Hi everyone
I’m hoping someone can give me some advice or help put my mind at rest.
I’ve had pain in my shoulders and arms for over 2 months now. Much worse in one arm than the other and this shoulder is locking up.
I’m seeing a physio who went down the trapped nerves route and now frozen shoulder route.
I am concerned that this doesn’t explain the pain in my other arm.
I don’t really have pain elsewhere except at one spot in one hip which has recently started.
My mum has PMR.
I am almost 51 and getting night sweats which I had thought were menopausal.
My doctor hasn’t seen me due to Covid but on the phone dismissed PMR as a possibility.
I don’t know whether to phone back and try and insist on a test, or whether the symptoms should be elsewhere in my body as well.
Recently the stiffness is extending up to my neck and jaw which is making me doubt frozen shoulder.
I’d be so grateful for any advice. i know my mum wishes her symptoms were diagnosed earlier but I don’t want to waste the time of the medical professionals if it’s not likely that I have PMR.
Thank you so much.