Domestic Cleaners: Hi, I’m bit confused as to where... - PMRGCAuk


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Domestic Cleaners

Thelmarina profile image
84 Replies

Hi, I’m bit confused as to where this query belongs so please forgive me if it isn’t here. Is the general feeling that we should not have our cleaners because of social isolation? Or are they an essential because they clean down surfaces? I don’t want to put my lovely lady or myself at risk. 😱Help!

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Thelmarina profile image
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84 Replies
PMRpro profile image

Officially, we aren't allowed any non-residents in the house which really does make sense. And self-isolation in the UK says no visitors at all doesn't it?

After all, you have to assume that EVERYONE you meet is carrying the virus since it is thought about half (at least) are assymptomatic. It is unlikely your cleaning lady will be willing to wear protective equipment while cleaning I imagine and if she is a carrier then she could be leaving virus on the surfaces after cleaning them.

prunus profile image
prunus in reply to PMRpro

My OH is due for a catheter change on Friday by the District Nurses and although he needs it I am worried about any coronavirus being brought in.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to prunus

Totally understand that given their lack of appropriate PPE!

Paulamac77 profile image
Paulamac77 in reply to prunus

My friend, who is a District nurse, has been issued with PPE to ensure she can do her job safely. In-hospital staff are maybe not so lucky. one is coming in my house but I am Shielded (that sounds weird). Can you cope with wiping some surfaces etc physically? For me having someone in would defeat the object of being isolated?? Wouldn't you want to clean up after them. 🤔

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to

Thanks - both - I think I was thrown from common sense by a couple of friends who thought it was ok. I’ll cover her for a couple of months though - fingers crossed this doesn’t go forever, although I have my doubts. Very hard on the people doing these sort of jobs xx

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Thelmarina

There are a lot of people - even here in Italy where you would think it was obvious you need to hide away - who just don't get it.

The cleaner may have a son, who sneaked out to meet his girlfriend. Whose brother had met his mate who works in the NHS and had been sneezed at by a patient hatching the virus. Remote maybe - but a week later the girlfriend had picked it up from her brother, gave it to the cleaner's son during a snogging session ...

I had finally found a cleaner at last - she lives upstairs. My house isn't even clean to start with but it will have to wait :(

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to PMRpro

You are absolutely right! Consider the query a momentary lapse of common sense 🙃

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Thelmarina

You could look up the employer advice and see if you are eligible for the govt paying 80% of her wages while she is not able to come and work , then it won't cost as much . You probably couldn't apply if her work is all cash based without a contract though. It's a shame with the added stress it's probably one time we could really do with having someone else do a deep clean for us once a week but it is against the rules .

Rimmy profile image
Rimmy in reply to PMRpro

Excellent example PMRpro which requires people to think hard about such potentialities and consequences. This kind of 'denial' is sadly global - ie. some people just don't 'get it'. I am reflecting however on a situation (just one example) where an elderly man of 85 who had a lobectomy a few months ago for lung cancer - lives with his partner who has several (some painful) conditions herself. They were getting along OK with some outside help - cleaning etc- before the pandemic. Now they are confronted with being unable to not only not being able to ever get a 'break' from each other but much physical work which is beyond them really ... and we know there must be many many people in similar situations. I think their cleaners may still be arriving - at least here in OZ ! And of course despite efforts to rapidly produce a vaccine - I'm still hearing from across the world '18 months' ! This then is going to be a longer term 'new normal' - MUCH 'longer' than any of us would 'wish' and clearly very very difficult for people with pre-existing conditions and/or 'disabilities' in such situations.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to Thelmarina

I had to make the decision two weeks ago. I had put it off because I didn't think I could cope (I'm 80)! I have - with my husband's help. I try to do 10 minute 'slots' - and then rest for 3/4 of an hour. I do this about 5 times a day and our flat doesn't look any different (and I had a very fussy cleaner).😂

I do get tired, but think of it as 'exercise'.😂😂🍀

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to Constance13

Well done you! And I like the idea of thinking of it as exercise. I shall take out my dusters and my disinfectant...😷💐

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Thelmarina

It IS exercise - even the experts say so.

