Further to my post a few days ago, I followed PMRpro's advice and increased Pred to 15mg. I did this for 3 days and still had the shoulder/hip pain and fatigue. I think I am having a flare so yesterday, I took 17.5mg Pred which seemed to alleviate the pain. This morning I have had 16mg but still have shoulder pain albeit not so severe. What I wanted to ask is, if I take 17.5mg for another few days, can I go straight back to 11/12mg or shall I have to reduce more slowly. Advice appreciated.
Update on previous post re: Difficulty Tapering - PMRGCAuk
Update on previous post re: Difficulty Tapering

It's no different - as long as it is only a total of a week to 10 days it is fine, whatever the dose. Just be aware that if you ARE having a flare, you might need more than 11/12mg ongoing.

If you take a higher doses for a week or less you should be able to drop back down to previous dose easily.
However if you stay on longer or there is a big difference between the doses - I would perhaps do it in two drops - giving 4-5 days on intermediate dose.
Thank you, DL, after seeing your advice, perhaps the drop I mentioned in my reply to PMRpro is too much in one go. Maybe it would be better to do it in two goes as you suggest. I am also a bit worried, as on Saturday, my family
(son, d.i.l and two teenage grandsons) are coming up from Hampshire for a few days. I was hoping to feel better by the time they arrive as I know it will be hectic. I will just have to do my best as I am so looking forward to seeing them.
It's up to you - but when you take a short course of pred it is common to drop by 5mg at a time - 17.5 to 12.5mg would be typical. And just going up for a few days is the same.