Fantastic doctor: I have an ever dwindling list of... - PMRGCAuk


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Fantastic doctor

Yellowbluebell profile image
59 Replies

I have an ever dwindling list of doctors i am prepared to see at our practice. This is based on their inept treatment of various ailments including pmr!

Today my favourite doctor proved why i have appointed her such.

We discussed changing my antidepressant after she had suggested another one (a week ago) and had told me to go away and research it to check if i was happy to change over. Chatted about how to come off old one and go on to the new one. She then asked about the forum as she knew i was a moderator and logged on immediately to see what we were all about and is now going to send pmr/gca patients to us for info and support. I then threw a bit of a curved ball and mentioned another major problem and she booked me in for blood tests for virtually everything but apologised that we couldnt chat about it further but would do so in my follow up next week. I was quite happy and went off on my merry way. 4 hours later at 8.30pm i get a call from her to say she wasnt happy that we hadnt had time to discuss symptoms properly at my appointment and proceeded to ask more questions!! She is my favourite doctors and i am keeping her all to myself!!

There are some really good doctors out there, they just take some finding.

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Yellowbluebell profile image
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59 Replies

As rare as...... But you can't keep her to yourself forever! It's really good when you find a keeper like that.

Is that a new hamster?🌻🤗

in reply to

Ps. I would faint if one of the 3 drs I see rang me like that. We might get some new members then.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

Well i did wonder if i was dying and she had forgotten to tell me. Yes to some probable newbiesxx

alvertta profile image
alvertta in reply to

My doctor calls me if need be. She is a gem.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to alvertta

I have had phone calls but never at 8.30pm!! I was a bit worried x

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell

That's what I felt at first , but then I realised that it wasn't a worrying thing it was just that I wasn't used to getting the efficient , conscientious help I actually need.

Luckily , your GP , is taking your needs seriously ( at last!) and dealing with them promptly .

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to

I might share her!! I was shocked when i saw "doctors" come up on my phone!! Thought i was dying!!

Yes that's the new hamster to replace his rabbit!! I am just grateful its nit one thst needs to live with us

in reply to Yellowbluebell

I think I would too. I did find out the other day that my test rests can be accessed online now so no more messing.

I could see in his eyes it was new. They are shining bright!🐀closest thing to a hamster.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to

Still in the dark ages here , no online access for results or letters, and even the GP " says" they cannot link to the hospital to see x-rays etc.

They say they aren't allowed to do it and say you must come to the Surgery.

The surgery has allegedly had online access for sorting repeat prescriptions tried signing up and using eight times so far , all ending in failure , and it's not just me in Techy Dummy mode , only know two people that have had success.

SheffieldJane profile image

Wow! Lucky you. How empowering to have a doctor like that and she’s spreading the word. Well done for your part in it all.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to SheffieldJane

She asked why i knew a lot about my pmr weeks ago and i said about the forum and today she was asking whether HU did other forums. I obviously was more than happy to promote this forum and HU in general. She was just happy to be able tk have somewhere for people to go to.

PMRpro profile image

It's good when that happens - I like that sort of doctor.

Less sure about the hamster though - OH had hamsters. Too much like rats for my liking!!!

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to PMRpro

No long tail though....which helps me see them as something other than a mouse/rat.

My son had one for four years as a boy, as he was allergic to cats and dogs. His name was “Pockets” because he could store a huge amount of food in his cheek pouches.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to PMRCanada

Thats a good name!! This one is called Rosie.

Yellowbluebell profile image

She very cute but their cat thinks the same as well and he has history with little furry creatures.

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Yellowbluebell


Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

We identify the creatures by the bits he doesnt eat!! Looking after him when daughter is awsy is an experience!!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to Yellowbluebell

What - the doctor??????? ;)

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to PMRpro

No thank god, only daughters cat who is a one cat killing spree. He has his eye on the two peacocks down the road from daughters house!! I am.not clearing that mess up!!

SuziCutie profile image

How marvellous for you. I’d keep her all to yourself if I was you 😀

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to SuziCutie

Very temptingx

Blearyeyed profile image

That's amazing !

