Aunty Bees Advent Calendar. Dec 6. How tall is th... - PMRGCAuk


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Aunty Bees Advent Calendar. Dec 6. How tall is the Snowbear? Spot the robin? And how to get your Nap a day and not Spoil your Christmas Fun.

Blearyeyed profile image
63 Replies

So , even if you have been Festive Pacing, if you have been busy doing bigger jobs like Planning, Shopping and Sending Cards , or you are just needing time to keep the Winter PMR , GCA and Chronic Pain Christmas Blues at bay , you have earned a Rest Day.

Even , in the famous Poem ' The Night before Christmas ' , Mamma and Pappa were practising the Art of Festive Pacing and had ," just settled settled (their) brains for a long winters nap" , when Santa interrupted them. So , it's clear , the Nap is a big part of Christmas Tradition , one which you might have been neglecting.

In days Pre PMR / GCA , you , like Me, probably left the sleep to other ' lesser' Beings. You chose , to put the Time to 'Better Use' ,scurrying about , tidying up , preparing nibbles , making all things lovely for the next Round of Christmas kicks.

Or , like me , in healthier days , if snow laid heavily on the ground , you got outside and used your Time 'productively' on a Snowman ( or Snowbear !) so tall it could see over walls and scare your Nosiest Neighbours , and , possibly be seen in Google Maps!

This year , with PMR / GCA , you too will need to Indulge the Power Nap and so today's Tip is really important for every one of You.

Because as much as we would love to say , ' Oh , it's Christmas , I will carry on and catch up on rest later .' , PMR , GCA and Chronic Pain Conditions don't agree. They don't recognise High Days and Holidays . They won't give you a Festive Pass and say , " Oh , Go on! It's Christmas! Do what you like ." To these Chronic Conditions , Christmas Day is like any other day and they are better than the Grinch at ruining Christmas if you don't give them their usual attention. So , how do you fit in your longer rest times ?

The trick is to choose to have your nap at the times you used to use to tidy and work while distracting others with Fun or Naps by the TV .

In Festive Pacing, you delegate ,or share , those tidying up or sorting out chores with everyone else. You put up with a few more bits and bobs on the floor. After years of skill , you have always given yourself the odd hour here and there over Christmas to get things done by distracting your Family with a board Game , a Film or sending them Outside for a quick walk or to play with new Toys . Now , you are going to use that hour more ' productively' to take a well earned and much needed Nap instead.

In time you will learn to enjoy this , just like your Parents or Grandparents before you.

If it's your first year accepting the , ' New Normal' though , then make sure the Family ,with a little help from You, have got the tidying done first so that ' Have To's' don't play on your mind , and ,choose to lie quietly in a bedroom away from the noise instead of on the sofa , save that for snoozing on in front of a Film later!

If you worry about waking up , delegate one responsible Human the role of keeping people's away from your bedroom and giving you a soft nudge and a cuppa at a specific Time ( about an hour is good) . In the old days , these helpful souls were called ' Knocker Uppers' in our house known as the , ' Do not Disturb Elf'.

Hopefully , just like during the rest of the year , these Christmas Naps will help you stay Flare Free despite the extra activity.

So , now , what some have been waiting for , your 15 minutes of ' Me Time ' Challenge

Just how big did we build a Snowman Bear ?

Clue : Look at the surroundings ,and , it was at least two feet taller than Me !

And can you spot a robin in the photo ? There is only one !

If you have any tips on improving your Nap time with crowds in the House , ways to distract others from disturbing your sleep and want to try and show your skills in today's Challenge , please leave a reply below.

Now , Aunty Bee needs a nap , toodles xxx

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Blearyeyed profile image
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63 Replies
jinasc profile image

Yes I found it.

I have one in the front garden and one in the back garden. Both are ground feeders.

I also have a one legged one and s/he uses guess what?

If you have children staying get patents etc to then keep them up till Midnight Christmas Eve - open the presents and then everyone can have a long lie in.............except the person with PMR and/or GCA (who might just have skipped the present opening) gets breakfast in bed and not before 10am. 🤗

Second year into GCA - we did a runner and booked into a hotel from C.E ill 2 Jan. Naughty, nice and Bliss. 🏨

Pills delivered off for a 💤

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to jinasc

Brilliant idea , and one that I know works .

My girls have never been awake before 8 am on Christmas Day , in fact for years it was the adults pacing the floor waiting for them to get up. We also used a trick from a friend's Dad and put Christmas Music on really loud to ' Call the Troops' ( actually it was how the Dad from Hell tortured us as teens to force us out of bed at 6am after a night out ) .