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to PMRpro

Didn't someone do a study, followed three families for a week, one family did the tradional things you think of as exercise, going to the gym etc, another family loafed and the third family did housework? The housework family won when it came to activity!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to HeronNS

No idea - don't watch TV if it isn't sport ;) :)

HeronNS profile image
HeronNS in reply to Constance13

I do like the idea of doing it in short stints. It's a bit like when we had to get the house tidied and we would have a race with the children to pick up and put away toys, papers, etc with the understanding at the end of the agreed upon time (ten minutes usually) we would all stop. Now if only a trio of schoolaged children lived with me now....

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to HeronNS

Try it! If you can't manage it 5 minutes would get the start done.😊

Today I did "half" the dining room (28 sq metres) - vacuumed and washed floor. The rest will be done as and when.😂😂

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to Constance13

Constance buy your self an iRobot vaacum cleaner, it’s great, you can sit on your armchair and watch it work.

Mine cleans under my bed. I am so happy with mine. Haven’t had it long, but it’s really helpful as I sometimes have terrible pains in my hands and arms from the pmr.


Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to YuliK

I've too much around! Besides how could I 'exercise if I was sitting on an armchair?😂😂😂

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to HeronNS


Hildalew profile image
Hildalew in reply to HeronNS

My brother and sister-in-law used to play a game called 'Aunt Ethel is coming to tea'. Worked wonders. I am amazed by the little things that get done in my house when the 'gas man' or any other put-offable person, is due to visit!

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to Constance13

Well done Constance. Bit of light work doesn’t do us any harm. Just don’t try turning your mattress or moving the furniture.

Good exercise for us PMRers..😂

I’m in exactly the same situation as you. I do 15-20 minutes tidying up, then 45 minutes resting in my armchair to recuperate. The prednisone makes me exhausted.

I use to have an elderly neighbour ( 87) he wouldn’t let his wife dust the furniture. He said the dust would just settle in another place. 😂😂

Take it easy and don’t get stressed.

YuliK 😷


Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to YuliK

Stresses, ME!😂

No I don't get stressed I get 'sore' (polyarthritis) but they say we MUST exercise! Bet they've never met anyone with PMR and inflammatory arthritis!😏😏

I'm not mad! There's no way I would turn a mattress or move furniture. Those I will leave for my cleaner when she returns. Also I never climb a ladder (or even a stepladder.

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to Constance13

I was only kidding about turning the mattress. I have a wicked sense of humour. 🌹🌹🌹🌹

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to YuliK

That's my argument!!!!

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to PMRpro

It’s fun isn’t it. 👍

prunus profile image
prunus in reply to Constance13

My cleaner made the decision for me. She stood on the doorstep, would not come in and said she would not be coming again until all this was over. I'm older than you and with my disabled husband absolutely felt I'd really been dropped in the deep end. In addition I've three prolapses and must not use the vacuum. So now I'm going round the floor with a dustpan and brush!

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to prunus

I feel your pain! Difficult times xxx

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to prunus

I hope the dustpan and brush are long handled ones!!

This cleaning business it going too far I think. You are of an age when everyone cleaned with a carpet cleaner/broom/duster and NOTHING was bleached/disinfected. We all survived!

I wonder what people's life will be like after lockdown (and this is NOT about the virus alone Moderators)😏💥. There are far more affected with allergies than WE ever knew. A bit of dirt was considered a good thing!!!!

When I had my first child (53 years ago) my midwife said "stop cleaning this place every day, the child will not be able to cope with the first germs she is in contacted with otherwise". True!

Do what you can in 10, or 5 even, slots. It is amazing what you can do for short burst but, remember, health is more important than the housework.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to prunus

Prunus, if you need a chat or anything I can help you with, please PM me. Sometimes we oldies need different advice/help than the younger ones.💐🍀🍀🍀

prunus profile image
prunus in reply to Constance13

Thanks for that. Just had a phone call from my gardener - at least he is coming next week.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to prunus

I do have a roomba - and it saves a lot when I can be bothered setting it off. I have been forbidden to use a vacuum too ...

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

"forbidden" - why?

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Constance13

Same reason as Poops - leaning forwards is what makes my back muscles go into spasm. It was my wonder orthopod in Herzogenaurach who said it.

prunus profile image
prunus in reply to PMRpro

I've had my exercise for today. My OH realised one of his pills runs out today so needs more for the morning. My son had dropped the prescription into the Drs on Monday so I had to go and collect it this afternoon. Over here the chemists have cut back on the hours they are open. I noticed they had placed a barricade infront of the counter! I had to stretch to reach the proffered bag.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to prunus

Don't think ours are shorter hours - but there were barriers and it was like a dance to keep 2m apart. Caused great merriment!

