And I was doing so well...: ESR and CRP markers... - PMRGCAuk


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And I was doing so well...

JanetRosslyn profile image
28 Replies

ESR and CRP markers through the roof. No increase in PMR systems but Just been admitted to hospital with suspected appendicitis. On the ward, waiting for surgeon's decision on whether or not to operate.

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JanetRosslyn profile image
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28 Replies

Well, crikey, surely appendicitis would account for increase? Hope all goes ok. Let us know what happens. 🌻🌻

jinasc profile image
jinasc in reply to

It does, mine went through the roof, kidney infection.

Those markers are an indication that something is going on...............then they have to find out what it is.

Some people with PMR and/or GCA markers never go up or down.

DorsetLady profile image
DorsetLadyPMRGCAuk volunteer

Raised markers due to appendicitis no doubt.

If they do operate you may a little extra Pred, so discuss this surgeon/anaesthetist beforehand.

Good luck.

jinasc profile image

Hope they do the op and you get well soon.

Best wishes for a safe recovery.

PMRpro profile image

Ouch! All the best...

Koalajane profile image

Hope all goes well

Baileyw06 profile image

Best wishes for a quick recovery .

SheffieldJane profile image

Wishing you all the best and a speedy recovery. Discuss your Pred requirements with the surgeon.

Wishing you all the best, let your Surgeon & most importantly the Anaesthetist know as he will be the one who will prescribe additional hydrocortisone cover in theatre.

Best Wishes

Good Luck 🍀

MrsN x

Are you ok mrsN? Has Charlotte got your phone??

scats profile image
scats in reply to

I was about to ask if it was painful but your explanation may be better.

in reply to scats


in reply to

Charlotte! 😂

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in reply to

I used to get similar WhatsApp messages from baby next door.

Maisie1958 profile image

Wishing you a swift recovery x

Iwillwin123 profile image

Do not worry - this will be just a blip eventually - If you got through a GCA phase then you can get through just about anything is what I sincerely feel :)

Pippah45 profile image

Best of luck Janet. My appendix came out when I was an adult too. Not much fun but a lot better once done. Take recovery gently and obey orders! I am not for obeying orders all that often except post surgery! I have seen too many silly people overdo things post surgery and regret it!

yogabonnie profile image

Hope all went well and you are recovering nicely today!!!

Jackoh profile image

Hope you’re getting on ok Janet!

JanetRosslyn profile image

Thank you everyone for your comments. I replied yesterday but the message seems to have been lost in the ether somewhere? Long story short... I'm home, no surgery, and they don't know what the problem is. I've still got the same pains and symptoms they admitted me with, and they did no tests other than blood tests (ESR and CRP both doubled in 24 hours from high reading taken the previous day) and blood pressure (109/49). The Surgeon has given me a phone number and said to go back on Saturday if it's no better, and to go back before then if it gets worse. Meanwhile at least I'm allowed to eat again :-) That nil by mouth thing was no fun!

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to JanetRosslyn

My daughter was sent home from a university hospital with a "it's definitely not appendix" only to start with the same again the next morning. I went to a different regional hospital with her and they thought it was a reasonable diagnosis and took her to theatre on the Sunday morning where they removed an "visually apparently normal appendix". Until it got to the histology lab: there was an abcess on the inside and another bout of the inflammation would have perforated it.

JanetRosslyn profile image

Blimey. It certainly makes me wonder. I'm getting paranoid feeling every twinge now. They did ring me from the ward this afternoon, which I'm impressed with, just to check how I am, and said they are going to call me again on Friday too. Here's hoping it all amounts to a heap of nothing to worry about :-)

PMRpro profile image
PMRproAmbassador in reply to JanetRosslyn

I and both daughters had "grumbling appendices". So did at least one of my cousins. According to some doctors they don't exist - but funny how all 4 of us had had the same sort of symptoms that went away once the little devil was removed!!!!

Did they do no form of imaging? Just the blood tests? CT, MRI and u/s can all be used.

JanetRosslyn profile image
JanetRosslyn in reply to PMRpro

No imaging. And considering they knew I'd had diarrhoea for 11 days I'm surprised they didn't want a sample, and that they put me in with others on a surgical ward. Bewildering to me, but I'm no medic.

Jeanfkelly profile image

whatever happens - my very best wishes for a successful outcome xx

JanetRosslyn profile image

Just have to say I'm really touched by how lovely you've all been to me, a complete stranger really. My husband is home now, but he has been working abroad and only got home late last night so I was feeling miserable and lonely yesterday. I love you all x Thanks for being there x

in reply to JanetRosslyn

Aw Janet, l was wondering how you were getting on, I’m sure you’re glad to be home & hopefully it will resolve without the need for Surgery & so pleased your husband’s home to look after you too 🌷

Remember we’re always here if you ever need us.

Best Wishes

MrsN 🌷

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