Do you think there is something being pumped into the water supply in the NHS for October , as I too got a Secretary of Cardiology whom organised me an appointment for Thursday afternoon within the space of a day .

She has given me the last appointment at Clinic so I can take my time discussing all my needs and says if they can't cure me she will make sure I get my referrals done instead.

Even kept in contact with via email all day!

The sort of service we all deserve really , although it's a bit sad that it fills us with amazement because it doesn't happen that often.

Must have been are lucky day xxx

Yellowbluebell profile image

I was amazed at your secretary organising stuff this mornjng and still am!! You deserve this because so far your treatment has been complete garbagexx

scats profile image

My physio made a note of the web site too so she could check us out and refer others.

Slowly but surely we are educating the world!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to scats

Its great when you manage to pass on these thingsx

MhairiP profile image

Where did you say you live?! I think I'm going to move there! 😉😂 Doctors like that seem to be few & far between.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to MhairiP

In chichester in west sussex!!🥳

MhairiP profile image
MhairiP in reply to Yellowbluebell

Oh dear - I don't think I'd be eligible to register with that practice - I'm in the Highlands! 🤣

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to MhairiP

No i might be just be a bit out of the catchment area!!

Oumaof2 profile image

That’s great news YBB..... I have a GP who knows about both PMR and I have informed her about HU... Also let’s me taper at my pace...

Only problem is, she’s so popular, there is a six week waiting time for an appointment... I’m happy to wait...

I don’t mind hamsters, my three had them for years...

Very sweet and easy to keep.... It’s the long tailed type I can’t cope with😩

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

Thats the prob with my gp. Too long to wait but if its not urgent i reckon its worth it. It just means i may have a list when i get to see her!! My daughters had hamsters and then moved on to rats which were actually adorable but they do get cancer very easily and i er the years we got through lot of rats!! Plus my 25 year has been known to rescue rats eith her MIL and then bring them back to me!! She has her own home now so any rescues she makes will be sent there!!

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Yellowbluebell

That's my view also... We must hang on to these few and far between GP's...

My daughter had a boyfriend who adored his pet rat... He took it to school one day, of which I was unaware .. I collected them at the end of the school day... Unbeknowns to any of us, 'pet rat transferred himself to my daughter's school bag..

I found it in the loo a few hours later... Mayhem followed, until daughter realised what had happened! A shame faced boyfriend came later to collect his beloved pet...

I always say I've earned every white hair on my head!! I certainly grew lots after that encounter. 😂😂

Hope grandson has lots of happy times with his new 'beloved' 🐹

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

I am sure he will. The biggest problem in their house is the cat bringing pets home with him!! He occasionally likes to bring live things home just to show people, which then spend ages trying to escape.from him by running around the house. Most times though its the bits he leaves behind that tells them what he caught that day!! He is very beautiful but a complete psycho!!

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Yellowbluebell

You paint a great picture of a beautiful psycho cat, who is only doing what he was born to 🐯...

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

I know!! I think its because he doesnt just kill and eat them but he chooses which bit he wont eat and leaves it in the lounge for them!! My very squeamish daughter has become very handy with a dustpan!! At christmas he brought a robin in, dropped it at her feet and went and sat by the food bowl waiting for a treat for his present!! Must have an inbuilt calendar!!

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Yellowbluebell

😂😂 A beautiful, psycho AND festive gift giving cat... Smart Cat! Your daughter is a star⭐️

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

I think she become accustomed to presents!! Mind you when j was there a week ago i had to remove a spider because her and hubby were doing some sort of squeally dance around the lounge!!

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Yellowbluebell

Squeaky dance reminded me of, my younger twin son then ( aged 16 and 6 feet tall,) yelled out one night whilst doing homework in his room, Mum, Mum, there’s a big spider, I can hear it running across the ceiling, come and get it!! 🤣🤣

He now lives in North Carolina, where spiders are the least of the ‘beasties’ ... 😳

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

Oh dear 🤪

PMRCanada profile image
PMRCanada in reply to Oumaof2

5 week wait to see my popular GP.