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to Constance13

Don't bother about it too much. There will be much less coming and going in your flat so it won't be very dirty. When you do it put on some lively music and dance round with the vacuum cleaner and that's the day's exercise done. I'm going to be 80 in a couple of weeks (Covid has scuppered my hopes of a party) so I'm not pushing the cleaning too hard.

One caveat, if you do have online group chats via Zoom or whatever , clean and tidy your bookshelf or whatever is visible behind your screen and no one will know about the rest of your home.

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to maria40

Love that tip! (Being the operative word at times!) 😘

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to maria40

I'm happy if I can 'push' the vacuum cleaner - dancing certainly out of the question!! Lively music is not my thing - soft melodies do for me.😂😂Actually I haven't vacuumed very much for 8 years - my cleaner does it and when she's on holiday my husband does it!🤪

in reply to Constance13

It's the exact body position that puts my back in spasm....that's my story....

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to

Any excuse.......!🤪

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to Thelmarina

Hardest things must be for people on their own changing sheets on a double bed. My friend of 80 has pmr and a bad drop foot and can't have her cleaner in her 4 bed house. But she did manage it. She's very stoic always. Thumbs up to her and all brave others.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to diana1998

Stretch fitted sheets that are plenty big enough help a lot - it's a hard to pull them over the last corner if they fit too well.

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

It's the duvet covers that do us!! (This has been discussed before). No way round it that I have found. We tried keeping the covers on for a few weeks and just had clean sheets under them every week - what a mess!! Difficult in a big double bed with our own duvets.

in reply to Constance13

I tried the sheet thing and it didn't suit. I end up on the bed after doing it. On bad days with that intense shoulder pain. But I couldn't sleep with a single quilt....they are very exposing in the cold winter nights.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Constance13

I watched my ex-cleaning lady and could never work out how she did it so easily! I love my very old IKEA single covers which have small open bits at the top end of the side seams so you put your hands in from outside and take hold of the corners of the duvet. They stopped doing that after opening alot of stores in the UK and a lot of customers brought them back complaining they were faulty!

in reply to PMRpro

Yes the holes are good. I stand with the quilt ovrr the bannister rail, quilt cover inside out. Grab bottom corners of the cover then 2 corners of the quilt. I sort of throw it/drop it down into the stairwell, while keeping hold of the corners. 3 shakes then fasten.

Sometimes I can't manage that "easy" way. But it's the most successful strategy I have found even b4 least my shoulders and upper arms don't need to be up above me.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to

I used to do that too but no bannisters here. If I did it from the balcony it would get filthy - and I'd probably drop it on the cars beneath!

in reply to PMRpro

There goes the quilt again!!

It is the only good thing about having stairs.

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to

I'm glad we have one thick blanket and a quilt. I'm too hot to sleep under a duvet cover. No battle with tricky duvet cover just for occasional guest room.

in reply to diana1998

I have tried a bit if everything. Got a 1 tog, 3.5 tog and s 13 tog folded at the bottom of the bed and one wins based on the temp...

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to diana1998

I can't cope with the weight of a blanket and quilt - on me or handling them. 3.5 tog single quilt all year round

diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to PMRpro

My OH used to pinch duvet to his side. Most annoying. I tuck blanket in hard on my side and he's thwarted. 😂 In summer I use a cotton honeycomb blanket.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to diana1998

We have used single duvets for 26 years since he had cancer - always cold so he has a winter weight duvet and I have a much thinner one. I can't abide being tied down under blankets, they are too difficult to move around with my feet. And double beds with double bedding - absolute nightmare...

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to PMRpro

It takes D about 20 minutes to change the covers, it takes my cleaner 12 minutes to do the whole bed (including 4 pillows)!

maria40 profile image
maria40 in reply to diana1998

I always feel as though I've done 10 rounds with Mike Tyson when I've done mine.

GOOD_GRIEF profile image

You don't know where they've been or what else they've been cleaning, or whether they've been exposed or whether they have the virus. They also don't know whether other people they've been to have the virus, or if they have it themselves.

It's not a risk I would take.

The dust doesn't matter. You need to disinfect the kitchen and the bathroom frequently throughout the day, and give the light switches and doorknobs a swipe.

If you can manage it, you should try to pay them anyway. When this is over, they're going to have a lot of catch-up work to do.