The rule is nobody downstairs until the Music on , which gives us time to set up breakfast and put the Turkey in before being bothered by guests , Big or Small.

So you found the robin , where do you think it is ?

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to Blearyeyed

Just woke up to give Joan tea.

If I tell you exactly others will know. Just let us say it is near a tree although it could be a Blackbird.

We are having fun 😊

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to jinasc

There is definitely a blackbird as well as a Robin in the photo , that's all I can say for now , except you could enjoy a bit of extra PMR / GCA friendly brain training and find the other two varieties of bird , and how many birds there are in total.

In fact , as it's my photo , any of you can feel free to print it off at Christmas to use as a mini Christmas Quiz at Home with family or friends and keep them distracted while you take a nap ! Give them a copy and a pen and let the games commence!

I think I might have just created my Christmas Dinner quiz activity for the wait between main course and the pud !😋😘

Thanks Jinasc xx

Marijo1951 profile image

This year I shall spend Christmas Day at my daughter's flat. She lives only 10 minutes' walk away so it's very convenient. She and her twins are going to cook. I'll contribute a few condiments, such as bread sauce and cranberry sauce which I'll take round with me - otherwise they can get on with it. She doesn't think I stack the dishwasher properly so I won't bother to offer to help. One of her sofas is particularly comfortable for stretching out on, so I'll be careful to stake my claim. I'll get a taxi home at a reasonably early time, have a nice scented bath and go to sleep in my own bed.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Marijo1951

Oh , that sounds like Bliss , perfect planning , leave the dishes and the giant snowman building to someone else and grab that healthy nap instead.

It always helps to have a taxi rather than a lift to with our health issues , then you aren't forced to follow someone else's schedule and stay later and longer than you can cope with .

I'm getting into the habit of having transport I can control for Days Out too so that I'm not stuck in pain somewhere I don't need to be.

You need no tips as you seem to have perfect pacing xxx

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to Blearyeyed

I spent yesterday and this morning wrapping Christmas presents and exhausted myself. Of course, this is a totally pointless operation as the unwrapping takes seconds rather than hours and there is all that paper, ribbon etc to get rid of. But is there any escape? I remember hearing the late lamented Clive James describing how he gave one of his daughters a Christmas gift that she really wanted and already knew that she was getting, but she was very upset because he didn't bother to gift wrap it. I'll have to use environmental concerns to justify not bothering next year, but it will be very disingenuous as my motives will be entirely selfish.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Marijo1951

I wrote a bit about wrapping in the posts I wrote on gifts and cards . So they might handy next year , including trying the gift bags or scarves , have it wrapped by the company you buy it from , and just do a few a day , just like cards . I always have an escape clause!😋😂😂😂

Marijo1951 profile image
Marijo1951 in reply to Blearyeyed

I bought a load of paper, gift cards etc half price in early January so felt I had to use it up.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Marijo1951

I know I used to do that every year . I just can't wrap like that anymore. Gone are the days that my hands could manage trying to get a perfect hexagon trying to hide a tin of quality Street in gift wrap. If some one did to me what was done to Clive James I'd probably take their gift back !😋😂😂😂😂😘

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to Marijo1951

What a fabulous holiday plan!

Whatgrange profile image

I thought I knew! Then you said it was 2 feet taller than you! Was this a trick! I’m going to say 6 feet and the robin is near the Snowbear’s foot!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Whatgrange

Your warm , definitely , warm but I can't say yet or I'd spoil the fun! Lovely to hear from you xx

scats profile image

Power naps are my new superpower. All my life I have only been able to sleep at night, never napped but PMR has fixed that and some days staying awake is the problem.

Every day at the same time I lay down on top of the bed and start listening to a story on the radio or phone. The more interesting the story the sooner I go to sleep. I very rarely hear the end of the story and never know who the murderer was. I only sleep for about 5-10 minutes, but I get a lovely rest that sets me up for the rest of the day.

It's so quick that most days I'm not even missed

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

My Family seem to time coming through the front door and yelling ' Hello!' just as I'm dropping off , but those mini ten minute naps during the day are really good energy boosts , better than chocolate or Caffiene. The longer Siesta Nap , at about an hour in length, let's your body relax to ease the joints , without giving you that post nap sleepiness , the ten minute nap reboots the mind and relieves the Tension in the body that causes Pain .