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to PMRCanada

It seems standard at about a month or so. Ridiculous.x

Spittal9 profile image

I also have a great GP. What a difference it makes. It was just by chance I saw her when I went to see them with what turned out to be PMR. She took my bloods, rather than me wait a week or so for the nurse. A couple of days later she phoned me at 7pm and told me to go to the hospital's. She had already contacted them and they were expecting me. She phoned me at 11pm that night, when I was still in admissions 'just to see how I was'. She phones me every couple of weeks, anything up to 9.30pm, if I haven't seen her to see how things are going. I've told her about this forum and she is more than happy to discuss anything I've learned. After what I've learned on here and discussed with her, she has organised a dexa scan, given me supplements and upped my prednisolone. She only works two days a week officially but it must amount to much more than that lol. Needless to say she is my now'go to' GP. She's never in any hurry to end our consultations.

We are very lucky indeed!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Spittal9

Your gp sounds good as well. We are very lucky when you hear from others on the forumx

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Spittal9

I had a lovely older gp who retired almost a year into my PMR diagnosis.... He pretty much left me to it after diagnosis .. Not always successfully... I was upset when he suddenly announced his retirement..

I was so lucky to be assigned to a much younger GP who was clued up on PMR... She was honest enough to admit she had a few older PMR ladies who were struggling to get below 3mgs...

I told her about HU which she wasn’t aware of... .. She had a good look at the website and has since been happy to let me taper at my pace... 9 months on, I’m currently on 5.5mg ( with a couple of wobblies along the way). She also doesn’t adhere to the allotted ten minute

appointment time....

As you say, we are so so lucky....

Spittal9 profile image
Spittal9 in reply to Oumaof2

I think it makes such a huge difference. So good to know that you are being listened to and that your opinion matters.

Oumaof2 profile image
Oumaof2 in reply to Spittal9

It makes all the difference.... To be listened to and not shrugged off.... This forum gives us knowledge and therefore power....

Spittal9 profile image
Spittal9 in reply to Oumaof2

Without a doubt!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Oumaof2

I really feel for those whose gps really sre useless

Bridge31 profile image

One of the receptionists at our surgery has had a complete personality change. From grumpy, abrupt and downright unhelpful to smiling and courteous overnight. Remarkable

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Bridge31

Must have found out what it is like to be ill!!

Blearyeyed profile image
Blearyeyed in reply to Bridge31

Ditto !

I've found that change more recently with some of the Receptionists and the look on the faces of the GPs as they walk by. The worst one ( a senior Practice member) sees me , gives me a quick , weak smile before looking at the floor and trying to shuffle off as quickly as possible without looking like he's running away. He should too , he is guilty for many years of misdiagnosis and diagnosis delays.

I quite often get the gruff , dismissive comments first when ringing the Consultants or Physiotherapy Dept. for information , but then when they finally hear the details, or actually look at your notes on the system, they become suddenly polite and helpful.

It's terrible really , you shouldn't have to prove the fact that you have a case of illness that deserves extra help , everybody should be treated with respect , kindness and efficiency no matter what is wrong with them.

It does add to the Stress of coping with talking to Admin services at a Clinic or Hospital even before you start the Call because you know you have to be prepared for the basic , rude , "one size fits all " answer or excuse as the first reply you get. And, be ready to be polite and calm in making them listen to your particular needs before they realise that you are not just being demanding. Even though , in reality , they do deserve a tongue lashing .

Now I'm adding up more and more people who actually treat me with more consideration , it's a relief and makes things easier. But I do sometimes think , heck , you either made a mistake that you feel guilty for or I must be getting really bad now !!!😋😂😂😂😘

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to Blearyeyed

Its fear!!

bunnymom profile image

What a sweet hamster face. I remember those days!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to bunnymom

Its the pet replacement for the bunny that died. He now doesnt want to leave the house and just wants to play with her!! At least it gets him off the xbox

bunnymom profile image
bunnymom in reply to Yellowbluebell

Any movement away from the Xbox is a win!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to bunnymom


Jackoh profile image

Wonderful that you’ve found her!!

PMRCanada profile image

They do exist!

Yellowbluebell profile image
Yellowbluebell in reply to PMRCanada

Very rare but definitely aroundx

Not what you're looking for?

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