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to GOOD_GRIEF

Thanks. Good sense and I will certainly pay her x

in reply to Thelmarina

I was going to mention a makes sense...if they agree to come back and you trust that???

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to

Totally. She’s ace! 😀

in reply to Thelmarina


GOOD_GRIEF profile image
GOOD_GRIEF in reply to Thelmarina

That's good of you if you can managed it. That will certainly help her out in this crisis.

We're all in it together...

YuliK profile image
YuliK in reply to Thelmarina

I also told my cleaning lady not to come here, as I’m 77 years young and live alone.

I have paid her for the two times that she didn’t come. I feel that it’s not fair not to pay her ...she has been with me for over eight years.

Actually, I really enjoy doing housework but moving the furniture is hard..especially when I get a flare up of my pmr.

YuliK 😷


diana1998 profile image
diana1998 in reply to YuliK

Crikey, I never move furniture and neither does my occasional cleaner! What the eye can't see... 😜

Thelmarina profile image


Bridge31 profile image

Quentin Crisp said

There is no need to do any housework at all. After the first four years the dirt doesn't get any worse. 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

He also said

Treat all disasters as if they were trivialities but never treat a triviality as if it were a disaster.

Thelmarina profile image
Thelmarina in reply to Bridge31

Nice one! 😀

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Bridge31

I can vouch for the first at least ;)

I try with the second :)

whitefishbay profile image

I paid mine and she is not coming. Better for both of us.

Thelmarina profile image

Thanks x

Daughters2 profile image

We cancelled mum’s cleaner to be cautious who comes once every 2 weeks ( which isn’t enough really) it’s made it very difficult since she’s totally blind so my sister goes every few days which isn’t what we are meant to be doing.

in reply to Daughters2

How is mum doing...and are the daughters2 okay?

Daughters2 profile image
Daughters2 in reply to

Thank you so much for asking. Sorry late reply. Was mad busy at work xx she’s got a new lease of life this week! Changed her own bedding. Got the hoover out cleaned kitchen floor and loo. She’s a star. Finding it very difficult with the distancing. I live 135miles from her I am usually at her house tues wed evening because I work away and stay with her. She’s really missing me. Meanwhile my step son age 22 is with me and hubby since no uni other 2 19 and 17 are at their mum’s who only lives 5 mins away but they seem to think it’s ok to come and go between houses. I feel like leaving and staying with mum xx

in reply to Daughters2

I am glad to hear your mum is doing ok. She is some example to us!!

It's hard when you aren't in full control or agreement with what is going on in your home. Hang in there and see what happens. At the moment you would need to ensure full "quarantine" then social distance from your mum, and she is physically safer alone really if you are working outside the home. It's something perhaps you could have a talk about with your mum and your partner as you see if things settle. It is early doors in this process. Good luck!🌻

Daughters2 profile image
Daughters2 in reply to

I can work from home. Office is closed I just need to calm down! Xx

in reply to Daughters2

It will get calmer and then you can get calmer too💜

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daughters2

I suspect there was something said by a politician that kids would be allowed to see both parents if separated. But they do need to be aware they can't see anyone else and observe strict hygiene rules.

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Daughters2

It is allowed to care for a vulnerable person - even here it is one of the allowed reasons to be out of your own village in your car! Just means you need to be careful - and you will probably be more careful than a cleaner.

Thelmarina profile image

Would this help? It’s a link to what a cleaner should do for protection and how to approach cleaning at this time.

in reply to Thelmarina

It's still scary isn't it. I have my soapy spray. I don't have it on light spray so bits float about. I spray a cloth and clean everything like handles and switches etc.

TrevConway profile image

Continue to pay mine but do it myself. First world problem easily solved. I’m unable to go out and do what warrants the home help anyway. I’m pretty mobile and active when my Pred and Methotrexate are in balance fortunately and as many of us are in the 3-month shielding group, it would be crazy to do otherwise. I’m happy to pay in the meantime of course.

granofthewest profile image

My brother has to self isolate so his cleaner has been asked not to call and he will do his own cleaning. Because she's on a low wage he's going to carry on paying her - we're all in this together.

Estellemac profile image

My oven cleaner sad they were not classed as essential so can’t come out but I don’t really want strangers in the house either? But I do want the cleaning etc done. Just best to be safe than sorry.

Trevgrrl profile image

What about a person who comes in weekly to help my mom take a shower? We have gone back and forth on it, letting the young woman come finally. It is worrisome. I can't do the work myself.

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