Churchill apparently used to nap on a sofa in the War Room holding a bell , as he hit Deep Sleep it dropped from his hand and woke him up , he put part of his role in winning the War down to no full night's sleep and power naps.

I think I will stick to having both types of sleep though and forget the bell!😋

scats profile image
scats in reply to Blearyeyed

I find the signature tune of the radio programme usually wakes me up to tell me I've missed the end of the story, I don't need a bell.

Luckily I can't hear the door bell from the bedroom!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to scats

If they used the doorbell I'd be happy , it doesn't work!😋😂😂😂😂

I did a longer reply that disappeared into the ether... 8ft...Robin spotted... nap time... 😴😴😴

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Jolly good , enjoy your nap , out of interest , when you awake , where do you think the robin is?

in reply to Blearyeyed

Bottom of tree... About 2 feet towards snowbear??

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

You'll have to wait and see if you are right , there are actually four types of birds in the photo , if you fancy a bit of PMR friendly brain training later you can try and find and identify them All.

Now , go have a snooze 😘

Yellowbluebell profile image

Coming from someone who's body decided it didnt like sleeping at night anymore and wasnt that keen on daytime naps either i just have to accept a rest period rather than nap. If my body plays ball and i actually fall asleep its a bonus but i dont fret about it. I have been banned from a drink whilst resting though after falling asleep with a fruit tea in hand which i promptly poured into husbands new laptop!!

Either way nap or rest just tske time out!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell


You're insomnia is infamous and I empathize with you as a fellow insomniac.

You make a really good tip though , going for a nap isn't just about sleep it's about rest.

So even if you can't sleep at night , it is good to go to bed and rest your body , and as you say don't get anxious at not dropping off to sleep as this makes getting to sleep harder.

Definitely , going for a nap between activities as part of a routine day , even if you don't feel tired or go to sleep is definitely still helpful to keep off getting over tired physically and bringing on a Flare.

I hope you get some sleep soon though , otherwise Poops will be coming over with her mallet xx

in reply to Yellowbluebell

To be honest nap time is usually rest these days. A couple of times a month I do almost 'pass out' and sleep in the pm but it's when I haven't slept for several nights in a row..

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Yes , you are another of cursed to roam the nights like zombies scaring the wildlife. The insomnia is a real curse 😩😧😦😭😢

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

Tbh its usually me and poops who are the ones answering questions at silly o clock!! If the answers dont make sense its becsuse we havnt slept for a say or two!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

You cursed me. I have that not going to sleep feeling.... Going to try again. One slice of seeded bread with peanut butter and marmite often does the trick. A small carby snack was recommended in a reverse diabetes, low carb book I read and it can help.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

My gp mentioned carbs before bed. It didnt seem to make a dent on my insomnia but i have heard others say it works

in reply to Yellowbluebell

I thing it just a small snack... 10g or lower. The peanut butter and seeded wholewheat bread go well as the fat in pb and seeds slows down the release so I don't get woken up as blood sugar wobbles. I do believe you need proper sleep therapy. At least I get some sleep with sleeping pills and I don't really have a lot on so can go without sleep without it really interferes with my life.. 😭😴😂😂😂

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

The insomnia rather than the pmr is the bighest reason for turning down the job thing!! I don't think i could be relied upon to make big decisions when i have only had 15 hours sleep over 5 days!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

No I agree. Deciding if I am taking the dog up the street or to the river is my biggest decision. Not quite the same. 🤔

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Thats still an important decision as far as your dog is concerned!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

Yes. The river is the top of her list... But it makes her arthritis flare.. 🤣🤣🤣

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Oh poor thing. Its a real downer when the thing you like the most hurts you.

in reply to Yellowbluebell

But I get blamed by her.... Genuinely stand and barks at me when she Hurst herself then runs up to strangers and tries to cling to their legs... 😏

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Little sod!! Daughters cat has gone to cattery whilst they move house and last time he went he played the poor neglected cat ard and the owner nearly took him into her house!! This time she is giving him a free "turndown service", which involves puffing up his bed, warm milk and some other stupid bits. The cat is not stupid!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

🤣😂🤣 We aren't really in charge. Aliens would think cats and dogs ruled the world. We even clear their poop!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Our cats latest demands are treats if she goes outside and returns without being called and shes trying for a 3am feed!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

A small bowl of porridge is one of the things people have tried and found most successful . It did used to help me feel sleepy enough to drop off in the past , it does help now to make me feel more restful even if I can't go to sleep , but I think that the drug induced insomnia is much harder to get beyond with most Sleep Remedies , even prescribed ones.

