increased last night from 10.5 mg, due to GCA symptoms slightly appearing again.....dread that feeling returning and the shakes too.


Dilly-B profile image

Hi Bro (I think you name is fun by the way).

I wonder what you would say to me if I wrote what you wrote. I bet it would be kind, accepting and encouraging. So often we are far kinder to others than we are to ourselves.

I wish you well. “This too shall pass.”

Bridge31 profile image

I consider I’m pretty much au fait with my new life now after 14 months but the sudden tears ? Oh dear...Embarrassing too in front of the children and grandchildren who can’t understand why Granny is crying.

My husband only has to say something slightly unkind and where before I would have had a quick retort now I dissolve into tears.

I think it’s par for the course for the majority of us.

I like the name by the way.

Pippah45 profile image

Hi Bro. A friend said the other day that waking up in tears can be to do with low blood sugar. That made sense to me.

Mcoop33 profile image

I read all the replies and cried Im going through the same thing

IDK if im coming or going sometimes. Im 35 have been diagnosed since I was 30 & this a new symptom for me. I did recently however have two REALLY rough flare ups back to back. Didnt want to go right back to the Dr. after id just gotten over the 1st flare up, so I self medicated with the saved doses from my exceptionally good days. Starting to think this maybe the reason I WILL NOT REPEAT!

Janetknit profile image

I can so relate to the tears, I was diagnosed April 2020 with PMR;rollercoaster of instant tears since. 18 years ago I had a severe case of shingles, which prepared me for being sick for extended periods... but even that did not prepare me for chronic disease... it is very overwhelming. I know we will all get better. We really aren’t ourselves as we had come to know ourselves , and that is difficult. I hope you are kind to yourself and know that we are all spontaneously tearing up across the globe.

tangocharlie profile image

I've just recently experienced some counselling sessions and learned the powerful effect of shedding a few tears and acknowledging what raw emotions are going on rather than ignoring them. This is a tough illness that totally changes our lives. For years I tried to keep calm and carry on, using mindfulness techniques, which is good, but I've learned you also need to tune into your emotions too, otherwise what you resist persists and then in my case it blows up and I just get angry with the world. I also learned to try and write things down, so for example to say 'I'm feeling sad today because I'm so fatigued'. The act of acknowledging what's going on in my head seems to help.

Uglow profile image

That made me laugh bro 😎 yes I can wake up crying too. I don’t this all one bit! She said like anyone actually does. 😂we’ve been robbed

Uglow profile image
Uglow in reply to Uglow

I meant to say don’t like this one bit

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