Hi everyone , I am new to the site but was diagnosed with PMR 3 weeks ago and as I have some symptoms of what may be GCA and getting quite concerned . Can anyone relate ?
GCA : Hi everyone , I am new to the site but was... - PMRGCAuk

And welcome.
A bit more info might help please. What dose are you on, what symptoms did you have before diagnosis, what tests did you have - if any. Maybe most importantly, why do you now think you might have GCA?
Hi , before diagnosis I had pain in both legs hips and buttocks .Found it very difficult to climb stairs and extreme fatigue . Three months before these symptoms , I was doing 10 mile walks and very fit . The rheumatologist gave me an injection of 120 mg of prednisone and I am to begin 7 months of steroids on October . For the past 2 days , I’ve had bad headache behind my left eye and pain in temples with slight pain in jaw , very loud tinnitus . Phil

Phil, you need to see a medic asap................you need that pred NOW, not in October.
As it is the weekend, a visit to A&E ..............you cannot risk your sight, if it goes either totally of partially that is it, no getting it back.
If you cannot make the people at A&E understand ask to see the Consultant in Charge.
Take someone with you for support.
I really do not understand why with those tests and symptoms, they want you to wait till October. GCA is to be treat as an emergency, just like a stroke or a heart attack.
Far too high a possibility that your PMR is progressing to GCA for that to be ignored. As with a possible heart attack - if that indigestion/shoulder pain turns out to be nothing that's fine but if it was heart it could have killed. Same with GCA - please get medical advice asap. Don't wait until Monday.
It very well could be unrelated to GCA but it also very much could be GCA. And GCA can lead to blindness quickly. So while I would try hard not to assume the worst, I would definitely go get it checked out asap as others have said. They can do a biopsy or scan to test for GCA which is better done early before steroids kick in. Do you know if they tested your ESR and CPK? It’s best to be checked out even if they come back and say it was not GCA. You can then move forward with peace of mind. I have never heard of starting with an injection for PMR. Usually they start you immediately on 15-25mg prednisone and the symptoms improve almost immediately (within a day or two).
Hi redyrun
I agree with everyone else. It's known that some newly diagnosed per patient's have gca symptoms. Please read the conclusion in this link and make sure your dr knows it.
Thank you all , I just now called nhs 24 and am off to A&E .
Excellent - do please update us when you are able. And don't let them dismiss you as it being unimportant.
Hi all , they kept me in overnight at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and because of my symptoms , gave me 2 days of 60 mg per day prednisone as a precaution . I was discharged the following day after being seen by ophthalmologist who ruled out GCA . My headaches were apparently due to sinus infection and treated by antibiotics . Thank you for all your support . I am now enjoying a weeks holiday in Greece . Phil
How are you doing? What was outcome of your A&E visit?
Hi all , they kept me in overnight at Glasgow Royal Infirmary and because of my symptoms , gave me 2 days of 60 mg per day prednisone as a precaution . I was discharged the following day after being seen by ophthalmologist who ruled out GCA . My headaches were apparently due to sinus infection and treated by antibiotics . Thank you for all your support . I am now enjoying a weeks holiday in Greece . Phil