I keep hearing conflicting views on this . I had been adhering to 24hrs for paper, up to 48 for plastic and metal and cleaning anything that came into my home accordingly. But virologists' views on this seem to vary. I heard one saying 30 mins for paper another saying not to worry too much about it as the virus 'could not live long outside the human body'. Any idea?
How long can virus live on surfaces?: I keep... - PMRGCAuk
How long can virus live on surfaces?

Hi, this is the advice and info from the WHO....surface halfway down the faqs.

This reports on a study in the New England Journal of Medicine on how long the virus lasts on various surfaces:
This will be peer-reviewed - so more reliable than some suggestions.
I think it is irresponsible to claim that the virus cannot live for long outside the human body - that will lead to people becoming complacent.
It is now clear that when someone sneezes the virus can reach surfaces well beyond the 1 or 2m we are told to use in distancing, up to at least 4 or 5m is possible. The further away you are, the less will be present - that is helpful because it is very likely you do need a minimum amount of virus to develop an infection. But this is a whole new virus, they are still finding out facts about it each day and it takes time to disseminate accurate information.
It is possible to catch it from touching surfaces - and except in your own home where no-one else is present - you have no idea how long it is since someone sneezed all over the lift button, into their hand and opened that door or held onto the stair rail.
It is all unknowns - because it also isn't yet clear when someone becomes infectious and it can take up to 5 days after being infected before they show symptoms. How infectious is someone showing no symptoms or how long before the symptoms appear will they be infectious?
Worst case scenario is the safest approach I think,
That's how we are treating it, everything that comes into the house is washed if we want it, or burnt if unsolicited mail etc.
I saw an episode of mythbusters that showed the spray projected from a sneeze travelling several metres. They also showed that sneezing into your arm absorbed most of the spray and sent the rest up or down and not out. Useful to know.
Someone on the TV this morning said that the virus hung in the air longer than previously suspected too, so you don't necessarily have to be sneezed on directly. It's a constant learning process.
I for one am grateful not to be able to go out
I think I will get my burning bin set up....if I can ever get in the garden!
Conflicting advice worried me.............so:
I have an open porch with a small stone seat. I have a big notice in a clear plastic folder
Call Intercom or ring the bell and we will talk to you through the glass.
I then ask them leave paper items under the stone seat, leave plastic on the seat or on the ground. I ask them to take cardboard boxed parcels to the back garden and leave on the table or step.
All food items are dealt with, others are left out for at least 24 hours
I wipe everything and take off the outer wrapping and put in bin, wash my hands and then bring in the items.
So far, so good and we have had some laughs, especially through the glass.
Am I an being paranoid - Yes.
I think we all need to be., that's how we'll beat it. It's hard work though and takes ages!
If you are paranoid so am I.
I just had tahini delivered. I washed the box, then that and the packing were straight in the bin. The jars sprayed with soapy water and left to dry on my protective sheet.