Does anyone know the magic number one needs to increase the prednisone by when you experience a flare up...I was down to 5 mg and doing the drop dead slow approach, then hit 4 and wow, total flare up over a couple of days, increased to 6, but still not under control. Any thoughts?
Flare Up: Does anyone know the magic number one... - PMRGCAuk
Flare Up

Add 5mg to the last dose you felt good at - so if that was 5mg - go to 10mg.
Stay there about a week - then if ok you should be able to drop back down. Would suggest to 6mg, not 5mg. And then when you restart your tapering try 0.5mg a time - but only when you are sure everything under control.
You’re at such a low dose, don’t rush it!
Dead slow nearly stop 😂

If it is just a flare from overshooting, adding 5mg for a few days is usually enough. Up to 10-14 days and drop back to just above where the flare happened may be needed though.
I am doing DSNS and am down to 9mg and am experiencing a flare in my left wrist at the moment, I am of a mind to ride it out. Is this wise?
~Hi Theziggy - please can you explain your definition of what "a flare in your L wrist feels/looks like?
I got to 5 using slow taper but then started getting pain and stiffness in shoulders and hips. Routine blood test showed CPR up from 8 to 44. Rheumy put me up to 8 for a month which solved the tapering from 8 to 7, so far so good
thanks....I started to feel it in my hands, arms, my neck, I could barely move it....prior to this people would talk of a flare up and I thought perhaps they were over reacting to a bit more discomfort, but now I certainly know what, "Flare Up" means
Hi there...I was diagnosed 2 years ago. Started at 15 mg, and now only at 7. But am very lucky my GP has left it up to me to self regulate. Believe me, in those 2 + yrs, I have been hospitalized with the flu, kidney stone (removed thru surgery), and recently a fall, resulting in fractured pelvis. Spent 3 weeks in rehab facility, intense PT and home care for another 3 weeks. Proud to say I am as mobile as ever. The secret I found is 2 Advil every morning (which I am not supposed to take) and able to reduce to 7 from 8 and will continue to try to reduce prednisone in increments.
I will be 75 this summer and decided I will listen to my body and not worry about the numbers. Quality of life over everything else.
There are some perks in getting older...make your own choices and don't worry about the small stuff! Good luck on your journey!!