in reply to Blearyeyed

When I had to give up work I had porridge for just about every meal for 6 plus months. I am just about able to take it again, but not every day. There was a story in the diabetes UK emails a while back that was saying a teaspoon of honey in warm milk is a good remedy and it helped diabetes too. I am not sure I could drink it.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

I had the same reaction to hearing Bryan Adams ' Everything I do ' after it had been in the charts for over ten weeks , only just able to listen to it now without yelling so I know what you mean😋😂😂😂

in reply to Blearyeyed


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

I was going to write a post about increasing carbs in Winter and its impact on Sleep before I started this calendar . I might see how I can fit it in some how , as it was based on Psychology studies over the last fifty years and the use of carbs at the right time of day to naturally boost Serotonin and improve SAD and sleep problems.

Anyway your Toast and Marmite fits in with the working theory .

in reply to Blearyeyed

Yes. A few things from that book have helped re carbs but I wouldn't recommend it in general. Sometimes these little changes can help as they bud up. I am sure that many people who are struggling with sleep and carb counting would appreciate it. Sometimes half a banana (tryptophan) used to find itself into the sandwich but now it depends when how much of the insulin goes in.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

Now i have the issue of toast and marmite or porridge

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

Mince pie xx 😋😂😂😂😂

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

Oh bugger off!! I ran out last night and didnt get chance to make more with becca moving and the school christmas fair

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Its all i can do with my body. Its in charge. Like you my body then decides "whoa sleep time" and promptly shuts down!! For someone who likes control, between pmr and my body i have no say anymore!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

You do get used to it. It's about 20years since I had any control over parts of my body. 💆‍♂️

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

I kind of expected all my bits to fail after my 60's due to all my sports but when the knees started in my early 30's i should have heeded the warning. Since pmr as you know i now have a whole catalogue of failing body bits that do their own thing!!

in reply to Yellowbluebell

Just let them have a bit of freedom and take the positive resolutions and ignore the bad ones as far as possible. Not always possible but worth a try. It won't help your sleep much!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

I might need to go for the head in sand option soon!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

What suffocation by sand , that rather an extreme way to try and get to sleep YB!😋😂😂😂

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

😋😂😂😂😂 Ditto xx

PMRCanada profile image

Last weekend we had a terrible ice storm here which resulted in a 6 hour power outage.

After I ran out of things to discuss with hubby, I went upstairs and took a two hour nap. Divine!

Thanks for your ongoing practical solutions and guide for not only surviving the holidays, but enjoying them.


Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to PMRCanada

Yes, it's definitely keeping the enjoyment in it that counts !

I'm glad I'm not the only one that goes for a nap when Mr. Bee and I run out of conversation.

My friend was on the phone last week and started going on .... And on about the Election , it was close to Nap Time ( she knows that I usually have a late afternoon nap ) so I was able to use it as an excuse to get off the phone . There is the odd perk to PMR/ GCA !😋😂😂

Hope you survived the storm , it's something I imagine as very beautiful to see but the reality is not something to want to live in.

Take care and thanks for joining in xx

SheffieldJane profile image

The robin is directly under the smaller bird feeder.

I love it when the forum goes a bit crazy - triggered by you usually. Amazing snow bear. ♥️

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to SheffieldJane

It took three hours , including the break in the middle for a hot chocolate and a change of gloves 😋😁😂😂

As they say , We are all mad here , but it helps!😘

SheffieldJane profile image

I hope it is a white Christmas. I just love it from some deep place that is still a child.❄️❄️❄️🌨

Constance13 profile image
Constance13 in reply to SheffieldJane

Or is it our second childhood? Can't remember how old you are.


Pixix profile image

Found the Robin I think. I’m only 5 feet tall so the snowbear looks ginormous. I’m trying to do stuff in advance so I will be able to enjoy my first Christmas with my friends Polymyalgia Fibromyalgia osteoarthritis and prediabetes! Yesterday I prepared the sausage meat stuffing and froze it, prepared the pigs in their blankets, made the bread sauce and some pate. All freeze well and they are off the list. Delegates wrapping of presents to my husband, he’s making a great job of it. I have lists, and have booked a supermarket delivery! Decided that a military operation now may save me from pain and hardships at the time! Fingers crossed!

Highlandtiger profile image

Robin....bottom right beside the tree trunk?

Snowman bear.....7 ft and 1/2 inch? ⛄️

Sorry I’m late to the thread....have been practising napping! 💤

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